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View Full Version : Slim Hipped Women Still Walk With A Wiggle

02-11-2010, 01:19 PM
It seems that every time someone posts about "how to put a wiggle in your walk" there are posts about how women's hips are wider, thereby causing the "wiggle." The idea seems to be that we cannot expect to achieve the same attractive motion.

I was watching some genetic women walking around yesterday and I noticed that there were many women, particularly young women, who were slim hipped, with builds similar to my own.

And almost all of them had seriously nice wiggles to their walk.

The result of hip width? Or learned?

02-11-2010, 01:25 PM
I was thinking about this the other day and I think it has something to do with the human mating ritual.

Men walk with their shoulders to show off how strong and protective they can be to potential mates; they can protect their young.

Women walk with their hips to show off their fertility to potential mates; they can produce lots of offspring.

I read that both men and women adjust how they walk depending on where they are, who's around and what their intentions are. If a man or a woman is alone, they are probably less likely to wiggle their hips or move their shoulders as much because there is less of a chance of attracting a mate.

02-11-2010, 01:32 PM
I have found that I can by copying attune my walk in several ways, I will brush over the cowboy swagger when I am in full boy mode and head for Gillian's stride.

I walk in my usual way by moving my legs one after the other with very little thought and make forward progress by doing so. But, Gillian, well she walks in a whole different way.

I keep my legs far straighter and place my feet in line or fractionally overlapping laterally in a smaller pace length. By doing so it induces a very genuine swing. I got this by watching and re-watching Sean Young in Blade runner as one of the most sexy feminine walks I had seen. Now I just fall into Gillian's stride as soon as the skirt is pulled on.

It seems to be the straighter leg, and overlapping line of the feet that does get the movement in the hips. Just my :2c: worth

02-11-2010, 03:23 PM
It's not in how they look but in how they walk. Those with hips just seem to show it better.

02-11-2010, 03:28 PM
I'm not as slim hipped as I once was, but both my present and ex wife have commented on the cute little wiggle in my walk...its not intentional... Its jus there!

Karren H
02-11-2010, 03:36 PM
Its not so much that their hips are wider but their legs are pinned further apart on the pelvis (abouth the width of a 10 pound baby) which causes them to walk that way.. Guess if you were the proud owner of a birth canal you'd walk differently too? :)

02-11-2010, 04:47 PM
As you have pointed out, slim-hipped women (and lots of TG girls) walk with the characteristically femme wiggle, so it simply cannot be a product of leg/hip geometry.

It is not however obvious that it is learned behavior. Walking without moving ones hip may be the learned behavior - and that is where I am going to put my money. I don't think that women are enculturated to "wiggle" their hips, I think men learn not to. I know that when I am most relaxed or tired, that is when my hips will start to "roll" when I walk - the times I am least concerned with projecting "manhood." Men learn not to do things that women do, at all costs. Men are taught not to move our bodies too much (watch men dance). Women are allowed to sway their hips - men are going to avoid looking like women.

Of course that is all complete and utter conjecture.

I would be interested in seeing some cross culture studies about the amount of hip sway in different cultures... and I am only half kidding.

02-11-2010, 05:10 PM
It has todo with female anatomy. Female hips are spaced wider apart and hip joint is angled slightly forward. This combined with more angled neck of femur [Thigh Bone] means that forward movement at hip moves female leg forward and inward. This gives wiggle and is exaggerated by backward tilt of pelvis. Even leasurely walk by women will show some wiggle.

02-11-2010, 05:31 PM
I bet women with androgynous bodies learn the swing, I'd be surprised if not their mothers, friends or anyone will point it out for them if they walk like a man.

02-11-2010, 05:41 PM
here we are in one of those nature/nurture discussions again!

Kate Simmons
02-11-2010, 06:11 PM
Women walk from the hip. You can practice that by dancing that way.:)

02-11-2010, 07:22 PM

Let me add to this discussion. I've traveled around a handful of countries in my time. Believe it or not, GGs wiggle differently in different parts of the world, regardless of pelvis width. For example, in North America, GGs don't wiggle nearly half as much as in Latin America. In Asia they wiggle even less than in America.

Hence, my take is that this is learned behavior. Anatomy (having a wider pelvis and looser joints) may make it easier for them to move that way if they choose to. However, it doesn't mean that we can't do it! We've been trained to keep it together at all times.

Now, we need to "unlearn" that tightness! So, everybody just grab their belly-dancing costumes, put on some engaging music and begin working on loosening up those hips!!!

02-11-2010, 07:30 PM
The walk in heels, that almost dancing from the hip, using the whole leg so that the heel and toe colide with the ground simultaneously, generates a turning in the hip...else one would fall over.

That turning in the hip generates the "wiggle". How much of a turn, or how exagerated the turn, is societal and will change from place to place. That there is a "wiggle" will not as the hip turn requires it.


Carly D.
02-11-2010, 08:07 PM
I watch women walk when they are dressed up and anymore either they don't dress enough or they lose touch with the ability to look female... Because I feel like I can wear what they wear and walk the way they walk.. I so badly want to yell at them "you want me to show you how to walk in those shoes??"..

02-11-2010, 08:37 PM
As you have pointed out, slim-hipped women (and lots of TG girls) walk with the characteristically femme wiggle, so it simply cannot be a product of leg/hip geometry.

It is not however obvious that it is learned behavior. Waling without moving ones hip may be the learned behavior - and that is going to put my money. I don't think that women are enculturated to "wiggle" their hips, I think men learn not to. I know that when I am most relaxed or tired, that is when my hips will start to "roll" when I walk - the times I am least concerned with projecting "manhood." Men learn not to do things that women do, at all costs. Men are taught not to move our bodies too much (watch men dance). Women are allowed to sway their hips - men are going to avoid looking like women.

Of course that is all complete and utter conjecture.

Conjecture, eh?



02-11-2010, 08:42 PM
Their bone structure is a big part of the explaining. Even in slim ladies, their bone structure is different.

They also tend to accumulate more tissue in the butt/hip/thighs area. This additional mass wiggles.

Also, their skin is softer an loser. The reason why many CDs have so nice looking legs is because they are firmer and less prone to cellulite than woman's, because our skin is tighter. It also contributes to their wiggling.