View Full Version : HRT update

Teri Jean
06-30-2010, 08:59 PM
When I first started HRT I was informed of the process and then the spiro was added shortly afterward. During that time I was told to watch my cholestrol and blood sugar as it was high. Well, the next blood work indicated I was doing well and this last one indicated my "T" has dropped to 7.8 and normal is 200-950. I know we need some "T" but this was welcome news.


07-01-2010, 07:37 AM
Sounds good Teri, how long have you been on HRT?

I just had my first blood test after starting. (Had a blood test before to give a base level). My T count has dropped from 8 to 3.7, the form suggests the average is 0.22 to 2.9.

The worrying number for me is the liver count, which was above the average range of 7 -33 at my first test (it was 38) and has now gone up to 46. I'm at the GIC next week, so will be discussing how to bring that figure back to average.

Cholesterol is only slightly above 5.

Teri Jean
07-01-2010, 12:27 PM
I have been on spiro for a couple months and the rest of my blood work results were normal. Obviously we need to look at the big picture and not just one aspect. At first it was a watch on chlorestrol and blood sugar and they have been dealt with and normal so the eating right has a big effect on how we do. I think I just need to trust the endrocrinologist and my family doc to keep me on the straight (LOL) and narrow. Take care Deb. Hugs Teri