View Full Version : Stand'in on the Corner...

06-19-2010, 06:20 PM
This afternoon my wife and I were on the sidewalk of the main "character" shopping block here, heading generally in the same direction as the traffic on that side. My wife had lagged slightly behind, so I paused and turned more towards the building so I could see her catch up. While I was waiting that short time, a car passed by, and a guy called from the passenger seat, "Hi, babe!" -- at me!

I had jean-look leggings on and a pink sweater and my usual long hair, but from that angle my face would not have been visible. It is possible that my (natural) chest would have been a little visible from the side (I'm somewhere near an A cup these days), but it wouldn't have been all that much if it was.

My wife laughed about it and it did not seem to upset her. :)

I think that's the first time I've been cat-called by someone who read me as female.

I know from other postings that this isn't much compared to what some of you go through (and do tell!), but like the 1000 lawyers on the bottom of the ocean, "It's a good start". :D

06-19-2010, 11:02 PM
well, that's fun--and funny.