View Full Version : I found the courage and did it :)

03-16-2010, 03:49 PM

Over the last few months I have been getting more and more comfortable with my feminine self, I feel so much more at ease and relaxed when dressed and though i have always enjoyed it, i feel alot more in control of my femme self atm. Anyways, I have been going out, in the evenings at first, I went to see a wig specialist a couple of times dressed which was cool. She was really nice, v friendly and gave me some really good advice. Fast forward a few days and i started going out and about around the house, putting stuff in the mailbox and putting the washing out and stuff :), you know everyday house type things. But yesterday was the biggie, I got fully dressed and went to a not so local shopping centre! I had expected it to maybe be a little quiet but it was so busy! I sat in my car for about 10 mins just getting myself mentally ready, I thought about all the things that could happen, the reactions and whether it would effect me, and you know what...I thought no! Why should i let people who dont truly know me, or understand stop me from being myself and expressing myself. As i was sitting there in a car park, a few people came and went on different sides...but when a lady pulled in next to me..I thought come on, its now or never! I got out and started walking :) I had a wonderful time, i wandered around the shops for a couple of hours, tried on some clothes in Debenhams :), and even bought a jacket I have been after for a few weeks. I got a few odd looks...but you know what surprised even more was all the people who didnt even notice or look. The place was full of college kids too! Something I have always been scared of but they were cool, I saw only one of them motion in my direction but it was great. I was in and out of shops and I just loved being myself and having such wonderful time. I wasnt planning a long trip, so came home after a few hours. I even stopped and asked a young lady for directions! I got home, and I dont think its quite sunk in...I even saw one of my neighbors on the way in and thought after the what i had done that day...i didnt care!! :)

Just thought i would share :)

Chat soon,
lucy x

03-16-2010, 04:11 PM
and now you're the happiest girl in the world!!! :)

Bobbie Bee
03-16-2010, 04:14 PM
That was an exciting story Lucy. What a thrill it must be to get out and about.

03-16-2010, 04:26 PM
It was great fun :), something i am going to start doing more often and start going to new places too.

03-16-2010, 04:34 PM
You go, girl! Just keep it within your level of comfort and you should be fine. And congrats on the new jacket!


Bunny Girl Zoe
03-16-2010, 04:36 PM
Amazing story and real pleased for you.

03-16-2010, 05:01 PM
Hello Lucy!
Welcome to the forum. I see that you have only a few posts, so you must have just found us. I hope you enjoy the advice and camaraderie as much as I do! I also want to congratulate you on your new found courage. Getting out and about requires lots of courage at first. I have sat in a car for ten minutes before gathering the courage to open the door as well. The wait gets less and less the more times I venture out. Just stay safe and happy!

03-16-2010, 05:11 PM
Thanks girls :)

I love this forum, so cool to be able read all of your experiences and they really can be a inspiration at times.

03-16-2010, 06:39 PM
Wow that had to have been so much fun. Once I got to do something similar. I made a bet with a few friends of mine that i knew i would lose so i could go to the mall dressed up. They did my makeup and nails for me and i pretended to protest all the while beeing so exicted :) needless to say I was nervous because it was the first time i went out in public besides a couple times late at night for a strol. I got a few looks when we road the bus to the mall but otherwise people didnt look twice :) I was required to spend the whole day that way hehe. ahh i wish i could do that more often
