View Full Version : Stereotypically female attributes

08-10-2004, 02:33 AM
Have any of you out there got any underlying stereotypical girlish attributes. I for instance throw like a girl (as some of the f*****g monkeys I went to school would have it). My other big one is that I cant parallel park. I really cant. Apart from secretly crying at some films, that is about it. Oh, I don’t like football and I love shopping. I sit with my legs crossed and as some of my friend say, I smoke like a girl too ……..The thing is I defiantly drive like a man. I love going fast and frequently shout at slow drivers. I just cant park! I’m always crashing at low speeds. Into trees, lampposts, barriers and curbs, but never at a speed of more than 2 mph. My mates do call me a woman driver ( little do they know that’s quite a compliment). Not spatially aware?
On top of all this, not one person really seems to notice. Unless they all know, and have accepted me, with out telling me. That would be a strange one. I wonder how it all works on a subconscious level? Are these attributes natural in me, or some social form of cross-dressing with out clothes? Bye the way, I’ve never been described as being camp( well not never, but hardly ever) …………. Bye.. Love Chloe
:confused: :confused:

08-10-2004, 05:24 AM
I talk with my hands a lot..... also I have a rather limp wrist :)

Tristen Cox
08-10-2004, 05:50 AM
I hold my cigarette like a female and (a little strange but) I stand with one foot heeled up and/or to the side like I've seen women do when they stop to look at something at the mall. A definite feminine stance, the way I do it and I have to be careful out in public. Talk with my hands too.

08-10-2004, 09:47 AM
Sometimes I will laugh in a fem, girlish way. Also when I'm surprised by something I'll let out a shriek like oooohhhhhhh or nooooooo like a girl. Sometimes the camp in me comes out, it just happens, I can't help it.


08-10-2004, 11:11 AM
Hi Chloe,

I am sometimes "guilty" (?) of folding my legs back under me and sitting on my feet. My oldest sister once commented that I sat like a girl when I did that. I just think it is comfortable to sit that way.

I am also a tremendous "cryer." I cry at movies, at television shows, even at commercials. I cry when someone else starts crying or tells a real touching story. I can't help myself. I think my plumbing is all messed up.

I also talk with my hands. Sometimes I even mesmerize myself with the way my hands float through the air as I talk.

Other than these traits, I don't have any feminine traits or habits at all. (Unless you count my owning a ton of girl's clothes and wearing them everyday. :D )

08-10-2004, 11:15 AM
The only attribute I can come up with is that when I sit I cross my legs at the knee. At the ankle is just too uncomfortable. Other than that, the grease under my fingernails should explain the rest. ;)

08-10-2004, 03:12 PM
Unfortunately I dont have any. I'm trying to work on it, but its tough to remember back and forth depending if I'm dressed or not


08-11-2004, 12:04 AM
Recently cried in public place. Quite of an experience. I do cry at movies with touchy/emotional scenes. Apart that, I am constantly growing fingernails (that break during my work driving me nuts). I do cross my legs often in not that masculine way when sitting. My friend pointed out that I do have table manners like girl especially eating french fries. Never tought of that one.

When dressed I express these spatial problems, I think my mind is elsewhere overwhlemed with all sets of other things (is my makeup ok, how my hair looks like, is skirt in proper place, how about lipstick, where is my purse, arms, how I walk or sit all at once ... amazing, spatial things goes very low on priority list), that is fantastically amusing to me, parallel park is hard when dressed also. I get lost in space. I start feeling talking to someone asking for directions and/or help when shopping or doing something. Need opinion. Wants to think/do several things at once. It is interesting that I do not have spatial problems when dressed/feeling as boy, not even with parallel parking, nor I need help while shopping nor I need opinion.

I talk a lot and long to my friends. Love socializing. Try to bond with girls. (Actually when I think of this I understand why I have so much good friends that are girls, why my wife is often jelaous thinking that I am flirting, and why I never had problem picking up and befriending girls) Find boring footbal/basketball/hockey, hate boxing. Never got involved in any kind of competition. Do not need to drink beer at all. Strip bar is not THE PLACE to go for me. Do not tell nor enjoy male/female chauvinist jokes. Love shopping, love watching fashion TV, women TV and browsing girl magazines. Getting good with some types of cooking. Feels urge to clean. Hate getting dirty (doing repairs or fixing car or other chores of this kind) I almost excusively do laundry for the family. Sometimes play with my hair. Sometimes, have feeling but resisting to check my breasts (doing that when noone is watching). Let others to select what we are watching on TV, prefer being driven than to drive. Often seeing to talk/support kids. Finally got understanding/feeling that home plants are alive and need nursing. Take shower often twice a day. On many days change clothes several times a day. B.O., body hair and pimples drive me nuts.

