View Full Version : My introduction

04-12-2010, 09:29 PM
In my introductory thread I came off as very confused and perhaps a bit crass an/or blunt. I alluded to the fact that the female side of me could be "turned off" after orgasm climax, after which time I took off my lingerie and switched on my male persona. I had a profound epiphany since than which has changed my beliefs: I am both man and woman in one body, and can't seperate one from the other. I definitely feel more and more like a woman every passing day, and the urge to dress up and remain dressed up is increasing as well. I am, in fact, seriously considering getting a sex change so I can feel physically more like a woman.
It feels wonderful to be setting the woman in me free!

Madeleine StClair
04-12-2010, 09:38 PM
Cool! That's pretty much how it has gone for me. It's a great feeling, isn't it? As I was trying to explain in my response, where I got a little too enthusiastic and said something I shouldn't have. For what it's worth, I didn't think your question was offensive ... just seemed like a new girl sincerely wondering about her sexuality.

As for a permanent change, no hurry, right? You can always take off a dress, but you can't take back that surgery. Though I gather they put you through very rigorous tests to make sure it's really right for you.

Anyway, I'm happy for you.


04-12-2010, 09:50 PM
Thank you Maddi for your reply. I now wear panties and lingerie all the time under my regular clothing when in public, and immediately shed all my "manly" clothing when I'm in the privacy of my own home. I swear I feel more and more womanly every day, which of course is inspiring my to go through the operation(s) of a sex change. I want to be predominantly and mostly a woman, both inside and out...

04-12-2010, 10:09 PM
Hey, Im also Bi-gendered. My advise to you is to wait a year and see if you still want that sex change.

When I first accepted (realized it is a better word), I felt an incredible urge to just go all the way with it, but a few months down the road I became more balanced. Let the newness wear off first and then see if you still want that change.

04-12-2010, 10:29 PM
Forgive me for being blunt, but going from what appears to be a sexual fetish to deciding that you might want to transition in such a short time doesn't seem like you have thought this through, and maybe just a victim of the proverbial "pink fog" that seems to affect some on these boards. take a deep breath... SRS and HRT are very serious and should not be taken lightly.
If you are seriously considering transitioning,my advice would be to find yourself a competent gender therapist ( who's blessing you will need in order to start HRT..which you will need to start before any doctor will even consider SRS) and talk it over with them. Take your time and read up. You are very lucky in the respect that you have discovered this board. Here you will find a wealth of experience and some darn good advice.
After getting things sorted out, should you decide to go forward, I wish you the best of luck and let me add that personally I highly recommend it. Living as a woman ( it that is what you really are) can be a very satisfying and beautiful life. :hugs:

04-13-2010, 01:02 AM
Ahhhh, I was once 44, and that's also when I sought out professional help, so I understand your feelings very well, but I do get rather concerned for anyone I see that jumps out the gate talking about SRS right off the bat..

As Kelly mentioned, this is all very serious business, and not to be taken lightly at all......and she's not kidding either..

I suggest you stop & take a breather...and think about putting the Horse in FRONT of the cart...not Vise versa...

Have you been out dressed as a woman in public?
Have you seen a psychologist or gender therapist?
Have you disclosed your wishes to your family, friends yet?
Do you have Lots of money in the bank?

If you haven't thought about everything this life entails, I encourage you to think it over again..
And once you do that, think it over again and again..
Then after that, and still must live as a woman, then by all means, start doing your research & start taking the appropriate steps to reach your goals...all of which can get Very costly too!
I'm only suggesting (strongly advising) that you take it slow..and if you do that, then your chances of survival will be so much better...hopefully for you anyway..
Notice that I didn't mention working as a woman yet, well thats because that's another huge hurdle down the road for you later on...but you may want to think about that too, as far as how you will be earning a living...

But as Kelly says, and I concur, it really can be a wonderful life....:hugs:

04-13-2010, 03:38 AM
Wow, quite a quick change from the intro till your op here ........... now that is fast, perhaps way too fast, I think you need to take time to calm down and gether your thoughts and feeling tog, maybe go see a gender counselor and talk things through with them, the changes you are now talking about are huge and take time to come to fruition :straightface:

Tamara Croft
04-13-2010, 04:56 AM
Sounds like pink fog if you ask me... besides, you can't just get a 'sex change' just like that... like i said... pink fog... clothes don't maketh a woman....

Stacy L
04-13-2010, 10:29 AM

Have you felt like you wanted to be a girl since you were a child or is this a new feeling since you came to this site? :thinking:

The pink fog may be so thick that you can't see the road ahead.



04-13-2010, 11:44 AM
Once you've made that leap, there's no "turning it off". I agree with the others who have replied that it's way too soon to make that choice. I also am the same way with the dressing. I get aroused, then "finish off" as it were. This immediately makes me want to rip the clothes off and run for the hills. The feeling then again slips in and the desire overcomes me again. I've been wanting to do more, but my time for opportunity is short. I sometimes think about going all the way.
Alas, I never get enough of it. It is becoming less and less a sexual thing. I don't doubt that there are alot of people like me that fantasize about pushing the limits of their femininity. From the first time trying on pantyhose, to actually living as a woman. Becoming one is going all the way, and there's no turning back.
Frankly, at this point, I'd have to say it's more fun to switch back and fourth. There ARE in essence two people living inside me. I'll let Ginger out to play when I get the chance, but she is always there, affecting my choices, decisions, and outward personality. She always has been there. I just notice her more as I get older. I think I'll keep it this way. I'm still too much a guy to live as a woman forever. Remember that, you may placate the woman inside, but ignore the man instead. Will you still be happy?
