View Full Version : with all these crossedressers whos left

03-02-2010, 11:56 AM
you know being on here you see all types of people and they work in all different types of jobs, its got me thinking does this person dress ,
now in most relationships people are hiding this secret and its almost like there alone with these secrets like me and my wife know and maybe one person but thats it. so with so many of these type of relationships out there why isnt there like a gulld just for crossdressers that wifes or girlfreinds can go to to actualy talk and interact with and the crossdresser to be out in the open without being outed to the rest of the world, and with what seems like alot of people now admiting to crossdressing at least once why does it seem like a big deal if someone does know that your a crossdresser,

03-02-2010, 12:18 PM
There is a "guild". Check out Tri Ess, the Society for the Second Self. They are a national organization for CDers and their SOs. You can find a local chapter by going to the Tri Ess website.

03-02-2010, 12:29 PM
I think the big deal is that the M2F is not social accepted as a productive member. We as M2F have a very bad rap in the media showing us as fetish cloth wearing and man hunters. What the media does not show is that we have the same range of presentation as everyday women and many of us are highly intelligent and have higher IQ's than people think.

The F2M has the same problems however they can blend into society better than the majority of M2F.

Society also has a double standard, a F2M who is semi-passing has less problems in the restrooms than a M2F with the same status.

For a person to say they cross dressed once to me says "I cross dress every now and then"

The way to correct the poor perception of M2F's is we need to be out more publicly and show that we are not pedafiles and rapist wanting to gain access to the ladies rooms to see women using the toilet! We need to show that many of us are successful even those like myself who is part time.

I know that for me I have been outed in public as a trans and I noticed that most of the people though the lady was stupid! The solution is if you go out dress for the time of day and if you are tall like myself who is near 7ft tall dress to impress and people will do double takes and ignore the idiots in the world because I know tall GG's who wear heels and can look me in the eyes and they have the same problems with people thinking they are guys even when they are with their children and pregnant! My mother had to deal with the sorry sir's because she was very tall for a woman! she got that even while she was 8 months pregnant.

The guild thing is our social groups that every city has where we can be ourselves and some even have spouses attended. I find it interesting when the wives get on the husband about what they are wearing and how some wives refuse to us the female pronouns. I know a couple like that and if I am with them I am careful on the female pronouns.

just my .02

03-02-2010, 12:32 PM
True, cross dressing is not a big deal...but our society can't handle even the cross dressing itself, let alone the many variations in peoples' gender identity and sexual orientation.

It would be nice if cross dressing wasn't stigmatized, but it is. I think the best we can hope for is acceptance within our own circle of friends and loved ones.

03-02-2010, 12:36 PM
True, cross dressing is not a big deal...but our society can't handle even the cross dressing itself, let alone the many variations in peoples' gender identity and sexual orientation.

It would be nice if cross dressing wasn't stigmatized, but it is. I think the best we can hope for is acceptance within our own circle of friends and loved ones.

100% correct. If we show support among ourselves then eventually people will see that we are not bad people:) Heck one of our sisters went down in Ohio because it came out! We should have been in that town to support that mayor and encourage her to just dress and come out since the media outed her. I think if she would have just came out she would have gained votes and even if she lost she would have won by showing that she can be a strong woman.

renee k
03-02-2010, 12:53 PM
There is a "guild". Check out Tri Ess, the Society for the Second Self. They are a national organization for CDers and their SOs. You can find a local chapter by going to the Tri Ess website.

In fact there's a group in the Lansing area, if your interested. Just google Tri-Ess.


03-02-2010, 03:56 PM
There is a "guild". Check out Tri Ess, the Society for the Second Self. They are a national organization for CDers and their SOs. You can find a local chapter by going to the Tri Ess website.

That is true Tommi. My wife and i belong to tri -ess and renaissance. Many of us bring our SO's, and many times the GG's will have a break out group to discuss, that they are not alone in having to deal with some of our ....ummmm excentricities....[ewww spelling] you get the idea.

i was just at a tri ess meeting this past week and 4 of the gurls brought their wives.