View Full Version : Truck driver going out in drab( With purse ) good or bad idea guy and ladys!!!!!!

Christina Horton
03-20-2010, 01:12 PM
I just told of the story of my forgeting my CDL in my purse at home and going on a trip without it. I was given advice that I should....

A) carry my purse all the time so I would not do that again.

B) Just use the wallet I have in my purse and put it in my fanny pack.

I just wanted all you ladys and the men on this site to tell me if it would be to weird to carry a purse in drab. I have been thinking about it ( I know that dangerous I know I know ) but I think for (me) would feel weird. So I'm not sure if I want to do that. At least not yet.

The wallet is a good idea , but I love the idea of haveing my purse with me all the time.
So could you all give me your advice on if you think I should or if you would or that you do. Thanks all.

Veronica Nowakowski
03-20-2010, 01:17 PM
Bad idea unless you keep it in the glove compartment or something like that. If you're going out in drab, I assume you're not ready for the entire world to know. Perhaps keep the ID in your wallet and put the wallet in your purse when you go out en femme?

2B Natasha
03-20-2010, 01:19 PM
or get a copy of your divers license and have two. One for each place. TADA!

03-20-2010, 02:30 PM
I just got rid of my men's fold over wallet. I now carry a black w/ chrome trim wallet and check book combo The kind that folds lenght wise and snaps. And yes, I keep it in a fanny pack. Sometime I just throw it on my shoulder like a purse. But my wife is a purse junkie, so I have plety of those too..:hugs:...BJ

03-20-2010, 02:30 PM
Carry the purse, (Correction, European Shoulder Bag) if you like, but keep your wallet on your person, for safety.

03-20-2010, 02:43 PM
that what i was going to say. the shoulder bag excuse from the gico commercial :heehee: that would work. but i like the pocketbook idea as well

03-20-2010, 07:31 PM
this truck driver has a purse with her most of the time.
only one friend has said anything..once, but i do not carry it around like a woman carries her purse.
it is close to me all day and night, (work hrs), right in the rig. when i go places it is on the floor of my pu while i am inside, (friends house, etc.)
but this purse does not really look like a "main" stream purse, it is wearing out so it will be replaced soon.


03-20-2010, 07:37 PM
nothing wrong with a man bag :straightface:

Phoebe Reece
03-20-2010, 10:32 PM
When I am dressed femme and carry a purse, I just put the wallet that I carry as a guy inside it. No critical ID or credit cards (essential for shopping anyway) get left behind that way. The wallet I carry as a guy is black nylon and does not really stand out as either masculine or feminine.

Kathi Lake
03-21-2010, 12:00 AM
Well, I just navigated four airports with a cute D&B purse I bought at the outlet mall in Orlando. Ya know what? I carried that puppy with pride in the crook of my arm like it was the most normal thing in the world. Because, you know what? It is.

Did I catch glances? Sure! But I also received three compliments on my taste from a few very stylish women, so I call it a win. Sure, I bought it for my wife. No. Really. I bought it for her. She has this thing for Dooney and Bourke. I just thought that she wouldn't mind me having "firsties" and making use of it before I give it to her. :)


Presh GG
03-21-2010, 12:43 AM
I carry a black leather back pack and yes Tea can carry it when I'm tired without a side ways glance in drab or dressed. Just stay away from sequined evening bags and you'll look styleish in either mode.

Presh GG

Staci G
03-21-2010, 06:00 AM
Christina I carried a purse with me when I was on the road but I left it in the truck at truckstops, I then took out the wallet and took it in but I always had the purse hanging on the arm of the passenger seat next to me. Just the small thing of seeing I had it with me made me feel a little more fem. I took it everyhwhere else just not into the TS (funny abreviation for such an unfriendly place) or customers and the such. I had a couple of fuel desk attendants ask why shuch a big girly wallet I told them to carry all my stuff and showed them where I broke my CDL carring it in my guy wallet. that shut them up quick. By the way I have my own Ameribag they are kidney shaped for ergonomics I think anyway my wife actually bought that for me I almost had a stroke but she called it my man bag.

