View Full Version : Whats your excuse?

08-09-2005, 10:24 PM
For those of you who are still in the closet, at least to certain people, what excuse do you use when anyone asks or notices shaved legs, shaved chest, or things of that nature?

I am just curious. I have pretty much stopped caring and giving excuses... just saying personal preference... but I used to use the ol' "It makes it easier to swim" or "I am trying to get a tan and it helps". But those never worked in the winter time!

I did tell my doctor when he asked that I did a lot of cycling! :D

Mx Justina
08-09-2005, 11:05 PM
For those of you who are still in the closet, at least to certain people, what excuse do you use when anyone asks or notices shaved legs, shaved chest, or things of that nature?

I am just curious. I have pretty much stopped caring and giving excuses... just saying personal preference... but I used to use the ol' "It makes it easier to swim" or "I am trying to get a tan and it helps". But those never worked in the winter time!

I did tell my doctor when he asked that I did a lot of cycling! :D

I applaud your idealistic stance...but, your pointed question may best be asked if you display at least a fully faced avatar or profile pix...otherwise you are unintentionally re-enforcing the closet mindset...I mean obviously you still care about anonymity (ie: your headless fotos).


08-09-2005, 11:16 PM
I think Cders get excessively paranoid about this issue. Nobody cares, it is just a personal preference no different than say wearing an earing or dying your hair. And for those few who are inquisitive they would assume it was done for sensual reasons. What they will NOT be thinking is you are a crossdresser.

08-09-2005, 11:29 PM
I think that Helana has a point:

I walk around in shorts most of the time, most of the year, until the temperature drops below 40 degrees F. I have very little hair on my legs, shaving only once since I began "dressing-up" a couple of years ago (which I do only indoors). Never has anyone looked at me "funny" or said a word because my legs look as clean-shaven as any woman's.


08-10-2005, 12:00 AM
Doctor insist that I wear sunscreen every time I'm out in the sun since I'm prone to skin cancer. So much hair makes it very messy and inconvenient to apply lotion every day... it goes on so much easier now that I've shaved off the hair.

This is the excuse I'm thinking of using anyway... I just shaved my legs for the first time ever a couple days ago. The excuse is so lame, it just might work.

Rita Farie
08-10-2005, 12:31 AM
No excuse needed

I've been shaving these precious legs of mine for at least fifteen years.
No one has ever asked me a question about shaving them. I have gotten quite a few complements:
"Your legs have a beautiful tan".

If some one ever questioned my hairless legs, I'd probably just smile and change the subject.


08-10-2005, 12:39 AM
People don't ask me anything. They just judge outright. :/

But if they did I would just say "That's my style".

Tristen Cox
08-10-2005, 12:53 AM
My excuse, I say mind your own business :p

08-10-2005, 01:01 AM
None of my family have hairy legs. On my Dads side that is ;)

Being blonde helps, but I don't hide 'em and have never had a comment.


08-10-2005, 01:10 AM
I do for my SO. They like it, so what your wont go that extra for you. It works you know. :D

08-10-2005, 01:51 AM
I think Cders get excessively paranoid about this issue. Nobody cares, it is just a personal preference no different than say wearing an earing or dying your hair. And for those few who are inquisitive they would assume it was done for sensual reasons. What they will NOT be thinking is you are a crossdresser.
Totally agree Helana.

Been totally body waxed for over a decade.

Just started wearing earrings full time in drab after having ears pierced two months ago.

Been dying my natural hair for over five years.

Except for a bit of teasing from my mates over choices of hair colour, i've never had anyone say anything nasty about the above aspects, even had a few nice comments along the way!

Girls? Just do these things and forget about other peoples predjudices ok?


Amanda Leigh
08-10-2005, 03:53 AM
Ive shaved on and off since high school so noone even looks twice anymore.

Jamie M
08-10-2005, 04:02 AM
I remember my lamest excuse ever for shaved legs was "I was trying one of those fake tan creams on my legs and I had a violent chemical reaction to it which ended up removing all my leg hair, it's all in the hands of my lawyer's now, honest guv"

hehe , don't think anyone bought it don't ya know ;)

anyway , pretty much after that i gave up caring. it certainly helps us brits when old 'Golden Balls' Beckham shaves pretty much everything and goes gabbing to the papers about doing it . no-one cares anymore . see i knew he had a use in life =)

08-10-2005, 04:24 AM

with above 90 degree temps for the last 3 weeks, it's not hard to come up with an excuse.. Hair is sweaty!

08-10-2005, 04:36 AM
When I have been questioned (usually by work mates), I just look them in the eye and say "Because I wanted to - and how does this affect your life?"... that usually shuts them right up :D


Wendy me
08-10-2005, 05:11 AM
we are well my wife is going through this right now the omg someone will notice and a few people have noticed my shaved legs no big deal ..and eather thay have liked them or had no comment..i realy don't care i love my shaved legs ...summer ishere and i am not abought to hide them ....if thay upset you don't look.........

08-10-2005, 05:17 AM
I've never been asked, so I have never needed an excuse.