Possibly there are more of these that doesnot come to my mind ...

This is good thread - never figured out before that there is quite of a list.

08-11-2004, 05:37 AM
Crossing my legs like a female from time to time, also tucking one leg underneath and sitting on it like many females do. My wife tells me that my booty and hips tend to sway more now when I walk then they used to...possibly a by-product of the hormone therapy. I know that it is not a conscious effort on my part.

I've never really been a crier per se either, but touching, emotional scenes in movies will often tear me up. Probably one of the biggest female attributes goes way back to when I was in my 20's. I had an instinctive habit of opening up my legs when on the bottom during sex...and back then I was ALWAYS on the bottom. This directly relates from my internal feelings of being female sexually. Really became an eye-opener and red flag for the female sex partners I had back then. They were always telling me to put my legs together. As I said, it was all reflex and instinct on my part. Some of them understood and some of them didn't. It was a difficult habit to break for me and it certainly underscored my femininity with respect to my sexuality.



08-11-2004, 07:05 AM
Only one...I like wearing sexy lingerie.

Today, I'm enjoying my morning, reading and posting to the various sites, and sitting dressed in my favorite lingerie, stockings, and heels. Does that count as a femme attribute? Oh, I just realized, I'm sitting here with my ankles crossed and knees together. Also, sitting more toward the front edge so my thighs are angled toward the floor rather than up...oh so lady like.

Enjoy your day ladies.

Paula J.

08-11-2004, 08:31 AM
I tend to cross my ankles together as well as crossing my legs.I cry at movies alot and love to watch "chick flicks". I have been called Mam or miss over the phone so I guess my voice is feminine in nature. I scream like a girl and I tend to talk with my hands alot.Alot of the same attributes mentioned :p

08-11-2004, 09:59 AM
Hi Ladies

I tend to *Not* "trust" men !

(I already *knew* I couldn't trust women !)

Love / Marda

08-11-2004, 10:36 PM
I also have a tendency to sit with one leg underneath me. I also have to watch myself especially when shopping for femme, cause when I'm standing up and studying something (such as a price tag) I tend to put my weight on one leg and put the other one slightly in front on my toe as if I was wearing invisible heels.

08-12-2004, 12:18 AM
i cry at movies too, but only some particular ones ... some other ones i'm too cynical to cry at (titanic is one i didn't cry at ... but i cried and hugged a pillow when i saw "Poppoya", with Ryoko Hirosue ... you will never be on a train ride through the snow the same again ... or maybe you will. who knows). nine out of ten i'll take romantic comedy over action films, but i also don't like depressing or overly sad romatic comedies. soap operas drive me nuts :rolleyes:

i'm not sure if this counts, but i go in phases where i have an incredible urge to hug things ... usually people. usually there aren't that huggable people nearby, and i feel like there's something missing in my arms and it gets painful after a while ... :confused:

don't ask me, i'm just as confused as you are :o

08-13-2004, 07:54 AM
Hi Everyone,

I just noticed another one last night: I sit when I pee. Almost all the time, whether I am fully dressed or not. I like to dab myself dry so there are no "sprinkles" in my panties. ;)

08-13-2004, 09:03 PM
Hi Everyone,

I just noticed another one last night: I sit when I pee. Almost all the time, whether I am fully dressed or not. I like to dab myself dry so there are no "sprinkles" in my panties. ;)
Oh fine! Now you've gone to far Sweetie! LOL! You know, come to think about it, I sit most of the time too but my story is that I'm tired and resting my legs... that's my story... and about the "sprinkles", I too wipe because I rarely wear guy shorts when wearing pants.
I was taught to cross my knees at the military academy I went to for high school... in fact, I looked it up in my Guidon (our academy etiquette Bible as it were) about 2 weeks ago because my wife mentioned that I have a few fem ways myself. The reason why a man should sit this way is to not show the bottom of the souls of our shoes in case they are slightly worn. This is improper and lacking of taste... and it goes on blah blah blah. My wife, as well as past girlfriends, have said that my stance is sometimes a bit fem because I shift my hips when I stand.
Geez Jenny, you really know how to bring stuff up don't you. LOL

