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View Full Version : Your SUCH a girl!

02-21-2010, 03:28 PM
Hi All,
Today I'm dressed mostly for the first time in a few months, and walking past my wife(while I'm carrying a load of clean towels) she says'CUTE outfit! Your such a girl! I'm wearing a beige/white marled look sweater, denim leggings, slouch boots in tan that I got on Friday(more about that later) and she has said this to me a half dozen times over the last few weeks.
We were shopping and I saw an outfit I liked(jr's section) and she says'Your such a girl, sorry babe that's for young little girls and your a big girl'. Now I know she was having fun with me and I loved the comment, but it did catch me off guard. Last Friday we go into Payless(The only place I buy shoes size 12) and I find the boots as well as two pairs of flats; one in grey sueded, the other black patent with silver rings on the toe. As she is looking I show her what I find and she O.K.'s me buying them and to go pay as she has'nt found anything anyway. I go to the SA to pay and she ask's if I need a gift receipt, I reply'aaah no?' and she looks at me questioningly and say's No? I say'Correct' and she asks 'Aren't these a gift? I laugh and say yes, for me! Her jaw was on the floor! My wife is looking at purses off to the side and is giggling and then walks up and say's 'Yeah, he's such a girl, probably has more shoes than me!' The SA has this look of total shock as she continues to ring up my purchase. I pay and she stutters 'Hope you enjoy them, Have a good day! We walk out giggling like two school girls, I look back and the SA still has this look of shock, I wink and wave as we walk out of sight!!!
Sorry this is so long, but I had to post this as I've never had this happen before. Most other SA's say nothing or chat me up about the shoes I buy, so this was a new one for me!
Has Anyone else's SO made comments like this? At first I was stunned, but now I really like it and it makes me feel really good!

02-21-2010, 03:53 PM
My wife hates my crossdressing and is in the "don't wanna know about it, don't wanna see it" mode.

yet, although i am always in male clothes with her, when I relax my mannerism sometime let loose and I get some "you are such a girl" or "stop doing your lady" or "are you ok, young lady?".

on the SA story, that was funny. I always pretended to shop for my wife until lately, and I never had such reaction (usually neutral SA mode), but sometimes the opposite "You must look great in that!" or "you are so cool" from ladies SA. and that feels great too.

I am glad you and your wife have fun with your crossdressing.

02-21-2010, 05:26 PM
i had a great experience in shoe carnival. i walked in the door this winter and there was a clean cut, good looking hispanic guy standing behind the cashier island. he was very friendly, welcomed me and asked me if i needed any help. i said no, i am just looking at boots. he pointed to the back corner of the store where the mens boots were (i was dressed drab). i thanked him and then said actually i am looking for girls boots. he got a shocked look for a second and then smiled and said 'oh, im sorry. i didnt know'. i replied 'it ok, how would you know' and smiled at him. he made sure to just kind of check in a time or two very nicely to see if i needed any help. i bought a pair of black basic sporto boots and helped myself to a nice pair of snakeskin looking heeled shoes that are very cool (buy one get one free! yay!).
it was an excellent first experience. i suspect as i have read here many times that SA's are overall a great group. i have yet to have a bad experience having been shopping for girls things alone and making it clear they were for me by the conversation. it was important to me since i spent so long buying the occasional item with some kind of cover story. so glad that is in the PAST!!!! no shame ever again for jennifer.

O2B Barbara
02-21-2010, 05:42 PM
I am a lucky one. My wife will point out items when we are shopping as something that would be perfect for Barb. It is kind of fun when we are in a crowded store and we talk about Barb. Makes people wonder a bit.

02-21-2010, 06:31 PM
Wow, that's a great story. Loved it. Gabi has been out of the house only once, and hasn't been shopping yet. BF is still too embarrassed to buy stuff on his own, so I don't see anything like this happening to us in the near future. But it is fun just to imagine. I hope we get to this comfort zone one day. Kudos to you and your SO! :thumbsup:

02-21-2010, 07:21 PM
i would pay to see the SA face when you said that shoes were for you. oh wait.... next time i'm asked i would say that those bras or tights are for me and that they are not a gift:heehee:

Karren H
02-21-2010, 08:42 PM
Close..... "Your acting like a girl.... STOP IT RIGHT NOW"

02-21-2010, 08:49 PM
That was a shocker from payless. I usually get the "did they fit alright" SAs.

