View Full Version : Wife and I got our ears pierced together!

04-20-2010, 02:51 PM
My wife and I were both raised fairly conservatively, so she never ended up getting her ears pierced and of course I didn't have mine done either.

Well, we're both in our early 30's now and about a year ago I caught her doing research into piercing shops. I asked what she was up to and she said she'd always wanted to get her ears pierced, but that she was too afraid to do it. I knew though that she wanted it because she loves jewelry. She said "maybe I'll do it if you do." I was like "OKAY!" :D

Well, she backed down a little bit out of her fear of needles over the next few months and for a while I thought maybe she'd never get them pierced. But last month was my birthday and as it was approaching she asked, "so what do you want for your birthday?" So I said, "the only thing I want is for us to both go get our ears pierced together."

I told her I had researched a local piercing shop that had very high reviews, and very competent staff. And SHE SAID YES!

I told my sister and she said she wanted to come along too and get her nose pierced. So we all met at the place and did it!

I was scared to death, but it really wasn't that bad. It's been about 4 weeks now and I haven't had any complications. I just got some basic stainless steel studs for now, but I am DYING to be able to put in some proper earrings.

I've come to realize that this is one of the body modifications that people can do that works well for boy mode and girl mode. There are stainless steel studs you can get that look very basic. Now that I have them pierced I notice that a lot of guys have both their ears done and there are lots of options for studs, I just hadn't noticed before as much.

Anyway, I highly recommend it. For my birthday a few days later my wife got me my first pair of pretty earrings. I can't wait to wear them! If you are worried about people giving you weird looks - don't. It's been great for me so far.

Jenna Stunned
04-20-2010, 02:57 PM
What a great story. I am so happy for you. :) Never actually thought of getting mine done, But after reading this....... It is intriguing.

04-20-2010, 03:41 PM
Great story. It brought back memories about getting mine done. I had them pierced at the very beginning of transition, must have been May of 07.

That was a highlight of early transition I had forgotten about till your article... thank you!


04-20-2010, 03:48 PM
I've got mine one too, they now have 24mm flesh tunnels in. It's not a big deal, they are just ears. Just my opinion.

04-20-2010, 04:18 PM
One thing I did was went to a piercing store instead of just one of those stores at the mall that uses the gun. In the piercing/tattoo place (research a good one) they will use a needle. Many people don't have any complications when using the gun, but the gun supposedly causes a little more blunt trauma to the ear, so it can take longer to heal and has a higher chance for infection.

With the needle they just push it through, and the stud is attached so it goes in smooth with no blunt trauma. It's a little painful, but it's so worth it! You pay a bit more ($50-$60 or so) to get it custom done, but I feel better about it.

I'm going to wait 8 weeks before taking out the studs just to be sure it's totally ready for other earrings. You should do it Jenna!

Another funny thing is that my parents came up for a visit a couple weeks ago and upon seeing that we had done our ears my mom commented how much she's always wanted to have hers pierced but was worried about what her conservative mother would think. She and my sister went shopping one afternoon and she came back with hers pierced too, so it's become a family affair it seems.

Next on the list, my dad and brother. (don't think that will happen)

04-20-2010, 05:56 PM
... my mom commented how much she's always wanted to have hers pierced but was worried about what her conservative mother would think. She and my sister went shopping one afternoon and she came back with hers pierced too, so it's become a family affair it seems.
Mattie, you and your wife have started a new family tradition! :thumbsup:
All it takes is one person to make the first move. Way to go!

04-20-2010, 06:23 PM
I had mine done three different times in walmart for $10 the last time. I think $3 the first time. Each time it included the studs. Your world is about to open up as to the earing selections.

Nicki S
04-20-2010, 06:45 PM
Nice story. Sure is fun to do things like that.

Three weeks ago, My girl and I both went and had ours done also. Her's are now triple pierced and this my first. Still very cool to do together.

04-20-2010, 06:53 PM
make sure you always wear an earring from time to time to prevent your hole from closing, after a few years it will be semi permanent, ive had mine since high school!

my left ear was self pierced in my own bathroom and my right one was re pierced just 3 years back because it closed from not wearing earrings for a while. I have fun with dangly earrings, but be careful if its to heavy, if you scar the hole again it may close back.

I do want to pierce my nose and the top part of my ear though... Enjoy!

Laura Evans
04-20-2010, 07:37 PM
Did my ears three years ago and just love it. You will enjoy having your choice of earrings from now on. Since your wife has bought you a nice pair of earrings did you get her some too?

Angie G
04-20-2010, 07:55 PM
Had my ears done 3 years ago and it'd been great. I have some beautiful earrings and love wearing them.:hugs:

04-20-2010, 07:56 PM
Since your wife has bought you a nice pair of earrings did you get her some too?

I was thinking of getting her a pair, but I decided to get her a nice jewelry box instead (she's never had one). Earrings will come soon though since our anniversary is next month. My sister just got her some new earrings for her birthday too.

04-20-2010, 11:26 PM
That's a really nice story, Mattie. :) I wish I had a tolerant SO.

You did the right thing by getting a needle piercing. The clean cut tends to heal quicker with less chance of infection.

Congrats to your SO as well. Needle phobia isn't the easiest thing to deal with.

04-20-2010, 11:41 PM
For my 43 b day I got my first set done on my 45 b day I did another set wish I had not wated so long I love it. Dont think I'll do a third but you never know