03-21-2010, 08:29 AM
I carry a black leather back pack and yes Tea can carry it when I'm tired without a side ways glance in drab or dressed. Just stay away from sequined evening bags and you'll look styleish in either mode.
I had a black leather backpack, which got used in boy mode for several years. When the straps started to come away from the body of the bag, I bought a slightly bigger brown one to replace it. The brown one is now literally wearing out, but I've since had the black one repaired by a shoe repair guy who had a big enough sewing machine to stitch it back together.

After it was repaired, I used it in girl mode for a while, then bought a bigger shoulder bag because the backpack just wouldn't fit all my girl stuff. When the brown one falls apart, I'll be reverting to the black one.

In over a decade of using a small backpack every day, including travelling to clients for work (with both my personal and work diaries in it), I've never had a comment about it, positive or negative. I had an excuse ready but have never needed to use it. :)

It's only been fairly recently (I think a few months but could be over a year now) that my boy wallet fell apart and I simply transferred everything into the girl mode one I already had and started using it all the time. I was uncertain about doing that before I did it, but right at that time I had a middle-aged male customer come to my office carrying the same style of wallet and that sealed it for me. As with the bag, I've never had a comment about it, positive or negative.

03-21-2010, 08:41 AM
If you always carry your CDL, then it might be a good idea for you.

Besides you could tell everyone it is an European Shoulder Bag. Men in Europe carry them why not you.

Diane Elizabeth
03-21-2010, 09:17 AM
I've carried my wallet in a shoulder bag for several years now. When I had the wallet in my back pocket it threw my spine out and caused great discomfort. I've had a few comments of it being a "purse". I even called it a purse once and the wife corrected me. I do use a womens wallet without any problem having to pull out my ID when needed. I recommend a purse with a shouolder strap if you want to look "european".

03-21-2010, 03:08 PM
Christina, I am a 61 year old Bald headed Fat man. I have carried a purse and wore earrings in "Drab" as well as "En Femm" for years. Now, I always carry an across the body bag, leaves my hands free. But, get a nice purse and carry it. The advantage to a purse is you are not taking stuff out and putting it back all of the time. You grab the purse and go. The only time you take out and put back is when you change purses.

My two favorite bags are: my first one, a Nine West camo pattern cross body from Macy's, and a PINK leather cross body from the Couch Outlet store at the Allen Texas outlet mall that I got last Fourth of July, thanks to the most fab wife in the world.

As all of the wonderful ladies from this site tell us, no one pays any attemtion at all to what you are wearing or carrying.

03-21-2010, 07:08 PM
The only time you take out and put back is when you change purses.

Don't give her any ideas about changing purses, or next time we will read a thread about leaving your stuff in the other purse.:D

Christie ann
03-22-2010, 09:00 AM
I vote for the purse. I carry one every where I go no matter how I am dressed. And, since I don't have a wig I always look like a guy.

03-22-2010, 09:07 AM
I have been carrying my purse with me for nearly 9 months, now I do not take it with me into the stores very much but I always have it with me because it has my wallet, tin, cigarettes, keys, cell phone, these are the things that I carry and I just hate having to swap pockets or stuff them in my jeans so a purse is great- or as some call it for men a messenger bag but in reality it acts like a purse looks like a purse, it is a purse but for men. :)

Also I can carry my lip gloss, lipstick and whatever else I can fit inside. I love it and actually they are getting more popular, not much but they are out there. :)

Prissy Linda
03-22-2010, 10:44 AM
I keep my purse with me at all times, I just have to much stuff that I need to carry so it serves a practical purpose but I must admit I love purses. The one I carry most of the time is a simple black leather shoulder bag, not to femme but it's a purse.

Sure, some people will give a second look when they see me but it's not a big deal, Until recently when pants with pockets were made popular, men carried purses. When someone wins a horse race or other event, the prize is called a Purse.

What's the worse thing that people would think, that you're gay?

03-22-2010, 11:25 AM
I say do what you want. There is only one person who is really going to care about what you do that is you. So drive that truck in a wedding dress if you want, I've come to find out that nobody really cares. On a funny side note yor topic reminded me of this wierd al song! ;)http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US#/watch?v=HwqbndPrCrA&client=mv-google

Hopefully the link works lol

Nikki A.
03-22-2010, 06:56 PM
I'm a car salesman and it means sometimes jumping from one vehicle to another. I carry a nylon shoulder bag to stay organized. Appraisal books, gps, phone charger, keys screwdriver etc. It's also big enough to keep a dealer plate and paperwork when I go to pick up a vehicle. Did I get some joking about it initially, yes but I explained that it keeps me organized now no problems. It sits next to my desk at work noo problems.

