View Full Version : A retraction and an apology

02-13-2010, 09:55 AM
I posted something yesterday and it bothered me to the point that I could not sleep last night.

Ok I. Have a little quandry here. From what I understand people that are TS want to fit into a role opposite that to which their body was at birth. For me though that was the case at one time. I'm no longer fighting the way I was born. Instead. I accepted it.

After going through the posts that so many of you have been kind enough to post, I think I have to retract what I said.

From what I have been reading of other people’s experiences, I have more in common with the TS population than I have been admitting to myself.

Regardless of HOW I went about getting to the point I am at in life right now. I am definitely having gender issues. If my posts seemed misleading I apologize. I’m kind of messed up right now.

… and I guess I found some of the answers to my own questions.

How do you tell the difference between sexual orientation, fear of sex, and having personal issues with your own body?
How doesn’t matter, I’m having issues with all of them. Two are the same issue at root, and the other will not be possible to know until I have dealt with it.

How do you pull down walls inside your own mind that you put up to protect yourself so that you can sincerely and honestly tap into your own feelings about yourself?

Would having a doctor take a scalpel to me to make me look more "normal" do anything at all to make the pain I have inside go away, or is it a matter of just learning to embrace the way I am?

It looks like the same answer fits both, through time and introspection.

If just learning to embrace the way I am were a functional method of dealing with what I’m going through, then I would have been able to already. It is time to look at the alternative, no matter how terrifying it is.

After going back through my life, I found at least 2 cycles of girl/boy where I spend a significant amount of time. I know in which role I was better equipped to deal with day-to-day life (even if it meant an automatic 20% pay cut). So… part of my answer lay in that I’m female, and I’m staying female.

If insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results, I’m going to choose a different action this time.

Instead of running from being labeled as TS, I’m going to approach the label and get to know it a little better. Perhaps it will fit. I’m going to try on the M2F label for a while and see if it fits. (If there were an I2F it would be a perfect fit, but then there wouldn’t be anyone to talk to). I have too many things is common, except perhaps for the bit about having the good(mis)fortune to know more than many TS folk about what it is like to be a child in the gender with which they feel themselves best matched.

If I seem to have mislead anyone, I offer a humble apology. I am still trying to figure this out.

Melissa A.
02-13-2010, 10:59 AM
Which is chasing normal? Denial or or having a doctor take a scalpel to you?? Maybe you should think about the whole way you look at yourself, as well. After all, the whole cissexual dichotomy which views everything through the lens of their normalcy being well, "normal", and our exceptional traits being anything but hasn't exactly been all that helpful, has it? How you tell the difference between your assigned sex and the sex you see yourself as, fear of the act of sex, and sexual orientation, among other things, isn't as important as seeing that they are different quantities. Put another way, your Gender dissonance is a fact. Separating that from who you like sexually, and any sexual issues you may have might just free you from alot of unnecesary complications. There are straight, gay, cissexual, trans, girlie, butch, etc. people of all different kinds out there. Everyone tries to make sense of their exceptional traits. The gender issues you speak about aren't a whole lot more than an attempt to fit in with the culture you belong to, in some way, AND to feel comfortable in your own skin. Which is more important to you, in the long run? The exploration you intend to undertake, and finding a way for it to work for YOU, is the most important thing you can do for yourself. I don't want GRS, take hormones, or live as a woman in order to make myself feel normal. I don't have the luxury of even knowing what that feeling is. And maybe normal is nothing more than us looking at the world, and saying, "I want what he/she has." But how can we know how another human being feels? I am doing all this because it's the only way for me to make sense of my own body, what my mind really expects me to be. There is a difference, and when one reaches a place of real embrace and acceptance of themselves, Gender issues become something other people have. Being Transsexual doesn't always have to be this horrible, terrible scary thing. A challenge, to be sure. More work than I ever wanted to do, which is why I ran away from it for so long. The things I've discovered about myself along the way have been so, so worth the effort, even though sometimes it's still so much work just to live my life. This is the hand I was dealt. Dealing with it has been, really hard, but absolutely liberating, in the long run. But normal? I haven't any idea what that is, anymore. Losing that certainty has been more freeing than almost anything else.



02-13-2010, 12:16 PM
.... putting down the coolaide...
You make some really good points. Sooooo much to think about and so many preconceptions are bouncing around.

Thank you for the insightful response.

Kaitlyn Michele
02-13-2010, 12:23 PM


all i can say is it looks to me like you are flailing around a bit in your own mind...it's hard to tell what you are thinking about if you read everything you said..

when i look back at notes i kept years ago, i wrote down alot of stuff and even I am not sure what i meant!!!!:doh:

anyway...try to simplify your thinking...and focus on one thing at a time, get control of your day to day thought process...what is TODAY"s issue? then work on that...as you progress day to day, it opens up the future for you..

if you can't do that ...you need help to do that...otherwise you will not be in a good position to make the longer term decisions you want to make...(even if your long term decision is no decision -- you still need to think it through, or you will go through this over and over....and over)

02-13-2010, 01:03 PM
Once you have found out what is going on in your own mind you can start working on the body.

02-23-2010, 07:05 AM
OK, after talking to a therapist... I have a letter to get back on HRT and we are working on a plan to get me to the point where I can live well. I WANT SRS, but its not about the SRS. Its about living well.

02-24-2010, 12:25 AM
I WANT SRS, but its not about the SRS. Its about living well.

Sounds like you are on the correct path to me.

02-24-2010, 11:58 AM
You are right. It is about living well and finding happiness in who you are. Happiness is found internally it's not found externally. I am wrestling with issues much like yours and my path to happiness will not likely be the same as yours. However I do know that our physical being is secondary to out mental and spirtual being. Therefore, changing your body is not the single key to finding a feeling of grace in your daily life.

02-24-2010, 02:01 PM
I didn't see anything that needed an apology, so relax.
