View Full Version : Outing en femme to an unlikely place

Rachel Morley
08-21-2005, 09:51 PM
In the last couple of months my cross dressing has progressed to going out in public fully en femme. Each time I have been accompanied by my wife Marla and we have done it several times now. First we went wig shopping, then to JC Penney in the mall, next was a trip to the movies, and the last outing was going clubbing at a local TG/Gay bar. Each time we have done this we have told our story and posted pictures.

Our latest outing was not to anywhere special but for me it was one of the places I had (for some reason) kind of feared going to. We went to Wal-Mart!

I got off work early on Friday, so we had the opportunity to go shopping. We decided not to go to our nearest one (that we always go to) but one that was a few miles further away. I don’t know what it is about Wal-Mart, but I get the distinct feeling that some of the people that shop there would beat me up right there in the store if they found out I was a guy. Do you know what I mean? Am I being a snob?

As we pulled up into the parking lot I noticed that there were people going in, and coming out of the store. I always get nervous just as I get out the car. Somehow I feel safe when I am cocooned inside. Marla was (as always) being very loving and reassuring, telling me that no one is going to notice, least of all say anything, and that I should relax and enjoy myself.

As we walked into the store the greeter said hello and welcomed us to Wal-Mart. I smiled and acknowledged her. She didn’t seem to suspect anything. We headed for the section that had all the hair accessories because I wanted a new comb and vent brush for my wig. Marla waited until the coast was clear and then took this picture.


Next we went to the lingerie section and just browsed for a little while, then went over to the clearance section to see if there were any bargains. Neither of us generally buy our clothes at Wal-Mart but sometimes they have some reasonable casual clothes at very good prices. Marla took another picture when no one was looking.


We didn’t buy anything except a few boring household supplies and the hair brush and comb that I wanted. However, I got something much more valuable out of it. I feel like I entered the “lion’s den” and survived. I don’t know why, but I was thinking that if I was going to get read anywhere it would be at Wal-Mart. But no! Another successful outing that I wanted to share with you all.

08-21-2005, 10:35 PM
Well 'I have to say it's getting better all 'th time for you lov, first a movie then clubbing and now going to wal-mart. Things are certainly looking up for you and Marla going out dressed femm if no one read you there 'th chances of being read getting more and more slim each time you got out dressed. I am very please to hear that things are going very well indeed.I am still looking for a wig but haven't been able to find 'th right one for me yet but still looking and hopefully i will find one soon so i can start going out again dressed femm.
good luck angel (and keep us posted)

Mx Justina
08-21-2005, 10:37 PM
If you have good public blend-in ability (which of course, you do), are accompanied by someone reasonable looking (in your case, your wife), are not carrying suspicious items (such as shopping bags, backpacs, etc)...then there shouldn't be any reason for the greeters to give you the evil eye, and not say "howdy, and have a nice day at our frieeeendly establishment!" (or automaton words to that effect)...

The only ones there who are gonna care would be the dudes operating the high zoom PTZ security cams and the computerized point-to-point tracking quad monitors.

Most shoppers going in and out are likely not going to notice...unless you both get stuck in some stagnating cash-register line...but then only the people stagnating near you possibly.


kristi cd
08-21-2005, 11:09 PM
I hate you. :p And, no, you're not the only one who thinks that about Wal-Mart hehe. I hate going there as a guy, I guess because it's always so crowded and I hate crowds, but I digress. :rolleyes: I think Justina's right, as long as you're not doing anything to draw attention to yourself, I don't think anyone would notice, or even care. I know I don't notice nor would I care, but then again, I don't guess I'm your typical shopper. :cool:

08-21-2005, 11:18 PM

You seem to blend in well in everyday situations dressed en femme. You seem content and happy and you are encouraged by a special and very supportive wife.

You should be very grateful to your wife for allowing your femme side to experience the everyday situations like shopping and going to movies and dining out.

Wishing you both the best!


08-21-2005, 11:45 PM
Angel, you look great! Much better than the GG's I saw on my last trip to Wal-Mart :p

But I'm not sure if GG is the correct term when referring to Wal-Mart. "Dem wimun in Wal-Mart" seems more appropriate.

