View Full Version : Two personalities MALE and FEMALE

06-16-2010, 03:45 PM
Last night I had a night off from rollerderby and I decided to skate over to visit Phillis on the yacht. When she has her crew on the yacht she is in her male mode (a mode I do not see often).

As I was sitting there with her and the crew something hit me kind of hard and later as I was leaving in private with her I busted out laughing. She asked me why and I told her that there is a MAJOR difference between the girl I know as Phillis and the guy that is the boat captain.

We both had a laugh and later that night I was talking to Danella (my girlfriend) about my observations and she agreed that she had noticed the two different personalities. She even went on to say she prefers Philis's personality since it is much calmer.

Thats my story for the day. I thought some of you might get a smile from it.

P.S. Here is a few pics. One with Danella and Phills at a derby game, another with Jennifer, and finally crazy me with my bike a month before SRS.

Teresa Ann
06-16-2010, 04:05 PM
Hi Kate, I think we all have duel personalities some are greater than others. I don't know if you get all dressed up (which I would like to see) but when you have on a nice dress and and heels you are abit different than when you have on you skates. Phills is the same. Love Teresa

06-16-2010, 04:06 PM
I don't know if my personality changes that much from drab to enfemme. I'd like to think not, but I may be guilty of some degree of self deception. It would be interesting to know if others have "observed" a difference in friends between drab and en femme.