View Full Version : I told her~! :D

05-04-2010, 03:31 AM
I talked to my therapist and then immediately went home to tell me girlfriend that I am now in the "exploratory stages" of crossdressing. hehe. I told her that I loved her very much and this is something new and exciting and I would love for her to be on board. And she is! She didn't respond to it negatively at all. She finds it very much in my character and supports it 100%! We are even going shoe shopping this weekend. (She needs some new flats and I need some new everything, lol) I love her so very much and I have never felt happier than this evening.

I just thought I'd share. :)

05-04-2010, 03:39 AM
Im happy to hear stories like this, I have been out to my SO for a few years now and it has its ups and downs! Just be sure to always reassure her with emotional reinforcement so that she doesnt get lost or confused along the way of fun!

cheers! :drink:

05-04-2010, 03:50 AM
Naru ........... great for being honest, and thank you :), now, a word of caution from a GG ............ give her time, she may well have good and bad days with this (I don't know how long you two have been tog)

While you have had years (I assume) to get used to having a fem side that requires the external appearance as well, she has just found out, please, please do not make it all about you and your needs/wants and desires, remember you were a "normal" couple to her until a few days ago, she may still need to have that on occasions, don't talk dressing, make-up, accessories 24/7 with her, remember the talks you had before, about holidays, good food, music, films, books whatever, they should still be a part of your life now.

I am an accepting SO .............. we met on her Dec 2008 and got married Oct 2009, yet sometimes I have to ask Debs when he is MR Debs to woah!!! can we talk about things other than Debs & how Debs feels or what Debs would like to do next ............ it is not that I don't want to talk about her when he is in male mode, but rather as I said to him, & her, you don't talk about D**** when in male mode or fem mode, there are other subjects to discuss other than TGism ........... it is only occasionally she/he goes into overload so it is not a major problem. She is part of our normal life tog and as such cannot take up all of our time if that makes sense :straightface:.

Good luck on your new journey tog, & if your GF would like to talk to other SO's we have a fantastic GG only section of the forum called FAB where she can do that :)

05-04-2010, 04:59 AM
This is great news. Many SO's are not even initially accepting/ You are lucky! Please be supportive as she goes through many emotions as she better understands the new to her you.

05-04-2010, 05:25 AM
I'm so happy for you Naru. Having an accepting and supporting partner is just a wonderful thing as you don't have to hide anything.

I wish you the best of luck :)

05-04-2010, 05:56 AM
That awsome to have your SO support you in your interests. I'm currently single and my ex(s) never knew about my CD urges. I hope when I finally meet the right person they are very supportive and/or about my same size, i think if we could share clothing it might be more helpful.

05-04-2010, 06:06 AM

Yes, congratulations are in order. In many of our CDing lives, telling our SO is the hardest thing we'll ever do. Very cool that she's onboard. Agree with others that progressing at her pace is good. If you find she wants you to dress 24/7, and you want to as well, your relationship is one in a million. . .

05-04-2010, 06:11 AM
Let me add my congratulations too. I am happy for you. To bad so many don't have the guts to tell the one they love and that loves them. I wish you and your love all the happiness you deserve for being open and honest with her.

Please, listen to what Sheila said. Don't be like the boy turned loose in a candy store. Go slow, Let her lead in your growth together wiht this. Don't make it the topic of the day all the time.

05-04-2010, 08:06 AM
I hate to be redundant, but I'd also like to offer my congratulations to you and a sincere thank you to your SO for being supportive. I know there can be ups and downs, but in my experience the critical step is to tell your SO early. Taking that early step makes all the difference.

05-04-2010, 09:36 AM
As others have said, you should go no faster than your GF will accept otherwise she may not be as accepting as her initial reaction. Also, her opinion may change if she finds you want to go 24/7 or eventually change the plumbing. Go slow and talk a lot. Good luck!

05-04-2010, 11:23 AM
congratulations - hope the experience is everything that you want it to be

05-04-2010, 11:59 AM
way to go! See your GF sees the "real" you inside and that wrapping paper doesn't change anything


zoe m
05-04-2010, 12:51 PM
congratulations, that´s great. i also told my partner a few weeks ago and the outcome was also positive. i know it´s not that way always.

05-04-2010, 12:57 PM
I talked to my therapist and then immediately went home to tell me girlfriend that I am now in the "exploratory stages" of crossdressing. hehe. I told her that I loved her very much and this is something new and exciting and I would love for her to be on board. And she is! She didn't respond to it negatively at all. She finds it very much in my character and supports it 100%! We are even going shoe shopping this weekend. (She needs some new flats and I need some new everything, lol) I love her so very much and I have never felt happier than this evening.

I just thought I'd share. :)
{{jumping up and down}} ( o )( o ) forms bouncing with Joy for you!! I told my fiance 20 years ago before my engagement and she handed me her garter stockings and panties to put on right than and there...

Time changes all things though...three children now teenagers prohibits me from engaging freely about the house since my wifeee definitely does not want the kids to know about JOY.

But we are talking about going to a professional makeover and garden party which happens weekly from spring thru fall only 5 blocks away from home right here in staten island NY.

The rates are reasonable too 125.00 per hr for makeover and you can even rent some clothes for 20$ deposit.

I am soooo excited and im so happy for you. having an understanding and even cooperating SO is a true gift to any CDer and i thank my lucky stars for mine!!