And I'm terrified of getting beat up by them, myself! Especially if they are pushing a cart. I don't want the last words I hear to be "cleanup on aisle five" :p

08-22-2005, 12:03 AM
Angel you just keep getting more and more confident and secure in your "femidenity." You're living proof that life goes on after WalMart. Thanks to you and Marla for sharing with us!

Katie Ashe
08-22-2005, 08:38 AM
Hello Angel... I know you and Marla are very close. I think she is wonderfull and your very lucky to have her. From talking to you guys off forum, your very attractive as a guy and a lady. I thinks the pic's are wonderful. I think you are passable, stop being so hard on your self. You go out and have fun. I do alot of shopping at Walmart myself, Last night I went there in my Pink sneaks, tan stockings, jean shorts, black cami, and my new headband. Many stopped and looked, some shook their heads, few pointed. But Everyone left me alone to shop. Most don't want to draw attention to them selfs at your expense. Concidering I had no make up on, but did shave... I had a good time. Your so much more passable than I am, Have fun, go out and smile. You'll have more fun when you take a deap breath and just do it.


08-22-2005, 10:47 AM
I believe you could pass anywhere you went.You look the part. I have not been shopping enfem yet.We always shop while i am in drad and with the wife. Your encouragement and great attitude will help myself and many others to be out there in the real word.Thanks again for all that you do for this forum and us girls.

08-22-2005, 12:28 PM
Dressed like any other Wal-Mart shopper. Who doesn't love a bargain. You are clearly so comfortable when femme. Very inspirational. Thank you so much for sharing your trips with us.



Natalie x
08-22-2005, 12:38 PM
Thanks for sharing that, Angel. I always enjoy reading about your experiences, you and Marla are so inspiring. :love:

Wendy me
08-22-2005, 12:53 PM
omg think abought that just like a real person .....lol ....hey way to go and the more you do it the less you think abought it ....keep them comming you go girlfreind........

08-22-2005, 01:10 PM
I have actually bought many things there for my "girlfriend" :rolleyes: I don't yet have the confidence or a "posse" to feel safe shopping en femme but stories like yours fill with more resolve every time I see them!

Michelle I
08-22-2005, 01:24 PM
Angel, you looked great, quit worrying about being read. You are getting the confidence to pass anywhere, the pictures look great. My only complaint is that you have my shoes on and they LOOK a lot better on you than me :) . Thanks to you and Marla for posting your adventures. You are one lucky girl.


Stephanie Mancini
08-22-2005, 01:24 PM
Angel, you can come shopping with me anytime or rather can i come with you, you look fabulous and so relaxed , your obviously enjoying every moment out with Marla and it shows sweetie!


Deidra Cowen
08-22-2005, 05:50 PM
Very cool adventure! I consider myself pretty brave and go a lot of places as a fem...but I have to admit Walmart has been too much for me to try. Like you hinted at the crowd is usually of a lower social economic level and I am a bit leary of them. (I'm a snob sue me! :eek: ) Ever since I got harrashed at a waffle house I got more careful where I go.

But heck with me and my silly ideas...congrats to both of you. By the way, you look great in those pics. Very attractive and femmy...they are just snapshots but from what I can tell you have femmy mannerisms and posture nailed!!! :thumbsup:

I admire you two and how much fun you have!



Kaitlyn Michele
08-22-2005, 06:05 PM
you look fantastic!!! congrats on all your outings.. i like your style and we have similar interests in that i am interested in doing things the other girls do!!

my problem in i over 6' which makes it alot tougher but going out and just being "me" has been exhilarating! I know you'll keep up the info on your next outing


08-22-2005, 08:06 PM
The pictures Marla takes pretty much sum up the entire thing. You look just like any other woman that decided she needed something at WalMart that day! I wish I had the nerve, and body structure, to do that!

Keep the stories coming! We love them.

And Marla, you're becoming quite the photographer! There might be a comfortable living at it somewhere out there for you! Of course, you have a good subject to shoot too!


08-22-2005, 08:11 PM
Beautiful! Just beautiful! This is my dream, to do what you did... It must feel so good!! Now if I could, I would live a female full time...

08-22-2005, 08:14 PM
hey wait a minute now, let's not gloss over the pictures of that walmart.. wood flooring, 2 floors?! holy crap I'm jealous (has pretty good walmart out here, but I wish we had a Super walmart with a full grocery store). Is everything nicer in california?

