View Full Version : This can happen anywhere

Melissa A.
02-18-2010, 08:24 PM
Sad, but still true. I truly hope she gets rich from this, and puts these "officers" in the poorhouse, in the process. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....




P.S. PDF file of her complaint is attached to story, as well

02-18-2010, 10:23 PM
I too hope that her suit wins out. I do fear for her safety though ... sometimes not a good idea to be person suing the police. Of course the neighborhood might also be problematic...

She is brave to go ahead with this !

02-19-2010, 01:28 AM
I hope they nail the officers and lt. to the wall. This is real depressing.

02-19-2010, 02:06 AM
Jebus H. Hamster Balls! In 2010? Really?

Makes you proud to be an ACLU member though, doesn't it?

Ms Deidre
02-19-2010, 02:54 AM
I hope they crucify those officers and make an example of them for all their brethern to see. Either that or maybe some sensitivity training, perhaps a month or soi n her shoes or should we say heels? :D

Many yeas ago I got pulled over by the police after leaving a bar. I am not a drinker and had been sipping Diet Coke all evening yet they insited on putting me through a body frisk and yes some good gropes, then the sobriety tests. Try walking a straight line in 4" heels with 3" of snow on the ground. They did fiinally let me go after an hour or so and I am sure they had a good laugh afterwards. Back then I was young, naive, and just plain scared so I never pursued it and I doubt I could have gotten anywhere if I had. Thank God times are chaging!

Kaitlyn Michele
02-19-2010, 08:28 AM
oh no!!....that makes me sad..

i hope it cost those cops their jobs

02-19-2010, 01:01 PM
Jebus H. Hamster Balls! In 2010? Really?

Makes you proud to be an ACLU member though, doesn't it?

I am not surprised, there is a lot of suppressed anger out there. While nothing like that has happened to me (thank your chosen deity), but I have had cops tell me that they had not intention of honoring the state of Iowa's law protecting the rights of Trans folks.

"Jebus H. Hamster Balls! "
:lol2: I love it!! but isn't it a sin if you say something ... intending it to be read as a cus word ???? ;)

Dawn D.
02-19-2010, 02:09 PM
I do hope that the ACLU has someone keep a very close watch out for this lady's safety. Remember Duanna Johnson in Memphis? She filed a complaint and three weeks later, shot dead in the street. I would take very seriously the suggestion of supposed law enforcement, for the subrogating of gang violence toward her.

This is a further testament to how far we still have to go to end discrimination toward Trans people.

And, I too, hope she causes significant damage to the purchasing power of these officers, the police dept and the city!


02-19-2010, 02:43 PM
The story is just too sad for words. It amazes me how some police officers that are there to protect and serve the citizens find pleasure in doing what they swore to stop.

I didn't spend most of my adult life protecting our freedom so a couple of bullies wearing police uniforms can take it away from a sister.

I wonder how quick they would be to do this and call names if they realized how many of their brothers and sisters in uniform are TG brothers and sisters.


02-19-2010, 08:01 PM
I am not surprised, there is a lot of suppressed anger out there. While nothing like that has happened to me (thank your chosen deity), but I have had cops tell me that they had not intention of honoring the state of Iowa's law protecting the rights of Trans folks.

Charming! Are they aware that they don't get to decide which laws they enforce? That even saying that they do not intend to enforce the laws is grounds for termination?

Do you think they would be willing to honor the states laws protecting human beings?

It is BS like this that makes me serious wonder about the value of the police force. Obviously, the police are a necessary evil, but gone are the days when you could trust that a police officer wasn't a criminal, or might help you ... Ugh. Don't get me on a rant.

I am sure that these fine graduates of our nations police academies fully intend to enforce the really important laws... like speeding... or illegal parking... but someone being beaten to death... "awww shucks... can't do anything about that..."

Seriously. Ice-T had a point.

"Jebus H. Hamster Balls! "
:lol2: I love it!! but isn't it a sin if you say something ... intending it to be read as a cus word ???? ;)

You know, I get called a heretic every time I say it, but for Christians, "sin" isn't a relevant issue. Which, ironically is the entire point.

02-19-2010, 08:36 PM
That's truly disgusting...like the plot of the movie "Different for Girls" where a post-op transwoman is harassed by police officers satisfying their curiosity...police misconduct everywhere...

The most liberal college town in my state just refused to even consider an ordinance prohibiting discrimination on the basis of transgender...I was going to speak at the hearing but my lawyer told me the effort would have been wasted...the comments by the city council were ignorant and offensive...

Now on a lighter note...were we talking about hampster balls?

Click it...guaranteed...:D


02-19-2010, 09:23 PM
That's an hour away from where I live. o.O I know this could happen anywhere, but yikes. Massive props to her, though, for not allowing herself to be intimidated. I really hope something is done about those officers.