View Full Version : I thought I would share a feeling

02-24-2010, 06:32 AM
As I have said I generally get two days a week while my wife is working to crossdress wear full en femme make up etc. Now, my collection of cosmetics was let me say "limited" up till very recently, but after my salvage job on Monday it exploded into a reasonable collection.

So, well then, On Tuesday in particular, after everyone left, I got out my make-up things and laid them out on the vanity in the ensuite which is about 9 feet long with a basin singly in the centre and a full wall lenght mirror, and set about my transformation.

Well once completed I realised that I had almost filled one half with creams concealer foundations etc etc etc and in reflecting today, I have such a warm glow inside as I grow and develop inside into this new style of me.

I know for many this is a daily thing but for me in the closet it was sheer bliss!

02-24-2010, 07:05 AM
Gillian, it's not a daily thing for me either, but I love getting the make up out. It's nice getting dressed up, but with make up, like you said, bliss.

02-24-2010, 07:12 AM
Good for you!!! Nevermind others. These are your moments so savor and celebrate every step of your journey!