View Full Version : Was Your CD Life Transformed by this Website?

03-09-2010, 10:26 PM
Before joining this website as Jesse69 back in 2005 I was a lurker for maybe 3 months. All before that my cd life was just crossdressing as "A guy in a dress." After joining this website I learned a lot about wigs, makeup, breastforms, and just what you need to transform yourself to look as much as a woman as possible. So now my crossdressing has been transformed, and I'm no longer a "guy in a dress" but a very passable and beautiful enough crossdresser. I cd sometimes just to admire myself in a full length mirrror. And I can shop now in full drag and be treated like a lady.

So how has this website transformed your CD Life?

Darla L
03-09-2010, 10:44 PM
I have posted here before, and I told my wife about the site, but now she wants to occasionally look at it with me. So, yeah it has changed my life some. We all know the support we get from each other (even us lurkers find help in the various posts) but to have my wife looking here and trying to understand means a lot to me.

jenifer m.
03-09-2010, 10:54 PM
its definently helped me feel more confident about my lifestyle.after hearing all the stories,and comments from all the wonderful people on this forum.ive really stopped caring about what strangers say any more.so yes its transformed my life in a good way...... hell i even wore pantyhose under shorts tonight and had no bad responses,and if i did i wouldent have cared.

03-09-2010, 10:58 PM
By the time I joined, I already had most of my CDing technique figured out. What the site did do for me was help with self-acceptance issues. I got the privilege to interact and learn from a group of unique, special, knowledgeable and friendly people. I understood I'm not alone in this and also that I'm not a freak for being this way. It's been a huge contribution to my life, one I'll be always thankful for!

03-09-2010, 11:18 PM
This site has had a tremendous effect on my life. When I first found this site I was a life long crossdresser, but deep in the closet. I had issues with guilt and shame. Reading the posts and meeting the others here, I have pretty much gotten over the quilt and shame and feel better about myself. With the support and guidance here, I have finally come out to my wife. It is a rough road but it has been smoothed by the good advice I have received. Of course my budget has been negatively affected, by my new clothes purchases, that I might not have made otherwise.


03-09-2010, 11:32 PM
Yes it did. Before reading all the good recommendations and the great experiences of all the beautiful ladies here, I was not able to look and present myself as I can do now.
But in the way it affected me the most was on the self stem, thanks to the forum I was motivated enough to improve my self and venture out in dress, and to seek perfection in my look. And in the meanwhile, I had great fun.
Love and kises to all who make this forum the great tool it is…

03-09-2010, 11:33 PM
I'd have to say that it opened the opportunity to, in addition to my solo outings, actually girl around at the mall, etc. with one of my girlfriends whom I met on this forum. That, in addition to the other little things that paved the way to the current-day Michelle, has had the most profound effect on my femme life.

03-09-2010, 11:35 PM
Yes, being part of a group has een very important to me.

Lynn Marie
03-09-2010, 11:38 PM
"Was Your CD Life Transformed by this Website?"


03-09-2010, 11:48 PM
Its nice to know that one is not alone. :)

Sarah Doepner
03-09-2010, 11:58 PM
No, not that way. It ruined my OLD life, dashed it to the ground and stomped on it with very attractive heels.

I got to the photo threads and felt terribly inadequate compared to some of the ravishing beauties here. When I read the out and about I realized the experiences I've had pale in comparison to those of so many others. The same thing goes for the shopping, makeup and all the other links. Some of the questions and some of the answers have bounced around in my head for days.

You are all such great people that I've been able to learn so much from, chat with and feel like I'm part of a family. I've been inspired to work with other local girls to build a viable Tri-Ess chapter here. I look forward to new opportunities to reflect on what it means to be a crossdresser and maybe offer a couple of words to help someone else come to terms with this constantly evolving perspective on life.

I'm happy that old life is done and gone. Thanks

Chloe Renee
03-10-2010, 01:26 AM
Yes, in a big way. I learned so much from this site, and have meet some interesting people.