08-13-2004, 09:04 PM
Hi Everyone,

I just noticed another one last night: I sit when I pee. Almost all the time, whether I am fully dressed or not. I like to dab myself dry so there are no "sprinkles" in my panties. ;)
Oh fine! Now you've gone to far Sweetie! LOL! You know, come to think about it, I sit most of the time too but my story is that I'm tired and resting my legs... that's my story... and about the "sprinkles", I too wipe because I rarely wear guy shorts when wearing pants.
I was taught to cross my knees at the military academy I went to for high school... in fact, I looked it up in my Guidon (our academy etiquette Bible as it were) about 2 weeks ago because my wife mentioned that I have a few fem ways myself. The reason why a man should sit this way is to not show the bottom of the souls of our shoes in case they are slightly worn. This is improper and lacking of taste... and it goes on blah blah blah. When I do "sit like a guy" because I become conscience of the fact, it isn't comfortable so I get fidgity. My wife, as well as past girlfriends, have said that my stance is sometimes a bit fem because I shift my hips when I stand.
Geez Jenny, you really know how to bring stuff up don't you. LOL

08-13-2004, 09:08 PM
Sorry for the double post here... I fell asleep at the keyboard and then went back... sorry. Another "blonde moment" of Darby's.

08-14-2004, 08:34 AM
Well Ladies,

I guess my one femme trait is that I tend to cry at the drop of a hat. My Kids always joke, Oh No !!! Here he goes again. They can see it comming.
It could be a movie, Tv Show, Comercial or a host of other things.

Thats about it for me, but when I dress I of course try to be as lady like as possible. Oh yea I only sit when I am dressed, but I do wipe if possible. Ok thats enough from me.

Love this site and all the lovely ladies who make it so.


08-14-2004, 11:43 AM
Hi Everyone,

I just noticed another one last night: I sit when I pee. Almost all the time, whether I am fully dressed or not. I like to dab myself dry so there are no "sprinkles" in my panties. ;)

I also sit when I pee. And, dab. Also, I sit with my ankles crossed most of the time. And, talk with my hands. You know, you don't think about doing these things until someone brings it up. ;)

08-14-2004, 12:00 PM
OK Girls,

Before "WeeGo" any further ... there's a teeney "Housekeeping Issue" that requires everyone's attention... about the "Squatting and Dabbing" matter...

1) "Squatting" is recommended ... *especially* when "out" & about ...

2) "Dabbing" is recommended ...

2a) "Dabbing" up to & including 3 x is considered "essential" and is "Credited" to your CD/TG Service Record ...

2b) "Dabbing" 4 x or more is considered "extra-curricular" (hence "pleasurable") and will be "Debited" from Accumulated Vacation Time ...

Note: In "extra-ordinary" circumstances, authorization may be granted for Category 2b) "Dabbing" to be recorded as Category 2a) ... full documentation is required and will be evaluated for combined *Educational & Entertainment* value ...


Love / Marda

08-14-2004, 02:23 PM
I have alot of female traits - or at least traits that people have picked up on. I walk on my toes like a girl, talk with my hands, love to clean, cook and do laundry. I wait on my wife all the time. I can easily cry. I love to shop, talk and funny - don't trust men either. But I learned to keep these in check over the years to prevent from being singled out. These days, I don't care so much. I paint my toes and grow my nails long.

BUT I am not sure that all these traits are really truly female or just stereotypical traits - cause I love sports - all sports - I can't get enough of playing and watching them.


08-15-2004, 01:40 AM
Leg crossing..........Heres some stuff from a magazine I read this morning( UK daily mail suplement). Its actuly some extracts from "the naked woman" by Desmon Morris. aparantly it explans the fememale body and the significance of the parts of it. heres some of his thoughts on leg crossing.

The knee Knee cross; Informal posture, most common for females in ordinary social occasions. For Females( or girls like us)wearing skirts, this is one of the actions which may lead to thigh exposure.....Nice One!

The Thigh-high cross; An extreme version of the last one( and My/ Chloes personal favorite)in which the legs are crossed as tightly over one another as possible. Because of the wider female pelvis ( which I wish I had), this posture is easily adopted by women, but *rarly performed by men.*

The calf knee, ankle knee and ankle-thigh; all mens, so im not that interested. Baisicly you cant do them in a skirt( unless your a compleat hussy) so its onely for the boys.

The leg twine; One leg is twisted around the other and held there by the entwined foot( hard but rewarding). This position transmits a powerful feminine signal, because most males find it impossible to perform. (I realy want that wide pelvis)( well i want alot more than that actualy).

The Touching-Foot cross; a special type of leg crossing, where the crossed overfoot rests alongside the calf of the other leg. a predominantly female posture, the action is uncomfotable for males, again due to the their pelvic design.

