View Full Version : Biking en femme

07-02-2010, 12:33 PM
Several people have asked about riding a bike in heels & a dress, so I thought I'd start a new thread.

First of all, biking is my very favorite outdoor en femme activity. If you are a hosiery/clothing fetishist like me, you will love the feel of nice sheer hosiery and a lined dress or skirt as you pedal down the street - pure heaven !

Here's a few things I've learned about biking like a lady

- Heels are NOT a problem. Everyone seems to think so, but your wieght is on the seat and you natually use the balls of your feet on the pedals. It's far easier to bike in heels than walk in them.

- Keep your knees together and feet slightly pidgeon-toed.

- Starting & stopping and mounting & dismounting can be hard to do in a lady-like fashion. Here's what I do - Adjust the seat so you can put a toe down without sliding off the seat and then I use the 3 speed like a car tranny, starting out in first and then upshifting as I speed up. This way I can wait at a light and get restarted without getting off the seat.

- For mounting and dismounting, I flex one knee and tilt the bike to minimize swinging my leg up and over like getting on a guys bike.

- It's very hard to predict if a dress or skirt will be good for biking. Idieally, the hem won't ride up too much and require a lot of tugging and one-handed riding. Fuller, longer skirts/dresses are usually better, but not always.

I live in a little row house in Philly where my 'front yard' is the sidewalk, so I can't sneek out of my house and into a car which I don't have anyway. Buying a girls' bike was my solution and have since discovered the joys of biking in a nice dress.

All the Best,
Ann / SS

Teresa Ann
07-02-2010, 12:40 PM
Hi Ann , I will have to look for a girls bike that is not as tall as my 12speed I know I could not ride that and be a lady. You do look good on your bike and it keeps you in shape.

07-11-2010, 06:37 PM
Couple of years ago I took my 12 speed out wearing my unitard and underwire sports bra with the Y back. The black unitard looked like bike shorts I covered the top with a ladies blue t shirt . Felt wonderful and very sexy.

XX Nicol.

07-11-2010, 07:00 PM
nice post,, like you girls I too enjoy biking as aerobic excercise.. my usual is g-string, girls excersie cotton spandex 38B sportsbra under light blue girly tank. I have gone to local park here like this many times. I work hard so sweat is plentiful, everything under shows. no wig or other fem atire but very fem while male... im sure many will think its gay but its a real turn-on for me...push the borders they will fall!

07-11-2010, 07:28 PM
Something I learned a week ago:

If your skirt or dress is short enough that it does not cover the seat completely, and you are wearing pantyhose, then the seat is likely to wear a big hole in the pantyhose. :sad:

With regard to length of the skirt or dress:

If your skirt or dress is not long enough, then especially if it is windy, you will end up spending your time trying to stay modest. Even if you manage to stay technically modest, clothes that might have seemed to be long enough to be modest can end up just covering you, drawing attention to you and making you look like you are about to expose your panties any moment.

If your skirt or dress is too long, it will be magnetically attracted to the greasy chain (especially if you do not have a chain guard.)

Even a dress that is relatively short can end up "catching" on the seat each time you have to swing your leg over the cross-bar.

Modern hybrid and mountain bikes and "cross-road" bicycles and "street bikes" (the industry term for the triangle frame "10-speed" bikes designed for quick efficient travel on smooth pavement) are most often sold for unisex use: you can find women's bikes in those styles, but the major difference in them tends to be in the frame size and perhaps a bit of a drop in the cross-bar. Touring bikes and "retro" bikes are sold in distinct mens and womens styles with the womens having a distinct drop in the cross-bar that allows for dresses and skirts.

The implication of the above is that if you already have a hybrid or mountain or cross-road or street bike, then unless it is decorated distinctively male-ly, people are not going to see it as an inherently male bike. On the other hand, if you do not have the big drop in the cross-bar then wearing long skirts or dresses can be difficult.

Sometimes the easiest arrangement is a skirt or dress that falls far enough down that you can drop it behind your seat, preserving your modesty and allowing your limbs to move easily -- but not long enough to have any chance of getting caught in the tires or brakes!

What else... Ah yes, if you are going to bicycle with heavier forms, make sure that your bra keeps them in place snugly if your bicycle requires you to bend over to ride, or else the angled position and the bounce of the bike as you ride will likely cause them to give a good attempt at falling out!

07-11-2010, 08:52 PM
I did the same as Nicol. Generates a lot of male attention and if you are in good shape with enough padding to create the curves you need, you will not get read...believe me! You will feel naked though and it is a rush!

07-11-2010, 10:08 PM
Here is another thread about cycling clothing: http://www.crossdressers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4892

For exercise biking, I would go with the modern capri tights look, so I wouldn't need a girl's bike. But, casual riding in a skirt/dress sounds fun, too.

07-12-2010, 05:57 AM
That sounds like so much fun, I just may have to try it. I know that riding my Gold Wing in a skirt and heels was a real rush, especially late evening cruising down by the Gulf of Mexico in Florida.

07-12-2010, 12:44 PM
But I usually do it in male mode an hour each morning. It's purly for cardio so I usually work up a good sweat! I do think it would be a blast to bike casually in girl mode though. I'm wondering if a ball cap with just hair extentions that look like a pony-tail and fem jeans or capries would be my best bet - the post above about breast forms falling out is duely noted :eek:!. I wouldn't want to go out only half fem myself. I'm an all or nothing girl (other than occational underdressing...).

07-13-2010, 02:29 AM
Wearing a bike helmet is hard on your wig, you get hat head so what I did was get a really cheap costume wig and use that. I think a pony tail attachement might work as long as your other hair is long enough to make it all look realistic.