View Full Version : going in public

04-30-2010, 12:25 AM
my wife has been out of town for the last few weeks , so i have been taking my clothes to work with me. my biggest fear was people saying that is a guy under that skirt. well today i left work and got all dressed up drove home went to check the mail. some guy walked by me and asked me for a cig, i said i didnt have one and he walked away. he didnt even take a second look, felt more like he was checking me out. after some of your experiances is that a good sign to go out more often dressed up. it felt so good to go out as april, and i want to do more often. like i said i am afraid of being judged by others.

04-30-2010, 07:15 AM
Well sweety if you are afraid of the opinions of others you can hide in your house and dress like soo many trans people do........Or you can get over that fear and be who you are.

I found that when I started my transition a shot of JD before I went out helped to temper that fear. Not talking about getting drunk. Just one shot.


04-30-2010, 09:23 AM
quick question for you sweetie: do you dress for yourself or others? If you are dressing for yourself like most of us on this board, then who cares what others think about how we look or how"passable" we look. Just get out ther and do it girlfriend:battingeyelashes::D:love:

04-30-2010, 07:50 PM
You already have been given some very good advice. When you dress, you do it to satisfy yourself, not the general public. Get that idea firmly fixed in your head, and go out and show the public what a great looking girl you are!! Maybe some people will know you are a man, but so what? As I said, you dress to please yourself, not the others! Go do it!!

BTW, since my dear late wife died some years ago, I go out dressed but with no wig and no makeup! Just a guy in a skirt and top!!

05-01-2010, 06:51 AM
I understand your concern. You dress for yourself, but you DO care about how others think of you. We each know that there are people who are not accepting of others who are different. You have to ignore them. Most folks are accepting, or just plain do not care. As humans, we often center our thoughts on the negative feedback we get - not the positive feedback. Dwell more on the positive, and you will enable yourself to do more!

Karren H
05-01-2010, 10:26 AM
Who cares what others think? Wear what you want, where you want..

05-01-2010, 11:07 AM
Well, first, congrats on stepping out of the house. It is scary at first aint it?
The thing is, it seems that we the cross dressers and TS's, are the only ones that really have a problem with us. WE are the ones that are terrified and scared that people will be mean or rude to us. I've now spent a LOT of time among the muggles and in close to 15 years I've only encountered two or three rude people and those encounters were not hostile or long. So in my opinion, WE are the problem, not the world, so how about we all get over it and go enjoy our lives? :D

Daenna Paz
05-01-2010, 11:30 AM
So in my opinion, WE are the problem, not the world, so how about we all get over it and go enjoy our lives? :D[/QUOTE]

YEAH!! What she said ... When you look in the mirror before you step out into that foreboding world, realize that it really is about you ... and enjoy the moment!

BTW Always glad to see another Colorado girl out and about.

Vivian Best
05-01-2010, 11:50 AM
I think society as a whole is so wrapped up in their problems that they aren't going to pay much attention to us! I see so many homely women out today(GGs on this forum YOU are NOT included in this group and I apologize in advance) that a CDr isn't going to attract much attention anyway. I agree that we are probably our own worst enemy in going out dressed. I think we let our emotions and fear rule and think that it is society that is holding us back, but it is ourselves. FDR said "We have nothing to fear but fear itself!" That describes me pretty well.

05-01-2010, 12:45 PM
I get dressed and go out for myself. I don't care what most think. I have a small thrift store in rural America so I can't dress completely all day if I want to keep my business. Out and about is for me and If others don't like it that's fine. Do it for you, the man asking for the cig. didn't give you any bad responces.