View Full Version : Need a little advise

05-07-2010, 09:57 AM
I am ready to go out completely dressed, but have some issues with finding a wig, correct clothing and make up help. Not really even sure I need a wig, but think it would help hide me (lol). I have short hair now, with the messy look in top.
I know there are sections on here to help with these kinds of things. I have read them, but still can seem to get to the point I want to be to feel comfortable with myself.
What order should I do thins in. I want to go somewhere to get some make up help. I have NO idea what to get, what colors or anything. Do the larger department stores usually have any issues with doing make up on a guy? Like the women you see setting at the makeup counter getting their makeup done?
Do the womens dress stores have any problems with letting a guy in guy mode try things on? I am 5'9" and about 200 lbs, with a not so flat mid-section. So I am not sure at all about what would look good on me. Plus I have no idea about Bra size selection and how to fill it. Not ready to spend the money as of yet on Brest forms.

If there are any NC Girls here, where do you shop?

Karren H
05-07-2010, 10:05 AM
I am ready to go out completely dressed,

Doesn't sound like your ready to me! Lol. Personally it took me over a year of makeup practice and trying different hair styles and shoping for clothing before I considered myself even close to be ready... And then looking back. I really wasn't...

05-07-2010, 11:37 AM
For makeup help, have you come out to any GG friends? They might be more than happy to assist. Also, I keep reading here on the forums that the ladies at the MAC sections of department stores, or even actual MAC stores themselves are very helpful when it comes us and would be more than happy to help. Pay attention to how they're putting on the makeup (look at a mirror or something while they're doing it), take notes (no shame in that), take a photo of yourself when they're done, ask questions and then, when you buy the products, take off all the makeup, apply them, compare yourself with the photo you took. Rinse, repeat!

As far as short hairstyling goes, I recommend going to this site and try to see what hair style would go well with your hair based off of what you currently have: http://www.short-hairstyles.com/ I have a short haircut myself and I decided to move my part a bit further to the side and comb some of the hair from the back towards the front to create an illusion of hair volume. This works for me, but might not work for you depending on the look you're going for. Also, hats, caps, and visors are good at masking hair volume. Sadly, I can't help you with wigs... I'm still looking for the right one for me and I got two of them :P

As far as clothing goes, just go with what fits your age and what complements your body type, face, and everything else. Search for fashions online, browse brand name sites, or fashion blogs and you'll find some looks that'll complement you. When I started, all I had to wear were tight fitting black cargo pants, a black sweater, and a blouse underneath. You can always start with some of your boy clothes as a base, then work your way outward. Remember to know your female sizes too! Google is your friend in finding conversions for that. Also, going back to if you have a GG friend you've come out to, you can always have them help you pick clothes while out in boy mode but coordinate with her.

One of the biggest things that helped my look is arching my eyebrows. Just go to a salon and have them do it.

Hope these tips help. I know that CDing can be overwhelming at first, but I was in your situation about a month and a half ago and I'm still learning just by reading posts here in the forums and posting my questions on related threads. There's a wealth of information here... just need to sift through them ;)

05-07-2010, 12:08 PM
For me it was months of "getting ready". Then, like Karen, I realize that I wasn't ready at all as I look back.

Take your time. Go to a Walgreens and pick up some neutral eye shadow. You can get small sets with three colors; brown, tan, very light. Get some not-so-red lipstick, sort of a middle of the road, not too flashy. Purchase some foundation, about the same color as your skin. It is great at covering irregularities in your skin.

Then, go home and get on www.youtube.com. Put "M2F makeup" ("M2F" stands for "male to female). There are many videos out there that will help teach you to do makeup. It will take a while though.

Regarding clothing... most sales associates will not want a man going into a women's dressing room. For a person that is 5'-9" and 200 pounds, you might take a 2XL in a woman's top and a 16-18 in pants/skirt size.

Bra size - measure around your chest right below the breast area. How many inches is it? That is about your bra size. Go purchase a bra in that size with a "B" cup. So maybe a 46B or 46C. You can always take it back. Say it's a gift and you might need to bring it back.

Also, search the forum for other suggestions. You will find all the help you need here. But take your time, maybe many weeks or months. This transition does not happen quickly.


Dee Dee Gee
05-07-2010, 12:10 PM
I'm just startin myself so the only advice is................

you'll know when to make the first giant step.............


05-07-2010, 12:48 PM
I was ready to go out the first time I put a wig on, but my wife put the brakes on that.

I suggest finding a wig shop and getting something you'll be happy with. You can call and ask if they are willing to fit you if you want.

I'm an artist, so had no problem with makeup, so to me it doesn't seem that hard to master. Go to wal-mart or similar and get what you need, then do a self checkout if you are too scared to use the manned registers.

To find out what you need, check with some of the makeup counters in the larger department stores. NC may be different, but the ladies here don't mind helping.

Otherwise, read through some of the makeup threads here to get some ideas. And some youtube videos for some instruction.

As for clothes, carry them to the men's dressing room, or if in a store for women, ask to try on. A number of them do help. Lane Bryant, the Dress Barn, etc. But again, NC may be different.

And don't forget about shoes.

05-07-2010, 02:38 PM
It took me a couple of months being on this site to figure out how to go out in public.
I was at a TG club in Hollywood, Ca. (Peanuts) about 10 years ago which taught me that such a thing was possible. Then I became a disciple of Catholic & conservative Republican denial dspite the fact that l loved it. Well, that's over now. Here Iam.

Practice, practice,practice....then find the people & groups that you want to network with.

05-08-2010, 08:50 AM
Thanks for all the tips. This is Def what I have been looking for. :D