View Full Version : Advice and helpful tips?

05-24-2010, 03:00 PM
I'm for the most part just starting out with CD'ing, and i suppose you could call me lucky. I have a friend who went with me and was way too supportive for her own good when we went to pick everything out. So I am trying to go for that punk/goth/emo/hipster/goth kinda looking girl scene right now. I've got a pair of knee-high-socks, black thigh-highs, panties, bra, skirt and shirt. More or less all from Hot Topic, Spencer's and Wal-mart. Ah, forgot to mention I am in my early 20's, so for any of you wondering.

Now the friend that I had go with me, saw what I looked like as my female counterpart, hence-forth known as Jamie, or Jasmine. I have been over to her house for hours upon hours at a time, dressed as such, stayed over the night, and even had dinner with her family, and no one said anything about me cross-dressing, either A.) they didn't care. or B.) they truly did not notice.

So a lot of people may be wondering why and what I need help on. Well for one, I have played with make-up, but have yet to find the right tones and shades for myself. I fear doing anything with my bushy eyebrows for fear someone, i.e. one of my room-mates, is going to notice and I be outted. Which I am no where near ready for yet, nor may I ever be. I plan to live in both worlds, as of right now. I've practiced etiquette, voice, words, enunciation, poses, pitch, reverberation, body-language, etc etc. So I would say for the lack of my ego, that I do make a slightly good girl. More practice would never hurt, there are indeed some things that I am just now getting the hang of after years of practice.

So here are my questions, anything i can do to shape up my eyebrows? What shades of eye-shadow and lip-gloss should be used, and is there any creative criticism that could possibly be given? I would like to look as feminine as possible without going over-board. I also do not wanna to look into any kind of this and or that surgery, surgery scares me. I'm looking for honest-to-god truths here, anything will help. And attached for your viewing pleasure is a picture I took recently. Curious if i should do a side-by-side though.

The picture of me as a male is me being the one furthest to the left and well the one with me being a female, I'm the only one there. :D

05-24-2010, 03:53 PM
Hello Jamie!
Welcome to the forum! It is the place where you can come and know that you will be accepted, not chided, and know that many others are in the same boat that you are. That said, being in the middle is a tough place to hide. When I dress fully for awhile, the girly stuff that I do just eeks out. The legs crossing, hand gestures, questions about fashion or makeup ....it all just happens in male mode as well. People close to you will notice a change. As for eyebrows, just trim them out a bit at a time with a nose clipper (electric). If they are a bit bushy, but shaped somewhat, they will be acceptable. As for pierced ears. If you don't want the holes, wear a flesh colored ponytail band around your ear and hang the earring of your choice off the bottom of the band. A more hourglass shape can be had for under $30 by wearing "shapewear". Corsets are way to expensive and tough to put on. Elastic shapeware holds everything in and gives the shape you want around the middle. If you don't want to shave your legs, wearing two pairs of hose will cover the hair on your legs, or just buy thicker tights from the store. You8 already have a bra, so buy a pair of silicone breasts to put in it. On eBay they sell for about $10. That's my tips of the moment. Have fun!

05-24-2010, 06:09 PM
You came to the right place! You make a cute girl, and with lots of practice and trial and error you'll make a beautiful woman...in answer to your questions, you can feather your eyebrows with scissors so they lay down after you put eyebrow pencil on them, a buff or gray eye shadow and pale pink lipgloss look most natural. For many other tips on how to look more feminine, check out Ask Windy Cissy (http://snurl.com/askwindy)

05-24-2010, 07:44 PM
A good bra is a Hanes G320. It's fairly light, yet fairly sturdy, and can be purchased for between $9 - $15 at most typical stores (Target, Walmart). It has ... I don't know what they're called, sweat bands? Which hold forms in very well... another plus is that you can pick between three colors. They're pretty stretchy; I buy a size smaller than most other bras.

To look decent, unless you're really true to yourself, try buying tops that are one size bigger than what you think will look good ... at least, if you buy at Walmart or Target. I've found out the hard way that clothing bought via Roaman's or Lane Bryant is fairly big, so I was buying the wrong size, at least compared to Walmart brands.

Others can advise you on fashions, etc. I'm too "old" to be really fashionable, especially since I don't go out dressed very much. :)

Sorry I know this isn't what you asked for; just stuff off the top of my head. I do my own makeup, but poorly enough that I don't feel good about giving advice.

As far as eyebrows, unless you really feel like you can't take it if someone guesses your secret, I say hang it all and fix yourself up a little bit. You don't have to do a pretty-girl arch, but cleaning them up can make a big difference. Another thing you could try, if you use a wig, get one with bangs that come down almost to your eyebrows; tends to obscure them. If you wear glasses, so much the better; eyebrows aren't really noticeable. Seriously, it's safer than you think to be "different". A lot of folks aren't paying that much attention.

05-24-2010, 11:06 PM
@bethany: that helps, here i was trying to find the right size without just getting something that was an 'A' cup. even on top of that, i wasn't sure which looked natural, i was thinking of going the route that charlie recommended and buying silicon pads or whatever they were called.

@Windy: The eyebrows are really the only thing that has me bugged right now. I mean I've changed my voice to that of the more shy girl, it works and I don't have to talk that much. But, to anyone who read that all, i've only met three other people that didn't see right through me with make-up on. I've been wanting to take a pick with me in make-up, but it's so hard to do it when you have 4 other room-mates. ugh!

I was even scared of getting an account here, i wasn't sure what was going to happen. I'm self-conscious already and to dress up as a member of the opposite sex doesn't really help out too much. Everyone is exceptionally nice here. :daydreaming:

Also if anyone asks, Jamie is the shy goth. :o