View Full Version : Tranny envy/tranny lust

02-13-2010, 11:44 PM
Is there such a thing as tranny envy where you see someone, as transgenderrd person you find so attractive, but you want to BE that person so badly, that it hurts? This is not the same as being physically attracted someone, but actually wanting to be that person.
I'm trying to find a legitimate definition.

02-14-2010, 12:10 AM
In the past I had seem Transsexuals that I envied because they looked really good, but not to the point that I wanted to be them rather than look like them. I have a g/f who is from Vietnam, and she is drop dead gorgeous..110% passable, but she's messed up in the head...lol She has some major issues. I am pretty comfortable with myself now however.

Kathi Lake
02-14-2010, 01:34 AM
I get that way from time to time, but usually GGs. I look at them in their unknowing feminine beauty, and just ache that I can't be like that.


02-14-2010, 07:14 AM
I envy the way a lot of girl here look. And from time to time wish I could be them. But all in all I am just happy being me.

Kate Simmons
02-14-2010, 07:46 AM
Not really Hon. How can someone ever get a handle on being themself if they want to be someone else?

Karren H
02-14-2010, 08:03 AM
Nope.. I don't envy anyone... And lust isn't even in my vocabulary any more.

Marcie R.
02-14-2010, 08:07 AM
I very often look at super attractive GG's and wish that I could look that good, when I transform into my feminine self. Isn't that what most CD's are trying to do anyway?:battingeyelashes:

02-14-2010, 09:14 AM
Is there such a thing as tranny envy where you see someone, as transgenderrd person you find so attractive, but you want to BE that person so badly, that it hurts? This is not the same as being physically attracted someone, but actually wanting to be that person.

I’ve seen a few trannies I envy, one way or another, but mainly in the movies, where there is an undeniable level of “polish” and acting skill. These characters are fictitious, yet inspiring. In real life, I’ve met beautiful females with non-envious poor personalities, along with sensitive males who would make fabulous crossdressers, yet they have no idea that this secretive world exists. I like many members on this site, but do I envy them? The truth is I’ve met nobody I would dearly like to be. I decided a long time ago to be “me” and that has been successful so far… :D

Staci G
02-14-2010, 09:40 AM
I met a post op transexual one time at Myrtle Beach she was very beautiful but was not happy, I never understood why for a long time, but I realize we sometimes make changes that can not be reversed, or mistakes we cant take back. I don't envy being anyone else because I don't know all the baggage they have to carry, I have enough of my own to drag around. I sometimes think I would like to have C or D cup boobs but then I think how on earth do you explain those unless you transition fully, I am not ready for that but yep sometimes I have boob envy. :daydreaming:

02-14-2010, 09:44 AM
Thanks alll for the responses.
I think my question was more of asking how someone just does it better.
Maybe narcissism is a better word. As for me, I don't actually want to be someone else, I'm happy being me.

Nicole Brown
02-14-2010, 10:28 AM
Hi Nathalie,

I agree with you, but I also agree with what many of the other girls have said. I have admired both CDs and GGs and envied their looks, maybe even wanted to look like them, but at the end of the day, I am who I am and have learned to be satisfied with myself. Now, that doesn't mean that I have stopped trying to improve my looks, on the contrary, I am constantly trying to look more feminine.

Michelle 2774
02-14-2010, 11:27 AM
Isn't that the truth, Nicole!

Being me is hard enough, but I agree, there are GG's or TS's who I think look great, and I try to polish myself to be more effeminate (is some of their styles or actions) rather than being jealous of them...

02-14-2010, 11:33 AM
Ok I'll bite. I do see some others cds and ts's and have some tinges of jealousy. Wow I wish I looked that good, etc. I also have had an occasional crying spell when I saw a woman and realized that would never be me. But in generally Im fairly happy so I keep pushing on.