My conclusion.......I use a few of these postures when Im in boy mode quite regulary and its not the male natural way to sit( alegedly), not because of nurture, but because of nature( according to this guy)....We coudnt get a g girls pelvis no matter how hard we tried or how many hormones we take... Well we are all T girls of various types, which makes us pretty special I think( thats special in a good way). Either way When Im in a cocktail dress( my sister left one up here and I cant get enough of it) with my extra shine hold-up stockings and strappy sandes on, theres onely one way to sit!!!

08-15-2004, 06:35 AM
Hi Ladies

I tend to *Not* "trust" men !

(I already *knew* I couldn't trust women !)

Love / Marda

There was a show on TV a long time ago and they would introduce all the actors at the beginning of the show. All I remember from it was an actress named Cha Cha O'Brien. She would sing a short clip that went like this, "I don't like men. Women, I don't like two."

Sort of fits with your comment, eh?

08-25-2004, 12:58 AM
Gee, I just figured out one more: I know how to be bitchy! :) That's fascinating.

Sara Kat
08-25-2004, 01:04 AM
I think I adopt a lot of these attributes when I'm dressed or feeling particularly girly. I rarely find myself doing these things when I'm out as a guy like at work or other some such.

Anne Charlotte
08-25-2004, 04:31 AM
I agree with Erica.........I often cry at movies, whether as male or female, and almost always cross my legs at the knee and point my toes.......I also nearly always sit on one leg. I always sit to pee at home, dressed or not. I tilt on my feet and often catch myself standing with one hip dropped, or with a slight girlish tilt to the head. [I][I]And, I absolutely cannot parallel park my new car, despite owning it for nearly 12 months now.
I've done the COGIATI test, and got a 50/50 score, so I think like man and woman at the same time !!! No wonder I'm confused !!!

LOL Anne

08-25-2004, 05:44 AM
Well since my father died a few years back I can cry at a movie[never did before] when seeing a female cusion a few years back she was just like her brother same way of don'ing things with hands head ect. So not to sure aboot what is female male. I sometimes sit to pee and have wiped. Always sit when in skirts. I do cross legs and at times stand as if I had high heels on with one foot in front and heel down as if I had on my high heels [need to watch that] I think if I could pass as a woman I would be taken for my sister. When I did those tests are you male female things I come mid way between the two. Feeling ect thoughts and stuff. So don't most of us have both trats to some extent? Love all good thread Elinor :)

08-25-2004, 05:57 AM
Gee, I just figured out one more: I know how to be bitchy! :) That's fascinating.
LOL! Me too.

08-25-2004, 08:57 AM
I know, Darby, sometimes I amaze even myself with the stuff I end up posting. :eek: That is one of the best benefits of this forum: you can say what your life is really like and no one is going to flame you or make fun of you.

Marda, your comments reminded me of something my father (my father!!!) told me in a public restroom when I was like about 9: it's okay to shake "it" once or twice but more than that and you are just playing with "it." I don't know that he meant it as a sexual comment -- that would be highly unlike my father -- I think he was just chiding me and my younger brother for goofing around. Your comments made me laugh and made me remember. :)

Sandra H
08-25-2004, 10:16 AM
I like many others replying to this thread have many girly ways. I have always preferred feminine things and ways. I cry at sad movies, sit with my legs crossed, do not like sports but love shopping of any kind. I love to clean and do most of the cooking. I wash the cloths and iron them. I do not wear any men’s cloths unless I have to. I wear panties and tights everyday under my trousers, my socks are knee-highs, which are 40 den. When I arrive home and I am not going out for the evening I change into a bra and dress or skirt and top. I wear women’s slippers and a nightdress to bed.

I like many, always sit when I wee and dry myself afterwards. When I am out I either hold it until I get home. If that is not possible I will squat over the loo. I do not dress too sexy, as I do not treat my dressing as a sexual thing. I want to dress because it feels right. I am like a real woman in so much as I wears stockings and sexy underwear when the time or atmosphere is right. ;)

Sara Kat
08-25-2004, 08:36 PM
I've found that I've wanted to cry at movies and watch chick flicks. I usually wind up forcing myself not to do either, but maybe I should just let it all go! :p

Katie Boundary
08-26-2004, 04:03 PM
Sometimes, when I have my legs up on the couch, I have them to one side...is that girly? I don't know :confused:

I also sit when I wee. Seems far more sensible. Just because we can go to the bathroom standing up, it doesn't necessarily follow that we must.

