View Full Version : Do you have a dressing ritual?

Lynn Marie
03-12-2010, 02:18 PM
Last Sunday on 60 Minutes they covered bullfighting. Seems as if the bullfighters have a dressing ritual. That show really reminded me of my own dressing ritual.

First I put on my stockings and garter belt, then panties and bra and forms. A camisole and my heels for the day normally come next, and then either a kimono or long see-through dressing gown. Makeup and jewelry finish out the initial stage. After a cup of coffee and answering emails, I'll change into a skirt and blouse with a waist cinch belt or a dress also with an elastic cinch belt, and I'm ready for the day.

To me the ritual is very exciting. Do you have a ritual?

03-12-2010, 02:36 PM
No ritual 4 me. Guess Im just a dull mature CD ! :evilbegon:2c:

03-12-2010, 02:44 PM
I don't know that I'd call it a "ritual" but I find that I do have an habitual way I get dressed. After my shower, it's stay up stockings first, then undies, then bra. Pick out what I'm going to wear for the day and if it's slacks and a top, the top goes on first, then trousers. If I choose to wear a skirt, it's skirt first then top. Shoes are next then fix what little hair I have left, or put on my wig, then makeup.

03-12-2010, 03:48 PM
No ritual here.

03-12-2010, 04:25 PM
Get up.

Get showered.

Get dressed.

Go to work.

Every day. Oh, 'cept Sunday - no work on Sunday usually :)

Cheryl T
03-12-2010, 04:29 PM
Day's outfit and jewelry


03-12-2010, 05:09 PM
Interesting question.
Yes, I think there is a "ritualistic" quality to my crossdressing.
I typically think a lot about what total outfit I want to wear
and then carefully select which panties, what color pantyhose, which slip,
etc. etc, etc.
I'm very focused and amazed by the transformation, all the way until
I slip into my high heels and look in the mirror.
It's truly a remarkable process and experience.

03-12-2010, 05:11 PM
Nails first! I love seeing my red nails as I apply my makeup and slide on my stockings!

Then makeup while wearing clogs (4.5 in)

Then lingerie and forms

Then dress/top/skirt/whatever:)

Then the heels of the day

Then lipgloss/liptreatment

Then hair

Then jewelry and glasses

Then a smile and Tina is ready!

This is usually done with an adult beverage and the first thing Tina does is procure another and she is ready for her evening!


03-12-2010, 07:05 PM
Makeup except lipstick
Shapewear & pantyhose

03-12-2010, 07:19 PM
I would not call it a "ritual". I do have a usual order in which I do things which, to some extent, varies depending upon circumstances. When I am clean-shaven: )1 I "do my eyes" which includes eyebrow pencil, eye liner, eye shadow(s) and mascara; 2) I apply my liquid foundation and blush; 3) I put on my under garments and panty hose (if I am wearing perfume I will add it here; 4) I put on the chosen top and skirt; 5) I put on the jewelry I have chosen; 6) I put on a wig; 7) I line my lips and apply my lipstick; 8) I put on my glasses; 9) I double check my image in the full length mirror.
By following a "routine" I am able to make my transformation more quickly and feel comfortable that I haven't forgotten something.

Barbara Dugan
03-12-2010, 09:07 PM
My only ritual before dressing is getting rid of all my body hair.
I am a big fan of bullfighting and I think understand your point
I would recomend the Madonna's take a bow video my favorite :thumbsup:

03-12-2010, 10:55 PM
No, I don't think I have a "ritual" per se.

jenifer m.
03-12-2010, 11:17 PM
no ritual for me except no matter what im wearing i always have on pantys.

03-13-2010, 12:43 AM
Now that you mention it, I guess I do have something of a ritual.

The first thing I put on are thigh-highs followed by the body pads for the hips. The bra and forms come next followed by the outer clothing. The wig is last.

03-13-2010, 02:45 AM
You bet, I absolutely have a ritual! Every Friday night (tonight!), after I'm FINALLY able to put my work behind me, you'll find me in a bubble-bath, shaving away all the scrubbles and listening to a podcast of NPR's Science Friday. And then...

Toenail polish
Hollister's adhesive to my breast forms
Eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara, blush
Attach forms
Wig poofing, styling
Perfect outfit/dress
The magic moment, some shade of red lipstick (current favorite: Estee Lauder Woodland Rose), when I fully become, feel completely femme
Earrings, bracelet, necklace
And last... nail polish on the very fingers that are relating all this.

With only the next morning, Saturday awaiting, where you'll find me a bit of a glamour queen, forever primping and adjusting into a glory that the world is blind to, with every lipstick stroke, with every new adornment.

There may not be a heaven above, but there is certainly one here within these hours of becoming.


03-14-2010, 06:54 AM
To me the ritual is very exciting. Do you have a ritual?

