View Full Version : Hate crime helen & i while in her hospital bed!!!!!!

02-17-2010, 04:11 AM
I had to take Helen back to Leicester on Sunday as an emergency as her graft
came apart and the infection was really bad :( It's been 48 hrs and she still
hasn't seen Mr Terry I have had to come home without her coz my funds are
running out :(

Yesterday Helen received nasty vindictive hateful threats aimed at us both one
of which said I was drop dead too :( This was so not nice :( Anyway we have
reported it as a hate crime to the police in Hull. This sick worped very sad
person needs to get themselves sorted coz it's totally not called for!!!!! xx
Felix :hugs:

christina marie
02-18-2010, 12:29 PM
it is so sad that some people insist on displaying their smallmindedness to the world. if they must be a troll,why cant they just keep it inside? i am truly sorry that you had to bear this with so much else going on,and hope that you can find the strength to put it aside and focus on being there,if not in body,at least in spirit for Helen. Big :hugs: and lots of :love: to you both and i will keep my fingers crossed for a speedy recovery!

02-18-2010, 01:07 PM
Felix am sorry hun you and Helen had to go through this, well Debs and I know the small mindedness of some people :sad:, but think of the many many people you two meet on any given day, they treat you both with respect and consideration, fear is what makes thugs and idiots act as they do, and sometimes what they hate most is what is inside them and they are scared to face it.

Hang in there, hold your head up high and hold tight to each other and those who know and love you ..... Debs and I include mate :hugs::hugs: & :love::love: from us

Shelly Preston
02-18-2010, 01:16 PM
It's sad when people do this just because they cant cope with anything outside there own little world

Helen & Yourself have done nothing to deserve this and you were right to report it to the police


02-18-2010, 01:41 PM
And this is why some of us choose to work extra hard to bring about change in the world. I know you and Helen certainly do. There's no telling how many lives you personally have improved, but we all still have work to do. I'm glad you reported it to the police. :hugs:

02-18-2010, 02:10 PM
just so long as it remains only hate, and does not become a crime.

people that hate will always hate no changing them, just so long as they keep to them selves and not try to do something to you or yours it can be lived with.

i understand knee capping works real good:eek:
not really as that is a crime.


02-18-2010, 02:30 PM
It takes a small mind to do something like this. I hope you and Helen will get through this okay and don't let the small minds of other bother you.

02-18-2010, 05:22 PM
Hugz and very best wishes to you both.

Even tho' we know its only words, and it says more about them than you, it still stings a bit.

More hugz x

02-19-2010, 02:54 PM
Hope both of you are doing better and get better. Its sad that there are assholes and we cannot kill them all :D

02-21-2010, 03:08 PM
Thanx everyone for your support Helen is still not great she is still in a lot of pain and on more antibiotics and stronger pain killers but hopefully she will pick up soon.

As for that idiot it was reported because the things they said are classed as HATE CRIME :( and hopefully the police will trace the mobile number. I'll keep ya posted on how Helen is doing :) xx Felix :hugs:

02-21-2010, 03:40 PM
thanks for the update Felix, give Helen our love :hugs:

02-22-2010, 07:07 AM
Poor Helen. I sure hope she feels better soon. :sad: :hugs:

hopefully the police will trace the mobile number.
Wait, what? I assumed it was a note. The jerk called you? How would they have gotten your telephone number? Do you think it's someone you know, or who works at the hospital?

02-22-2010, 08:33 AM
Send my love to Helen mate, she must be so tired of all of this crap. Hope you are okay too man, look after her [I know you will :hugs:] she's a diamond! From both me and Marc xOx

02-27-2010, 12:53 PM
Best wishes and a solid recovery for your Helen. My thoughts and hopes are also with you that karmic justice will be meted out very soon against those hateful (insert explicative here).

02-28-2010, 02:35 AM
Thanx for your support Elric much appreciated my friend :) xx Felix

02-28-2010, 10:43 AM
There are some nasty people in the world- sorry you and Helen had to experience this, especially when you have enough to worry about. Good for you for reporting it.

Niya W
03-04-2010, 10:33 AM
just so long as it remains only hate, and does not become a crime.

people that hate will always hate no changing them, just so long as they keep to them selves and not try to do something to you or yours it can be lived with.

i understand knee capping works real good:eek:
not really as that is a crime.


Death threats are a crime .lf he is willing to call Felix or Helen and tell them those things he does need to be watched .

Oh and Metal guy some folks do need to be taken out to the wood shed for a good ole fashion ass beating. Folks like that only understand violence pain. People like that jail does nothing to them.

03-04-2010, 09:59 PM
Some people...

I hope Helen is doing better.

Kitty Sue
03-04-2010, 10:41 PM
Thinking of you and Helen both Felix. I hope things improve soon. All the best, KS.

03-07-2010, 10:59 PM
Best wishes for Helen and you, I hope God will answer both your prayers.

The person, or people who dole out natsy threats have no soul, let alone a human heart. That's proof that they cannot even confront themselves.
Anyway, stay strong.