08-10-2005, 05:31 AM
most of the time I dont give a damn but for thoses "men" who must make a comment I sa,if you dont like it dont look,if you cant say something nice dont say it at all,or, dont knock it if you wont try it: and usually they back off
but then I really dont give a flying ----. luv kisses hugs and god bless

08-10-2005, 06:22 AM
Heh, I hide my legs... Because if I do shave them, and wear shorts, people may ask questions (I am passing incredibly well now that I've cut my hair), and if I don't shave them my family will pester me about it-- not that I care that much, but I don't want to make them feel uncomfortable... That and I used to be SO meticulous about shaving every single day.
Of course there are times when I wear jeans torn at the knee, which show my shaven- or unshaven- ness, and nobodyy says anything.

Eh, I'm not really into wearing shorts anyway.

Well, I'll bugger off now...

(I prefer guys with shaved bodies, CD or not)

08-10-2005, 06:23 AM
The one time I was asked about shaving I just looked at the guy like he was a freak and told him that I had been doing it since 7th grade so what and went about my business. And for that matter I feel the same about coloring my hair. If someone doesn't like it then don't look. I have come to the decision that I just really don't care what they think as long as I am comfortable with how I look and my whife is comfortable with it that is all that matters.


08-10-2005, 08:16 PM
I feel it is your right to show on here what you wish of yourself. Some of us still have to work and our jobs could be on the line if our boss did find out etc.
That would be our retirement gone etc. Years on a job thrown away.
So Hun it's a persons choice what they show on a world wide Internet for who knows who to view. Sorry but that just happens to be my B Button.
1st year Internet rules still apply. No phone numbers to open forums. No addresses etc. This was taught in my first ever school I did go to on the net.
So Hun I'm sorry to disagree with some of you. But it's a persons right to show what they want!

Ok on the subject. I think my hardest one was my toe nails once upon a time. I had painted them red with a gold line across the end. Quite nice actually. I did go to a friends home and we had been offered to have a swim in the pool etc. So with some of their clothes we did. Of coarse we had to talk of my nails. The Wife said " you know the grand kids love trying out new ideas on Grand Pa and I". Bless her soul.


08-10-2005, 08:25 PM
Ok off my soap box. *Sigh.

Hugs Girls... *smile*


Tristen Cox
08-10-2005, 09:20 PM
"Paul, it was all so strange...when the aliens returned me home all my leg hair was gone, and it won't grow back! Do you think they did the butt probe thingy?"

08-10-2005, 09:38 PM
I need to apply medical ointments on both my legs. They are completely covered with psoriasis. I've had it since the age of 2. Hairy legs are no good when you need to apply the medicine because it does not work as effectively. The psoriasis flare up so bad and make me very self consious. I pretty much have psoriasis all over my body and need to shave all body hair with exception of arms so the medicine can have a chance to work.

The itchiness is the worst part. I sometimes find myself scratching the psoriasis till it bleeds. Sometimes I can't sleep at night because the itchiness is so intolerable!

I started shaving legs so the medicine can be absorbed and help fade the psoriasis. Nobody questions the shaved legs because the psoriasis are so evident. They ask me what the red patches on my legs and chest are. I reply psoriasis.

The "heartbreak of psoriasis"


Rachel Morley
08-10-2005, 11:13 PM
I've had shaved legs since...well... since I can't remember. When I first started shaving it was because I worked out a lot in the gym and I was going for the smooth tanned muscular look. There was one time during the summer "when I brought my legs out" for the first time in front of a group of my friends (both men and women) and one of the girls said in a loud voice in front of everyone else "hey, have you shaved your legs?". I went all quiet for a second and then said "err..yes, why do want to know?" She just sort of said "oh nothing, I just wondered" and that as that. I'm sure my guy friends hadn't noticed and they had this sort of "he's weird" look on their face but it didn't impact my friendship with any of them. I'm still friends with them all today.

My advice to you is that, first off no one really notices, but if they do notice they usually don't say anything, and even if they do say anything, your response should be as if it's the most natural thing in the world.

Angela Burke
08-10-2005, 11:23 PM
Because hairy legs and stockings just don't look right together! (in my humble opinion.)
Or, "none of your effing business!"

Love Angela XX

Mandy Salamander
08-11-2005, 02:06 AM
......so morons can ask questions...

08-11-2005, 02:48 AM
-well enough, for butthole strangers, though I kind of agree with Haley, the "inquisition" would come from ,family, freinds, co-workers , and my explaination that competitive, swimmers, cycleists,bodybuilders do it, might recieve -mixed reviews,,, "cycleist" hmm- the "Harley" goes faster.. yeah-That's It!-- I've done shaves before, and loved the feeling, yet -all or nothing perhaps, as stubble sucks!!- though I'm blessed?- with fine mild blonde hair, all over so,, proper choice in tights covers nicely- though......... smoothe feeling , of leg on leg is-ohh,,, enticing, and the more sheer stockings ,too..........ivedoneitbefore-
ahh-screw-it, where's the nair ;) :D "K"

08-11-2005, 06:57 AM
I tell them none of their f**king business