Rachel Morley
08-22-2005, 09:02 PM
Hi Jo_ann,

Very observant of you! Yes that particular Wal-Mart is a flagship store. It only opened like 3 months ago. As far as Wal-Marts go it could be considered classy I guess.

To everyone.......

Thank you so much for being so supportive to me and Marla. We do appreciate all of your feedback. Many have said "keep 'em coming"....the outings that is, and I can assure you that Marla and I have no plans to stop just yet. You wanna know something?.....we couldn't have done this without all of you being so encouraging and posting about your own outings. Some have posted that we are inspiring, well I don't know about that, but thank you so much for such a nice compliment.

I want to encourage you just as much as you have encouraged us, to take that leap of faith and get out there and enjoy yourselves. Life's too short.

08-22-2005, 09:18 PM
Great post. Thanks. Enjoy everyone.
I can manage the parking lot pretty good, its once I get in the store, when the pressure begins. I find myself doing a quick right when I get in the story (which probably gives me away to any security person watching on camera). Go to a comfortable section (cosmetics, pharmacy) where I can gain my composure and get my bearings. Did I tell you the one time I went into WM and used the girls room efem? Unknown to me, when exited the womans loo, there was a team of sercurity personnel waiting outside the door with radios in hand (result of cameras?). I exited very quickly and did a quick right (habit) through shoes and zig zaged through the childrens (go O.J., go!!!), through shoes and then (mentally sprinted) past the check out isles and past the greeter and out the exit door (very fem I am sure!!?). No doubt a swat team would be following me. I even looked up at the security camera's on the top of the buildings to see if they were following my path to my car. I was expecting the local cops to show up any time.
Well, they didnt get me and I survived and I still go to Wallys World efem as anywhere else (is there anywhere else?). And they do have some great bargins! Us girls have to watch our money!!!
Love you both; Angel and Marla.

parris james
08-22-2005, 09:30 PM
I buy lots of stuff at Walmart, But since I couldn't pass if the only shopper was Helen Keller :lol: I guess I just settle for wearing Under garments(receaves no rath from Tristen) under my uniform :D

08-23-2005, 05:15 AM
Just goes to show what a little imagination, a good canvas to work with and an understanding wife can lead you to become! Thanks for sharing your experiences with us!

08-24-2005, 09:18 AM
hi girls--
i can totally relate to what katie said. i don't pass and don't really try to and i go to wal-mart gender blended all the time. i've been nervous, of course, but never had a problem. i freely shop in the ladies department, lingerie, even shoes (although trying on heels there is the most nerve-wracking for me). i admit to getting a little bit of a kick when i'm read but i've never been bothered. there's a delightfully naughty feeling i get when showing up at the dressing room with my pretty things to try on and getting looked at by the saleslady. One even said to me once, "those are women's, you know..." I was polite and said "Thank-you. I do know. They're adorable and i want to try them on to make sure they fit."
be yourself. i don't have problems with wal-mart.

08-24-2005, 01:19 PM
Congrats, you seem to be doing quite well, keep goin.


08-24-2005, 01:27 PM
Great story,, and you are a brave girl. That is not to say that you just don't blend in..but I tried to imagine myself in your position and I would just about freak out! :eek: You are truly lucky to have a SO that is so supportive and confident that she will share you with the world at large. Congrats! :)

08-24-2005, 06:19 PM
I have told this story before, but I'll tell it again. I went to walmart androgenously en femme. I was wearing shorts with hose and ladies flats with a blouse. Not too noticable if I keep moving. The shoes seem to be the most revealing part of the outfit. So, I look like a guy. Walmart is a scary place to go. I think it is because it is crowded and the crowd is any gender, any race, and any economic group. Therefore, you may have some polite and rude, and some bashful and outgoing, and some understanding and some not-so-understanding people all there to see you. (The order of those two lists are not related). I got distracted with what I was doing and, for the first time ever, I forgot what I was wearing. I was seen by a girl who obviously knew I was wearing hose. I don't know what else she figured out. I was so happy that I forgot what I was wearing! I was comfortable!