Christina Horton
03-24-2010, 02:39 AM
I am not afraid of carring a purse and would like to all the time just need to tell my boss I'm CD so I won't have to worrie about back lash . I will use my fem-wallet and put it in my fanny pack so I won't have to worrie about that again. Thanks for all the help and ideas. Hugs to all.

03-25-2010, 11:05 PM
I am in drab at work and have been carrying a purse for years. I sit it proudly on my desk. It is not a problem. It's all about how you carry yourself.

I am not afraid of carring a purse and would like to all the time just need to tell my boss I'm CD so I won't have to worrie about back lash . I will use my fem-wallet and put it in my fanny pack so I won't have to worrie about that again. Thanks for all the help and ideas. Hugs to all.

Kari Lynn Franks
03-26-2010, 09:11 PM
purse purse yes the purse did I tell you yes carry the purse yes yes yes

03-26-2010, 09:29 PM
Christina your a brave girl. You have come out to a lot of people in the past few months, including you high school reunion. However, I believe the purse should stay home or at least not leave the truck when your in drab. You want to wear fem jeans or boots under your pants, I'm all for it. The purse is a bit much. :hugs:

jenifer m.
03-26-2010, 09:34 PM
how bout like the progressive ads guy says"its a europeian shoulder bag".that might work.

03-27-2010, 07:08 AM
Two words - attache case.:devil:

Christina Horton
03-27-2010, 10:43 AM
how bout like the progressive ads guy says"its a europeian shoulder bag".that might work.

I picked this one to comment on cuz it sums up what some of you has said well. Ok If o do decided to carry my purse I WILL not call it a shoulder bag cuz it ant. If someone were to ask I would say "it's my purse". I had long painted nails for a year with my other co I drove for. I did not mind the looks , but with the fact my boss does not know and I can't aford to get another job( for a trucker o/o the pay have like 1 1/2 month hold back before you get paid and about that same amount of time for your last job to give you your money too). I went through that allmost 5 months ago and still have not borke even. I am still hurting in a majior way now. So infill I can bold up a little nest egg and all I will have to wait to do what I want to.

Buy on the lighter side of the coin.... I have a friends who might want to take my truck if I can find a good job (like a limo driving job). I will start looking and if I can get an interview I will go az Christina so I could (if hired) dress on the job. I think that's would be my best job possabiltys. Thanks for all your advice and keep it comeing. What do you think for a CD job for someone who know nothing about computers and has never worked in a office. Ta ta.

Slim Jim
03-27-2010, 03:32 PM
Carry the purse, (Correction, European Shoulder Bag) if you like, but keep your wallet on your person, for safety.
yes, we've all seen the Geico commercial.
point is - if you carry a purse, people will think you're gay. If you're ok with that, go for it.

Christina Horton
03-27-2010, 07:15 PM
yes, we've all seen the Geico commercial.
point is - if you carry a purse, people will think you're gay. If you're ok with that, go for it.

Funny thing is when I had my long painted nails people thought I was gay. It did not bother me just the purse is also something that the boss migt here about. So like I said I will have to wait awhile.

03-28-2010, 02:29 PM
If you do ANYTHING outside of the male box of being a clone of other males, you will be considered gay by ignorant folks. It is their problem, and not your problem. What does it matter what other people think?

yes, we've all seen the Geico commercial.
point is - if you carry a purse, people will think you're gay. If you're ok with that, go for it.

Slim Jim
03-28-2010, 04:46 PM
If you do ANYTHING outside of the male box of being a clone of other males, you will be considered gay by ignorant folks. It is their problem, and not your problem. What does it matter what other people think?
what does it matter?
yeah, right.
If it didn't matter what other people thought, that would eliminate about 90% of the posts on this forum, and everyone would just wear whatever they want, without a care in the world. Fact is, it does matter.