03-10-2010, 06:04 AM
Nice to know that I am not alone in this world and that others have had similar experiences.

03-10-2010, 06:24 AM
I received an epiphany several months ago that allowed me to finally accept who I am.

Without this forum, I believe I'd still be riddled with anxiety and doubt.
So many posts here have helped me to realize and finally accept Shari as a real and necessary part of my psyche.

She is and always has been part of my being.

To all of you who helped show me the way, thank you.

Teri Jean
03-10-2010, 06:27 AM
Yes there hs been a big change in my life and it is so much better.


03-10-2010, 07:02 AM
This website saved my life. Keep me from doing the big "No No" at a time of sever depression and turmoil.

I don't know if I ever said thank you for that?

"Thank you crossdressers.com. Thanks a lot."

Be safe. Be smart.

Dawn Marrie

03-10-2010, 08:20 AM
This is the first site I visit in the morning. I have my coffee and love sitting around this big table and visiting with the gurls. Thanks everyone for making my day.

03-10-2010, 10:16 AM
I'm a relative newcomer - just two months on the site. Its been a difficult time for me professionally, and this site has provided me with a welcome respite from those problems.

I don't know that it changed my life as a CDer - that's pretty well established, but I have gotten some helpful tips on dress and makeup.

More importantly, the site has given me an opportunity, for the first time in my life, to discuss issues and concerns with a host of individuals who have a lot to share. We may not always agree, but that's the whole point of discusion...by hearing various perspectives one can expand his/her own understanding.

and I have made quite a few friends with similar interests. That's the greatest benefit of this site.

03-10-2010, 10:33 AM
absolutely - I thought I was the odd one out and now I see all you girls here that are so friendly and helpful and I just love reading all the posts here - I've been a CDer to some degree all my life and do so love it and now feel like I'm one of the girls here - thanks to all of you here - Ellen

03-10-2010, 10:43 AM
Not really, I just have learned to accept myself better from forums like this

03-10-2010, 10:54 AM
i have something to add to this personally

Ive only been here for a very short time, when i found this site i was very heartbroken with myself. As i felt that my crossdressing wasnt something that was shared in the same way by other people. Boy was i wrong

Aside from my wife....and possibly her sister(as of last sunday):o .... she was the only one i had to be my support and answer questions. which is awesome and lucky from the many posts i have read about some of us not being open with their SO

the advice and help i have read in others posts have been priceless to me, because many of them relate to feelings and fears i have as a closeted cd in an open relationship

to say the least i felt like a unicorn. a mythical nonexistant creature, but have come to realize that there are many of us unicorns and we exist to flourish amongst the rest of the fairytale creatures and many of you are truly living happily ever after. and that type of happiness is inspiring to me

but the bottom line is, this site helps me to feel like a better me

so thanks

Huggs and Kisses

03-10-2010, 11:58 AM
Yes it has. It's made me a better CDer and better person. I went from just wearing panties and/or hose to expanding to being fully dressed.

03-10-2010, 12:14 PM
Well, it has certainly influenced my CD life...

But, in the direction of thinking less of it as something to do.

In a world of possibilities, this seems a very "clunky" way of getting any satisfaction, getting along with people.

Through most of the postings, I am seeing again the same things I saw over twenty years ago when I simply started going "out" without thinking much about it.

I was very lucky, I see now, in meeting a number of "text book" transgendered people and, more importantly, transistioning people - people who were actuallly "going somewhere" with their considered choices. I saw and heard a great deal of their evolution at the time and came to care more about thier lives than what they were wearing, who they were being pursued by, etc.

They had problems with their families. They had problems with SOs. They had problems at work. They had problems with "society." But, when you think about it... Who doesn't?

So, this site, like that part of my life, is more about finding a good way to live than about shopping, makeup, play acting, and so forth. It's more about finding a fit between what you want to do and what you need to do to be happy and get along.

In the end - and much of the babble on this site affirms it - clothing really has very little to do with most the things that really matter in life.

So, why let it?

03-10-2010, 12:15 PM
All for da better. :)

03-10-2010, 12:34 PM
This place helped me big time. When I was turned on to this forum, I had been out the door a few times, but it was very rare and completely lacking in confidence. After joining, I read threads from people like Karen Hutton, who were out doing every day, normal things, and having a ball. The shock of shock, I discovered that Karen was taking advantage of her work related trips to get out. I'd been traveling for years but had always kept Kimberly as far away from my job as I could, fearing it would be bad to mix the two. Reading Karen's stories convinced me that I was being an idiot and wasting awesome opportunities to explore the world, and I resolved to change that!
Since then, I've been out and about all over the country and met 100's of other TG's, and that is not an exaggeration. Many of these folks helped me to progress by their examples, giving me even more confidence.

If it weren't for the forum, I'd still be peeking out hotel room doors and sneaking to my car for pointless drives. It's been a wonderful help to me and I deeply appreciate the people and confidence that it has brought me.

03-10-2010, 01:09 PM
It's hepled a lot with self acceptance.
It's nice to know we're not alone!
The admin and mods are great! They have insightful input and they keep the trolls and real BSers away - THANKS!

03-10-2010, 01:25 PM
As for getting out there in the real world and being myself, NO, this site has not helped me. i have done that by myself and really enjoy it all. For better understanding this side of my life and the lives of others, improving my techniques, learning from the experiences of others, being able to share my own experiences and thoughts, and, most importantly, for meeting fellow women with whom to befriend and go out with, this site has been invaluable.

03-10-2010, 01:47 PM
I joined this site right after finding out about it from some of the gals at SCC last year. The idea of blackboard type forums really never enticed me, but at the SCC I met a group of women there that were the Crossdressers.com gals and they were tight. I was invited into their fold by a wonderful friend, thanks Christine, and my life became more full and beautiful from that day.

This site is friendship, a support group and sisterhood all rolled into one. I have really through a lot this past year and am still discovering myself, but the ladies on this site have really helped so far with that journey. I have made so many friends here many that I have had the pleasure of meeting in person. Most of whom I hope to keep in my life for my remaining years and my heart forever.

So I guess you can say it has changed my life. I would still be who I am, but my life would be just a few more sepia tone shades darker without the wonderful people that bring life to this site.

Someone get me a tissue darnit.

03-10-2010, 02:35 PM
Yes a lot and I am afraid what is going to be next, reading all posts give me security and also incomfort. This is weird I know but I haved to tell.

If I go deep in my mind I think this should never exist... Anyway, I cannot do anything and starting to think of purging all my stuff. What a waste of money.

I think this will be my last comment here for long time....

Bye girls, luv you all...

03-10-2010, 02:52 PM
For me it’s like coming out. To be accepted as suzy and have other girls to talk to and be friends with is just amazing. And they are all so nice.

love SUZY

03-12-2010, 11:43 PM
That is a great question. This site has been a wealth of information about helping me look into myself and make some sense of it all, and its great to know that so many others have had the exact same thoughts, fantasies, and experiences as me. I always knew their were CDer's, but I never had anyone or anywhere to compare my own thoughts with.

The first time I posted something I was very nervous, even though I knew this would be as anonymous as I wanted to make it. Still, I felt I had to share my thoughts and experiences with others. It just had to have an outlet somewhere, with real people, yet still be safe to do so. This process has helped me relax even more about my little hobbie. There are so many great people on this site that I am thankful to share things with.


03-14-2010, 06:59 AM
So how has this website transformed your CD Life?

It hasn't yet, and I don't expect it to. You see, I transformed myself years ago, then I came here to see (and hear) how the other half lives. I would say the overall impact of this site is…unknown...at the present time. For every friend I’ve met, and every kind word I’ve received, there’s an equal and opposite reaction, keeping things in a steady state of who knows what. Some days I like to be here, reading and writing my little ditties, and other days I’m wondering what I’m doing here. I suppose that’s only natural. If I stop and think that I’m writing only to appease myself, and, in a peripheral sense, hopefully help (or please) others, then I’m feeling OK about the place. In this sense, a “transformation” has occurred where I’m more in touch with myself – I share my experiences, however modest, and enjoy the company I meet along the way. Since I was comfortable as a crossdresser long before I ever knew about this site, it has been a positive thing to be among others like me, even though I’m pretty low on the totem pole around here. I just try to hang on to the feeling. There’s nowhere to go, or nothing to be transformed into (at this point in my CD life). I know my lot, so it’s just a question of being here or not. At the end of the day, its fun to sit down and read a few reassuring sentences, even if the influence on me is ultimately somewhat negligible…:straightface:

03-14-2010, 07:09 AM
now i can go and do the thinks that i like to do all the girls on here hope me do that and my wife is into my crossdressing now because of this website we love it here the both of us thk you all

03-14-2010, 08:28 AM
I have since emerged, to my SO and to many outings, shopping and just feeling better about myself. I know now that I'm not alone and there are lots and lots of other girls out there like myself. How can one judge this profound finding :hugs::hugs::hugs: to all of the girls I have met and will meet. I am sooooooo much better for finding this site. I still have a long way to go but now I have girlfriends to help me along the way.:love:
I have an avatar that is really me, a real picture, only because of what I have learned here and the self confidence I have aquired by associateing with the best girls a girl can have. THANK YOU crossdressers.com
Laura Lee

03-14-2010, 08:30 AM
It has boosted my confidence, taught me so many new ways to improve my time en femme and brought me a wonderful new collection of friends who are simply beautiful and wonderful!

03-14-2010, 08:47 AM
This website has cost me a FORTUNE!

All of the dresses, skirts, make-up, etc that I just HAD to buy.

I found it last year before SCC, which I'd never heard of, and at the time that I found it I had never ventured out dressed. Then I found a bunch of posts from a crazy woman named TXKimberly and went to her MySpace blog where I found out about SCC, not to mention all of the things that I read about her doing and all out in public. OMG, you can actually go out in public dressed and not get arrested?! LOL

So a HUGE yes. SCC 2009 was my first time out in public if you don't include one ride in a car. If it hadn't been for this site I'd still be in the closet.

Bunny Girl Zoe
03-14-2010, 09:04 AM
This site and the sisters here have helped me accept who I am and become the true me without it I still be hinding from myself.

03-14-2010, 09:47 AM
This site has ruined my life! J/K It has let me know and feel that I am not the only guy who likes to paint his nails wear lipstick. I feel accepted even if I don't post that much. I was lurking through the post on here when i finaly came out to my now fiance who openly accepts and enjoys it as much as i do. In fact she is as excited as I am about my breastforms that are shipping as I type this just because she loves bra shopping :love:

03-14-2010, 10:09 AM
This site has made a huge impact on my life. Since there are no C/D support groups in my local area this is it. The Tips were great for helping me shape cindy to how I see fit. In a way Cindy is a product of this site.

03-14-2010, 10:37 AM
Oh definitely, in many different ways. For the most part, I was still strictly in the closet when I first joined. That was three years ago. I might not be the person I am today if another member hadn't told me there were T-girl social groups in my area dedicated to helping new girls come out of the closet.

Seems like a lifetime ago now, but I think I can safely say, I wouldn't be the same person I am today if I had not found and joined this site.

03-14-2010, 10:54 AM
Mine was definitely. This forum was the kick in the but I needed to start getting out in the real world. Sure I had gone to clubs, etc but reading various posts by Kathie and Kimberly convinced me that the world may not really treat a lil ole cd like me as a freak. I learned more about makeup, products, style etc from this site than just about anyplace. It also encouraged me to contact the resources (MAC anyone) that I needed to work on my presentation.

03-14-2010, 09:33 PM
Without a doubt, It helped both my wife and I to understand what this (transgerderism) is to me, what it means for her and to find a balance that works for both of us. It took time, patience and understanding from both of us but in the end, life is much better because of it.