Yes, I do, since I usually wear the same practical outfits day to day. I almost always get dressed in the same spot, near a full-length mirror in my bedroom. I lay things out the same way – my skirt hanging here, my shoes sitting over there, my hosiery peeking out of a partially open drawer. I do my makeup/lipstick in the nearby bathroom, since it has better lighting and a huge mirror. I always put on my skirt last, since it’s a fetish object (if you must know) – I also like to delay pleasure, saving the best for last. As soon as I’m dressed I’m off to the studio down the hall, or hopefully downstairs and out the door, the prelude to a drive into the endless prairie that surrounds me…:)

03-14-2010, 11:55 AM
I dress normally on Wednesday and Saturday. Wednesday doesn't have time after work for much of a ritual or more than a quick shower and usually a skirt and top. Saturday I sleep as late as my body will let me, get up and take a nice long hot shower and shave my legs and underarms. I'll dry off and put on panties with a bra (every other week.) Next either pantyhose or a garter belt and stockings. Then a camisole top or perhaps a nightie that's been told it's a slip for the time, followed generally by a dress or a dressier skirt and top. Then I put on the magnetic earrings, lipstick and perfume. Then I'll start a pot of coffee and while it brews I paint my nails and when they're dry and I have a fresh cup of coffee I generally log in here. :)

Deidra Cowen
03-14-2010, 02:14 PM
Yeap got it down to a science and I truely enjoy the heck out of my routine.

Early in the afternoon I pickout my wig, brush it for 5 to 10 minutes to get it looking really good. Typically watch TV while I do this.
Power nap at about 4pm or so. Makes sure I can stay up late if clubbing.
Wakeup at around 6pm and pickout my outfit, I lay it on my bed.
I have a fishing tackle box with all my makeup, I pull it out and arrange my stuff on the bathroom counter.
Jump in the shower and if I need too I veet off body hair.
Spend about an hour doing my makeup. I start with foundation, then eyes and finally the last step is lipstick.
Put on my outfit.
Put on jewerly and finally my wig.
Grab my purse and load my money, credit cards, lipstick and off I go!!!!

Lorna Stuart
03-14-2010, 02:51 PM
The only real ritual I have is the agonising over what to wear

claire gal
03-14-2010, 03:07 PM
apply foundation wear
foundation make up
attach wig
final make up then accessorize
put on footwear then enjoy myself

03-14-2010, 10:07 PM

Shower, breast cream, olay color recapture moisturizer, hope in a tube eye moisturizer, eye concealer, tiny bit of purfume, spanx cami, barely there panties, womans stretch jeans (or Kahkis), womans tank and mans sweater or shirt. The whole idea is look like a man, feel like a woman, and to the few (the very few, and always a woman) that pay attention, I get smiles cause they know I look like a woman.

It must be the embrodery designs on the pockets of my pants.

03-14-2010, 10:29 PM
I do not really have a ritual, though I do things in a certain order. Shave, moisturize, primer, concealer, setting powder, foundation, powder, contour/highlight/blush, eyebrows, eyes, mascara, perfume/body spray, bra and forms, panties, corset/foundation (if wearing one), stockings/hose/socks, clothes, footwear, jewelery, hair, lipstick, primp, purse, one last look...then gone!

Lynn Marie
03-14-2010, 11:38 PM
I went out for the first time last night. Was getting picked up at 7pm. Started the ritual at 5. Looked good, was awarded an ear...........ring!

03-15-2010, 03:25 AM
I put my breastforms on before anything else, then followed by a bustier, stockings, and heels. Then I proceed to put on my wig and makeup...then looking sexy as hell (or feeling sexy as hell, at least) I proceed to try on some dresses.

Haven't dressed up in over a week and now I'm getting kinda turned on just thinking about it....

03-15-2010, 04:19 AM
I'm not sure i would call it a ritual, but as i go through phases of gender-duality, with Rhonda and my male self co-existing consciously for weeks to months, followed by nearly equal periods of her remission, her emergence usually requires a bit of preparation.

The urge to shave up to better express her femininity, the building desire for the look & feel of having breasts, the longing for the moment of sliding a pair of new thigh-highs on, the feel of a slip brushing across my thighs, the feeling of completion as a skirt & blouse finish out the transition. Oh, and the final touches of sliding into a pair of 3" pumps, then sitting down at the desk, with the sensation of nylon-clad legs crossing under my skirt and the visualization of my transformation in the mirrors, complete the formation of Rhonda's sexuality & identity. It all initially builds to this level of femininity, andd i guess it has to before she can exist for any extended period of time.

As i read back over the previous paragraph, it's more of a progression of desires toward feminine expression than an actual 'ritual'. It seems that the ritualism of it was more true when i was younger, since it would cease into guilt & denial within hours. Now, once the mood builds to form Rhonda's gender identity, the thought & desires wax & wane in varying degrees over weeks, never totally ending until the end, when i realize that she's gone - the clothes have lost their meaning until next time. In her absence, i still think of her, and the other women that i admire, occasionally acquiring a few new things for her next visit, but for some reason, I don't have the urge to wear her things until she returns.

It seems that once Rhonda has emerged, the actual maintenance of her identity becomes somewhat of a ritual. Shaving daily, keeping her things in order, washing lingerie & arranging her clothing drawers & closet, looking for new things to fill the gaps in her wardrobe, etc. I could view some of these behaviors as ritualistic or obsessive, but not fetishistic, as i once perceived them.

So, in a way, it's several rituals, all encapsulated within an overall experience of forming & nurturing Rhonda's identity until she feels satisfied that her presence & sexuality has been adequately expressed.

Geez - i have GOT to quit typing these long-winded, rambling, off-subject posts. I was only going to reply with a single sentence here..!

03-15-2010, 06:10 AM
Shower and shave first, then undies, bra and forms. Throw on a duster and slippers, have coffee, then finally get ready and go!