Naru ........... great for being honest, and thank you :), now, a word of caution from a GG ............ give her time, she may well have good and bad days with this (I don't know how long you two have been tog)

While you have had years (I assume) to get used to having a fem side that requires the external appearance as well, she has just found out, please, please do not make it all about you and your needs/wants and desires, remember you were a "normal" couple to her until a few days ago, she may still need to have that on occasions, don't talk dressing, make-up, accessories 24/7 with her, remember the talks you had before, about holidays, good food, music, films, books whatever, they should still be a part of your life now.

I am an accepting SO .............. we met on her Dec 2008 and got married Oct 2009, yet sometimes I have to ask Debs when he is MR Debs to woah!!! can we talk about things other than Debs & how Debs feels or what Debs would like to do next ............ it is not that I don't want to talk about her when he is in male mode, but rather as I said to him, & her, you don't talk about D**** when in male mode or fem mode, there are other subjects to discuss other than TGism ........... it is only occasionally she/he goes into overload so it is not a major problem. She is part of our normal life tog and as such cannot take up all of our time if that makes sense :straightface:.

Good luck on your new journey tog, & if your GF would like to talk to other SO's we have a fantastic GG only section of the forum called FAB where she can do that :)

you make very valid points and temper delight with resonable advice. you must be a great big sister to the other "ladies
" here"
love JOY

05-04-2010, 01:40 PM
That's great news! :)

05-04-2010, 06:45 PM
Good going girl! :hugs:

It was much the same with my SO. When I told her she was supportive and, just like you, liked to see my femine side expressed :D


Lots of Love,
Miss Kara

Rianna Humble
05-04-2010, 06:59 PM
I talked to my therapist and then immediately went home to tell me girlfriend that I am now in the "exploratory stages" of crossdressing. hehe. I told her that I loved her very much and this is something new and exciting and I would love for her to be on board. And she is! She didn't respond to it negatively at all. She finds it very much in my character and supports it 100%!

Thank you for sharing that with us Naru. It's great that she wants you to go shopping together too!

Now is the time to start planning a surprise treat for her to enjoy with your male side.

05-04-2010, 07:11 PM
Hi Naru: I'm glad everything worked out well for you. It's a good thing when our SO's are in our corner.

05-04-2010, 07:13 PM
This is great news! But I would be slightly apprehensive with going full femme 24/7 on her. Remember that your SO started loving you as a boy and that a quick transition to her living with a girl might turn the acceptance into some form of competition with your girl side.

But I do agree with Rianna that you need to reward her for accepting your femme side as a boy so it further reinforces the idea that you are, in fact, still the same regardless!

Naomi Rayne
05-04-2010, 09:40 PM
Sheila is right. There are ups and downs. I came out to my girlfriend a couple months ago and she was hesitant but jumped on board and we have had our fair share of arguments.

This is something that she showed me just a couple minutes ago as we were having a conversation and i think it applies here. It helped me understand where she was coming from "The more confident and self-assured a woman is, the less likely she is to feel threatened by her partner’s feminine side. But no woman feels good about herself all the time. A woman’s emotional resilience can vary wildly with the circumstances she finds herself in. A fight with her mother, a conflict with her boss, an insensitive comment from a co-worker, or even a bad hair day can temporarily make her feel insecure. When she is in this frame of mind, she may become overly sensitive to things that previously did not bother her, and old fears that were seemingly resolved may come back to haunt her. Where your crossdressing is concerned, she may find that she is suddenly uncomfortable with aspects of it that were acceptable before. This is not the time to remind her that she had no problem with this same thing the last time you did it. Instead, try to find out why she feels differently now. It could be that she just needs some reassurance from you. After her mood improves, chances are that her former feelings will return."

Good luck and be sensitive to ur SO's needs because she cares enough to let u be ur true self.

05-04-2010, 09:59 PM
Thats fantasic! I recently went shopping with my SO and it was a pain in the butt! I tried all the shoes on in my size and gave him my opinions but when we went to get them in his size (11) they didnt have them! Good luck shopping!

05-04-2010, 10:50 PM
Hi Naru

That's great. It's a good idea to let your GF absorb your revelation and not push too hard, as some have done and lost their SO's acceptance.

Hi Andrea

I have enough trouble finding men's shoes in my size (8B) that I ask to see what the store has. I don't usually have a choice of more than two pair. Most often, I am turned away empty-handed. I'm not willing to take a chance on fit from an online retailer.

Rianna Humble
05-05-2010, 03:47 AM
"The more confident and self-assured a woman is, the less likely she is to feel threatened by her partner’s feminine side. But no woman feels good about herself all the time. A woman’s emotional resilience can vary wildly with the circumstances she finds herself in. A fight with her mother, a conflict with her boss, an insensitive comment from a co-worker, or even a bad hair day can temporarily make her feel insecure. When she is in this frame of mind, she may become overly sensitive to things that previously did not bother her, and old fears that were seemingly resolved may come back to haunt her. Where your crossdressing is concerned, she may find that she is suddenly uncomfortable with aspects of it that were acceptable before. This is not the time to remind her that she had no problem with this same thing the last time you did it. Instead, try to find out why she feels differently now. It could be that she just needs some reassurance from you. After her mood improves, chances are that her former feelings will return."

Good luck and be sensitive to ur SO's needs because she cares enough to let u be ur true self.

I might not have an SO, but my old (male) self has been like a "big sister" to enough GG's to know that is great advice!