View Full Version : My First Day Dressed

02-24-2010, 07:43 PM
My clothes showed up today! :battingeyelashes:

The second I grabbed the package I had the door locked and bolted and the package ripped open. It only took me couple seconds longer to strip my man-duds off and slip into my new black cotton panties, seafoam bra, and bluish-green dress! And of course, I couldn't do my clothes without make-up so I rushed off to the bathroom and did myself up all pretty. I must say, that in my opinion, I look rather good! I had fun prancing around the house in my sexy new clothes. So much fun that I almost forgot I was supposed to pick my fiance up for lunch. I begrudgingly took off the dress (kept the undergarments) and put my jean shorts and hoodie back on, with the hood up and sunglasses on to hide my make-up.

Kitten was way excited about my new clothes and knew they had to have shown up if I picked her up wearing make-up, so I unzipped my hoodie a little and flashed her my bra. :heehee: As soon as we got home she made me put the dress back on and model for her, it was really fun to strut my stuff for her. She enjoyed the show so much we cut lunch short for a quick tryst and I shuttled her off to work again. I'm really loving being dressed for the first time in nearly 10 years. It feels so good to really let Jane out to play!

I'll try to dress as much as possible tomorrow, but we unfortunately have things to do so I won't be able to be Jane all day. However, this weekend there is a drag show, and while I don't have a wig or any accessories, I'm very much tempted to go as Jane... I know I'll be well received and supported (after all, it's a room full of men and women dressed as women and men...) but I'm not sure if I'm ready to out myself to our friends, and god-forbid our neighbor sees me get in the car...

02-24-2010, 10:43 PM
I'm not worried about being recognized, because the few people I know there WILL recognize me (plus I have no reason to hide from the Drag Queens) and those I don't know can kiss my ass (I'm a dude in a dress at a drag show, what did they expect to see? Cars? If so, they should have read the flier better. :heehee:).

I have really short hair currently, as in it would look very butch for a woman to hair like mine, so I don't really look the part with my flowing spring dress and GI Joe (or would it be Jane) haircut. Anyways, I'm not too worried about it. If we decided to go and I decided to dress then I'll may ask one of our drag friends for a loaner wig or I'll just have Kitten do my hair as girly as possible.

I suppose this all gives me a good reason to grow my hair out again, huh? I kinda miss my long hair.

And now that I've thought on it for a while, I'm not overly concerned about outing myself. All of the people I know here know and like at least a couple of TV/CD folks, and I know none of them would give me hell about dressing in women's clothing, although I suspect a couple may have issues with my fashion sense. I guess it's just that I'm nervous about all this acceptance, and I keep waiting for somebody to say "Whoa, back the truck up, you do what now?" Eventually I'm going to hit a boundary and there will be drama, and I'm worried about it, but I'm also kinda looking for it. I'm like a kid who's doing everything she can to find out how far she can go before somebody reigns her in.

I guess I'm just lost in my pink fog, all "go go go" without a thought or care in the world. *sigh* I guess I'm just going to have to talk it out with the SO and get her read on the situation. Got to trust her "woman's intuition" because mine obviously got disabled at the factory. :daydreaming: