View Full Version : My 'Outing' meeting with my Office Manager

04-02-2010, 11:43 AM
..occurred last night, and went rather well I'd say.

Preface the meeting with a trip to the electrologist to have a 30 minute treatment on part of my jawline.

So, I had scheduled a special meeting with my department manager to talk about my transition, at the end of the work day and all, to make sure that it wasn't going to interrupt anything with a braincramp of sorts. My boss had just come back from PT on his knee, and I was sitting there in the meeting with an icepack on my face. We were a winning pair. He he..

So, I had been dropping hints to him over the past weeks and maybe a month or two, about how my life would be changing quite a bit in the future. I was trying to be clear with him though that it would/should not impact my ability to do my job on a daily basis, but just change ME. So, with HR already taken care of months ago, I set into motion evolving at work.. from changing my hair, having my nails done and longer daily (albeit in nude and skintone colors, etc), eyebrows, laser and electro, light foundation, women's slacks and shoes, etc and so on. Of course, also, both ears are pierced and have studs daily.

Well, he apparently 'got the hint' and starting putting things together. When I sat down and talked to him about everything, I was in pain, but as confident and focused with him as possible. I would even say moreso than I have ever been talking about my transition with anyone in a position of power like that. I told him what was happening, and he understood. Come to find out some popular nighttime news special recently did a indepth story on Transitioned Sports folks, and talked about the famous Tennis player that transitioned so many years ago, but then came forward to the folks of today, good and bad, including the sad story of the Sports writer that took his life after DE-transitioning.

Anyway, the nutshell was that he's supportive, that he hopes everything will continue to go well for myself (and my family), and that he will work with everyone to 'get them on board' the boat with me along with HR. We already talked about 'the long vacation of no return' where 'he' will go away, and I would appear, a new employee resuming the previous duties of 'the man that once was', and so on... and just how, even HE believes the reality that we're born this way (same as the rest of the GLBT community's beliefs on all our feelings and lives).

I left that meeting and was nearly in tears with happiness. Today I walked into my HR dept. and was talking with the assistant there who knows everything already about the meeting. She just smiled, apparently she had faith that it would go well. I was then informed that HR has already begun working out the intricate details of my transition in realtime and everything that is involved inhouse. They're ramping up right beside me for the next phase in my journey, and I couldn't be any happier about it!

F/T is on it's way to becoming truth of my existence, I need only to continue tying up the loose ends with the rest of family, friends, vendors, etc. and hang on for the ride! ;-)

04-02-2010, 12:26 PM
Angel Marie you are off to a great start with your employer and I wish you all the best in your journey to become your true self!


Kaitlyn Michele
04-02-2010, 12:28 PM
I'm happy for you angel marie!

All the best

04-02-2010, 12:32 PM
Marie: I'm glad the meeting worked out well and I hope the rest of your journey is as smooth

04-02-2010, 12:56 PM
What wonderful news !!

:Party: :GD: :Party: :GD: :Party: :GD:

04-02-2010, 02:00 PM
I'm so happy for you. That's great news :hugs:

04-02-2010, 02:37 PM
Now you are finally on your way to the rest of your life. This time the way you were meant to be from the beginning. Good luck in your journey.

04-02-2010, 04:46 PM
Sounds like it could not have gone any better! That's awesome! :happy:

04-02-2010, 06:04 PM
Very cool, Angel Marie -- I am so happy that things are going well for you. :hugs:

04-03-2010, 12:17 AM
Glad to hear all is going well for you may the future be happy and fullfilling for you congratulations!

04-03-2010, 08:43 AM
That is gerat news!!!

congrats Angel


Kimberly Marie Kelly
04-03-2010, 09:27 AM
I'm so happy for you, sounds like you have a wonderful boss and HR dept behind you. I was sad yesterday as the HR manager who helped with my transition this past year retired yesterday. I of course cried when I hugged her, but we will stay in contact via email. She feels in a small way that I'm her baby, she helped me be born so to speak. I'm so happy for you. Kimberly Marie Kelly :battingeyelashes:

04-03-2010, 12:31 PM
The whole transition process has shown how brave and lucky you are Angel, good luck and i wish you many happier days.

04-13-2010, 04:29 PM
Just wanted to put a note in here, I rec'd an email from my HR department a few days ago. The HR manager was just being nice and wondering how things were going, and where I was in regards to my transition at this time. She was kinda looking for a deadline date in regards to what she and the rest of the organization's efforts to make my transition at work as smooth as possible.

I was clear as possible with her that I really didn't have a deadline date at this time, that I've been working on other pieces of it all to try and make the cut-over date as clear as possible. With facial hair removal in full swing with electrolysis, and laser now in the maint. and touchup period.. I want to get most of the hair gone so I don't have to mess with dark facial hair at work.. in a skirt! ;-)

One more day at a time indeed, at least my electrologist is a 5 minute walk from my office too.. With management aware, when I walk back in right now with an ice pack on my face, they'll not be concerned.. other than that painful expression they'll get when they see me.

Also, I mentioned to one of my teammates that I told my manager now, and he responded with 'He's been noting that other people have been observant to things going on' and so forth, that people are putting two and two together and are just being quiet about it through the offices. I suppose that's a plus right now... I'd rather have silence and questions here and there, rather than blatant bigotry right now or ever.

I am hoping, as we all do, that my office truly will be an accepting place for me, and that they will live up to their 'No tolerance' policies for harassment of ANY employees. :drink: Here's to keeping my fingers crossed!