View Full Version : getting attention

jenifer m.
02-24-2010, 12:25 AM
there have been many times when im out on the town at night or clubbin that ive attracted the attention of men,ive been asked to dance,ive been whistled at,they tried to get my number,and one time i was at a phone booth and a guy was watching me and rear ended a parked car.i was wondering if there are some similer stories out there girls.

02-24-2010, 09:09 AM
I love the attention I get. It is one of the reasons I go out. If I didn't want attention then I would just stay home and watch a movie. :)

I think we have to separate our dressing from other behaviors and needs. My dressing allows me to express a side of me that I rarely get to express in male mode.

Even though I don't follow through and go home with any of the guys or girls that might come up to me it is still nice to know that they find me attractive. It is confirmation that I'm doing something right.



jenifer m.
02-24-2010, 09:17 AM
thanks i agree with your statments.

Kate Simmons
02-24-2010, 12:26 PM
Yeah, this is one reason I put up the thread. Dressing for yourself or others?:)

02-24-2010, 02:05 PM
Hi Denise,

In response to that I would say, "YES". I personally dress for myself and how it makes me feel about myself but I also dress for others. I like their admiration. But I guess that might mean that might also be for me too. :)



02-24-2010, 08:44 PM
I certainly march to a different drummer, and dress for myself. I really don't care what people may think of how I look, I love it and I work at it. My co-workers gave up trying to guess what i would look like the next day at work.

I get my share of attention, men are constantly wanting to dance, take me home and make me their love slave, you know, typical stuff.

jenifer m.
02-24-2010, 11:25 PM
yeah that night if i remember right it was my short red mini dress with fishnets and red 4 inch pumps.i also was using my long mid back length blond wig.at that time of my life my legs were in my opinion perfectly feminine shape.so i think i was rockin that outfit quite well.thanks for inquireing.really brings back some good memories i was about 25 years old then.

02-25-2010, 03:11 AM
Yeah, when out at night in clubbing attire it is great to be noticed, particularly from car drivers who slow down to get a closer look or toot their horns.

I have to wonder if it is because they have made me or have just spotted a pair of great legs between high heels and a high hemline.