Angie G
02-21-2010, 08:57 PM
My wife hasn't told me I such a girl yet.We do shop together and She has found me some nice things for me.:hugs:

02-21-2010, 09:05 PM
The cashier lady at the drugstore was getting a big kick out of my buying some makeup items there, grinning and asking me 'how well does that Maybelline eyeliner work for you ?'. I have been told my a friend's wife that I was SO prissy.....

02-21-2010, 09:28 PM
Hi All,

Has Anyone else's SO made comments like this? At first I was stunned, but now I really like it and it makes me feel really good!

A few months ago I had a similar experience with an obviously neophyte SA when I ordered new bifocals. I've previously posted the whole story, but to recap . . .

In drab, I asked for help in selecting feminine frames. Although the prescription was in my name, she couldn't believe the glasses were for me; insisted they must be "for your wife". I have to believe I was the first CD she ever knowingly had met. I did get her to show me some frames and we picked out frames that went well with my face. I could tell she was still trying to sort all this out as she rang up the sale.

Two weeks later I came in to pick up my glasses. The same SA checked them out on me. I must say that all went well.

Hope you're enjoying your new shoes and boots.


Teri Jean
02-21-2010, 09:37 PM
The other day I had been a couole hundred miles away visiting a friend and did some shopping at her mall. I bought a nice blouse and skirt and found the zipper on the skirt was damaged so I returned it to the same store here at home. The SA was my age, experianced, and she said it was nice for me to buy something for my wife. I told her it was for me to which she asked if I dressed very often. I said yes, 24-7 except for that particular day. She smiled and said thank you for shopping there.


02-21-2010, 10:25 PM
Well first off good for you in not trying to hide it in front of the SA. As far as the girl comments it sounds like your wife is really trying to be supportive of you. That's wonderful! My wife says things similar to that like here ya go girly when she hands me something. I think for her its both for my benefit and hers. I know she is trying to not call me by anything masculine like i am sure she is used to after several years of it. All in all i love it whenever she does it.

02-21-2010, 11:16 PM
:rofl:What a great wife! Keep having fun girls! That was the best laugh of the day.:lol:


2B Natasha
02-21-2010, 11:35 PM
Had a very similar experience the other day at Macy's. I went in to buy a Tunic and wanted one out of the I.N.C. label. So I went into the department and looked around a bit. Most of what they had was out of my budget for the day. Until I spotted he sales rack. AHA. And there is was. A Black Tunic with yellow print. In, what I wasn't sure, was my size. So as I am standing there the SA comes up and asked me if I needed any help. Sure if you not to closed minded. I replied. She said she wasn't. So I asked if she thought this would fit me. I told her I would love to try it on but I knew Macy's has a policy about men in the ladies fitting rooms. What ever. So anyway's She get's this look on her face. Not weirded out but like she is trying to process the information . I was in drab mind you and needed a good shave. So she comes back with. " Is it really for you. " I said yes. Next she say's. Your not joking with me are you. I said no. Really it's for me. Processes information look. I guess she got it in the end. She tried showing me how to test fit it without trying it on. If it wraps half way around, blah blah blah. That works great, if your shoulders are as wide as your hips. LOL. But I bought it and went on my way. Talked to her about different paddings and the like we use to make the figure. SHe wanted to learn and I was willing to teach.

BTW. Fit like it was sewn for me when I got home. Even the arms. Can you believe it.

My wife, well, that is another story. Let's just say she is the ex wife now.

Fab Karen
02-22-2010, 03:57 AM
You mentioned that word ( beige), so automatically I started reaching for the lighter fluid...
Keep shopping proudly, and educating those Wiscanson salespeople.