Oh, and congratulations on your trip too! :^)


jerri kelly
10-08-2005, 12:49 PM
go out dressed is the altimate experiance the next level of cd ing is runing other erands without the suport of your wife like picking up a few things at the grocery store going to library and taking your car to get an oil change. it is such a blessing to go out and not be hassled. a big hara for you. im sure your wife also finds it a great experiance when she acompanys you on your outings.

10-11-2005, 02:54 AM
Ok, tell ya about WalMart.

I go there after work one night. Got a cart then to the women’s dress area I did go. I shop like a Woman does anyway. I graze shop for things. Anyway I found 4 dresses I did like, 2 skirts, and two blouses. Up to the try on rooms and asked the girl for a room to try on some clothing. She did count the items, and showed me to a room. I came out, and exchanged several for different sizes several times. Put my items in the cart to then be taken to the checkout. At the checkout one of the girls said Ma'am you know I'd love to have this dress, but they are just to much for me on my paycheck. The other Girl checking my items, told the girl removing the hangers to shush. Then the Cashier said " Ma'am those are pretty". I did smile and said thank you. Used my Debit card and everything.

BTW I was in male clothing, T shirt, jeans, and tennis shoes.

I buy from WalMart all the time with no problems. Try on everything except underwear.

Do Not Be Afraid To Try On Clothing At WalMart! One of my friends works in another town at a WalMart. She is a { M to F } Crossdresser also. She says that She does see many Males come into buy femme clothing. But most draw attention to them selves, skulking around, and looking all over very nervously. She told me, She did stop a CD one evening. She took Him aside and told Him to not be so nervous, as it was drawing attention. To just relax and have a nice time in the store, etc. Told the Guy, that his dressing preffrence did not matter. That WalMart is there to sell to everyone.
Said the Guy did write the store Manager and thank them for a wonderful staff.

I like shopping there, but right now this fall line of theirs is very limited.


10-11-2005, 06:42 AM
In the last couple of months my cross dressing has progressed to going out in public fully en femme. Each time I have been accompanied by my wife Marla and we have done it several times now. First we went wig shopping, then to JC Penney in the mall, next was a trip to the movies, and the last outing was going clubbing at a local TG/Gay bar. Each time we have done this we have told our story and posted pictures.

Our latest outing was not to anywhere special but for me it was one of the places I had (for some reason) kind of feared going to. We went to Wal-Mart!

I got off work early on Friday, so we had the opportunity to go shopping. We decided not to go to our nearest one (that we always go to) but one that was a few miles further away. I don’t know what it is about Wal-Mart, but I get the distinct feeling that some of the people that shop there would beat me up right there in the store if they found out I was a guy. Do you know what I mean? Am I being a snob?

As we pulled up into the parking lot I noticed that there were people going in, and coming out of the store. I always get nervous just as I get out the car. Somehow I feel safe when I am cocooned inside. Marla was (as always) being very loving and reassuring, telling me that no one is going to notice, least of all say anything, and that I should relax and enjoy myself.

As we walked into the store the greeter said hello and welcomed us to Wal-Mart. I smiled and acknowledged her. She didn’t seem to suspect anything. We headed for the section that had all the hair accessories because I wanted a new comb and vent brush for my wig. Marla waited until the coast was clear and then took this picture.


Next we went to the lingerie section and just browsed for a little while, then went over to the clearance section to see if there were any bargains. Neither of us generally buy our clothes at Wal-Mart but sometimes they have some reasonable casual clothes at very good prices. Marla took another picture when no one was looking.


We didn’t buy anything except a few boring household supplies and the hair brush and comb that I wanted. However, I got something much more valuable out of it. I feel like I entered the “lion’s den” and survived. I don’t know why, but I was thinking that if I was going to get read anywhere it would be at Wal-Mart. But no! Another successful outing that I wanted to share with you all.
Well you go girl and you are so lucky to have marla god bless you both. As for going to wallyworld, I go there all the time dressed and I dont pay any attention to what people say, Im very comfortrable in dressup and my gg friend encourage me to be GeeGee whenever I can and that is more and more lately my othewr self is almost gone but he will always be a part of me . So for all you girls taht are still afraid to go out in public, go for it youll be suprised at how people will react, most of them will even talk to you as long as you dont bring any unnessciary attention to yourself, go out and have fun ,go shopping enfemine you will just love it. I even go by myself to local storesall the time love hugs kisses GeeGee2:) :)