View Full Version : Moving sideways?

02-05-2010, 04:23 PM
Hi everyone .. it's been a long time since posting anything and lots of shifts since, a mix of accepting myself better, and as a consequence becoming a lot more relaxed about dressing ... but not somehow getting round to it so much. Except just recently, in cold weather, I decided to try wearing black wool-mix tights (pantyhose) instead of long-johns ... wonderfully warm and comfortable .... and finding myself thinking nothing about it, being with friends, colleagues, family (situations where I'd usually feel very guilty or too self-aware) ... and feeling they're completely normal clothing. I'm now ready to go to a store to get another couple of pairs for ordinary use, guy mode... So somehow, I seem to have gone from accepting my CD persona, though not really doing it much, to merging into wearing women's clothes strictly for practical reasons! Am I still allowed to visit this site?? (just joking... )

Karren H
02-05-2010, 05:08 PM
Moving sideways is better than moving backwards, imho...

02-05-2010, 05:15 PM
Moving sideways is better than moving backwards, imho...

And I must say... I have taken many a step forward only to take 3 or 4 back...side ways is a good thing! Plus that acceptance... really should be considered a little step forward....

02-05-2010, 05:26 PM
yup, you're allowed. Whatever works for ya!

02-06-2010, 06:10 AM
I decided to try wearing black wool-mix tights (pantyhose) instead of long-johns ... wonderfully warm and comfortable .... and finding myself thinking nothing about it, being with friends, colleagues, family (situations where I'd usually feel very guilty or too self-aware) ... and feeling they're completely normal clothing. Am I still allowed to visit this site??

They are “normal” clothing, because you make them so. You are still allowed to visit the site, and participate in our Reindeer Games (viewer discretion is advised). Pssst – don’t tell anyone, but some members here don’t dress up at all, except perhaps in their minds. :shush: Guess what? Unless I’m mistaken, that is also allowed, and even encouraged, since all good things must have a beginning…:battingeyelashes:

02-06-2010, 03:17 PM
Thanks everyone, and for letting me stay! Another posting picked up something of this - the enjoyment of being a man who also enjoys wearing womens clothes, and now doesn't have to pretend the parody of masculinity it seemed was necessary. Sport, beer, and techie obsessions aren't my thing, but it's fine to sample them when I want, and to do lots of physical stuff and feel my body and soul responding well to them, and it's fine to get into music and literature, feel emotions and be able to talk about them to others, and just as it's fine to dress up, look and feel special when I can, either as a man or a woman. Since accepting myself, and telling one or two people, and sharing with everyone here, it's become much easier to become myself, to be ... almost well-adjusted! I can like my particular version of a male self, not feel I'm trying, and embrace all the bits which seemed to have to belong in separate boxes .... Well, sorry for the long post ... still got lots of other things to sort out ... figuring out why my post-widowed relationship story has been so rocky... but that might be for another time...

02-06-2010, 03:49 PM
Sideways is good