08-26-2004, 05:02 PM
The Thigh-high cross; An extreme version of the last one( and My/ Chloes personal favorite)in which the legs are crossed as tightly over one another as possible. Because of the wider female pelvis ( which I wish I had), this posture is easily adopted by women, but *rarly performed by men.*

The leg twine; One leg is twisted around the other and held there by the entwined foot( hard but rewarding). This position transmits a powerful feminine signal, because most males find it impossible to perform. (I realy want that wide pelvis)( well i want alot more than that actualy).

In highshool I had to break myself of the habbit of sitting these two ways, now I don't mind what others think and sit the most comfortable way for me. My build is a odd halfway between womens and men, most things I wear takes forever to find something that fits me in guys clothes (used to hate my light build and being tall but I'm loving it now). I've given up trying to find men shoes that are stylish in narrows but I'm having a hard time finding womens shoes that are not too fem to wear all the time. My guitar teacher has always been amazed how sensitive I am with the guitar, its something he says hes has to teach guys. I naturally want to call my lady friends "girl friends", I'm going to so mess up some day. My messenger that I use as a purse, going to wind up someday slipping on that too. Its a shame I've hidden a lot of my female attributes for so long because I've developed so many mental blocks that it is taking forever to show them again.

Also I fully agree with Katie, yes God gave us a great gift with not having to sit down but he sure cursed it when he cursed the earth, "You shall forever toil the earth and miss the toilet".

08-26-2004, 05:37 PM
I cross my legs like a woman and I distinctly remember having been told that I show my nails like a woman. I cry more than most men, not just at Field of Dreams, and I don't care for most macho sports. Kisses, Edie

08-26-2004, 05:39 PM
So true! Also, more sanitary. Kisses, Edie

kristi cd
08-26-2004, 06:30 PM
I've found that I've wanted to cry at movies and watch chick flicks. I usually wind up forcing myself not to do either, but maybe I should just let it all go! :p

Me too. :D

08-27-2004, 03:41 AM
I find myself crossing my legs at the knee and holding a cigarette limp wristed, when I stand i put my weight on one leg and the other in front

08-27-2004, 09:29 AM
when I stand i put my weight on one leg and the other in front

I just realized I do this all the time. Didn't notice it before, hope no one else did when I was in drab :p

08-27-2004, 10:09 AM
I was in the lunch room at work and the room is full of people that I work with and I walked to the table to get a cookie and one of my coligues walked to me and called me "Gurly boy" and I realized was was sashaying across the room.. elboes in hands out and sway the hips.

I just looked at him and what ever! and walk away, very conchase of my stride.
I find that I do sashaye alot with out thinking about it. I have always walked that way. I had to teach my self to walk more masculin **yuk** to much like work....

All together sashaye is the way.. :D :p

08-28-2004, 09:47 PM
After thinking about it, I noticed that I like to put most of my weight on one leg too when im standing. I dont try to hide it or play it off though - lately I have been doing things like this more for some reason, consciously! Think I just passed a point in my life where I dont really care what others think when it comes to mannerisms as such. Have been thinking about changing out my "guy" hoop earrings to slightly larger fem hoops once or twice just to see what happens! :rolleyes:

08-28-2004, 10:12 PM
I guess mine are similar to others in the sense that I cry at the drop of a puppy, a goodbye, a victory, or any other sappy moment captured on celluloid (I dig chick flicks). I cross my legs at the knees way too often for it to be just for comfort. I don't particularly care for many sports, with the exception of a World Series bound Cardinal baseball team (but I'm really only a fair weather fan and even then I'm not "engulfed" like some fanatics). I'm somewhat of a neat and organization freak. I hate getting my hands dirty and keep my nails clean at all times. I hate a dirty house or kitchen. I don't like "manly" chores or outdoor tasks and only do them because they have to get done. I'm not mechanically inclined and I couldn't renovate a room if my life depended on it. If it needs to be done, I call (and pay) "The Man"...

That's about it for now, but I'll keep thinking...


Maddy :cool:

08-29-2004, 01:52 AM
some of mine are I walk like a girl Ive noticed this alot more I try not too when in Boy mode but its getting harder not too.. I cry during sad movies , and am very emotional .. I sit when I pee and wipe , im always cleaning I dont like my apartment to be dirty..

08-29-2004, 06:03 PM
I just realized today that I can be a real bitch at times! Today I just keep getting grumpier by the hour, I've already lashed out at a few people for no real reason at all :(

Sara Kat
08-29-2004, 07:34 PM
I just realized today that I can be a real bitch at times! Today I just keep getting grumpier by the hour, I've already lashed out at a few people for no real reason at all :(
Your time of the month. :p