View Full Version : Does it take a while for you to get out of guy mode?

07-07-2010, 09:51 AM
If I have not been dressed for a few days it always takes me a few hours to get out of the male mentality. Is it the same with you?
Hugs, Christine

07-07-2010, 09:54 AM
Interesting self observation. I have seen my share of variations upon the gender theme. I can only suggest ya do whatever it takes to be happy. Note I said DO. Lots of people talk but never DO.

Megan Thomas
07-07-2010, 10:19 AM
i only have one mentality and it's more female than male, so no i never have trouble getting out of male mentality. Even if i'm wearing male clothes my mentality is still predominantly female.

Christina Horton
07-07-2010, 10:27 AM
Well once I've got my makeup on and dressed the last thing I do is put my Wig on and thats when Christina is there. Call it a switch if you will. As soon as I see Christina in the mirror or just feel her hair then she's there for me. Not everyone is so fortunate as I and some are in girl mode before they start to do there makeup. I sometimes and like this IF I am alone home(witch is all the time since I'm single) and am in a fem-mood I can be Christina even before I start anything. But for the most part it is after the wig and I start brushing her hair.

Try this when your preparing to go out even before you do anything just start letting (her) out to play or ( WARM UP) if you will then you'll be all girl before your done or right as your done. Like if you have a fem-voice then use it and talk like your talking to your girl friends telling them a story etc.

And beside when I'm in guy mode I am still got her in me and she nowadays right at the surface waiting to come into the light. After all were not JUST playing dress up , were expressing out fem-side and digging her out of the ugly pit of our maleselves is something hard but over time she Like me be right there just let her go free and she will be there in an instant

07-07-2010, 10:29 AM
Depends on what I'm doing.

Following a PM I received this week I have been musing over the times when I lose the momentum to dress. I won't say urge, because that is always there, but sometimes I just don't have the energy. It doesn't last too long though and often happens when I have a lot of male mode thinking to do. The last time I dressed fully was when I took my June pics, which was very early June, and it feels like ages!

Normally, though, for me the reverse is the problem. I never want to take Kaz off and become the other guy, and if I have a long time in Kaz mode, it is quite upsetting and there is a real sense of loss!

Complex business! :hugs:

Try this when your preparing to go out even before you do anything just start letting (her) out to play or ( WARM UP) if you will then you'll be all girl before your done or right as your done.

And beside when I'm in guy mode I am still got her in me and she nowadays right at the surface waiting to come into the light. After all were not JUST playing dress up , were expressing out fem-side and digging her out of the ugly pit of our maleselves is something hard but over time she Like me be right there just let her go free and she will be there in an instant

Totally agree! I have had some great moments feelng like Kaz in my male jeans and shirt, going round the supermarket... mostly prior to dressing, but also just because I can! In this mode I have no problem at all buying girly things in drab!

Even in my darkest male hours... Kaz is never far away!

07-07-2010, 10:59 AM
I think Bianca is always lurking in there (boy mode) but as Christina said as soon as the make-up is finished and wig is on Bianca comes out full force...Apartment starts to get organized and an overwelming urge to do laundry takes over :giggle:

Kathi Lake
07-07-2010, 11:03 AM
For me, it's just the opposite - it takes me awhile to get out of girl mode! I find that after the paint and padding is stripped away, she's still in there and still "driving." I'll still "walk pretty" or gush to someone about her cute shoes, or make a thousand other mistakes.



Cheryl T
07-07-2010, 11:19 AM
I'm never fully in "guy mode"...so I just begin to dress and I'm there....:daydreaming:

07-07-2010, 11:23 AM
I love putting on my makeup, then clothes. But it’s when I finish off with my wig, the last thing I do, that I instantly become Suzy.
Even when I am going to bed, if I am wearing nothing except my wig I’m still Suzy.
Take it off and she is gone. No wonder I live in the thing!
Maybe a bit weird but that’s me.


I just remembered. When in drab I do wiggle as I walk down the road sometimes though.

07-07-2010, 11:37 AM
Part of the adventure of Tina is learning about who she is and what she has contributed to my "self" for the 55 years before we identified her. Functionally that meant that there was not, initially, a well-defined "femme mode" but each time we were able to experience Tina the more "femme" there was identified. So each time there was to be a transition to Tina, that transition got more and more involved, and a ritual was established. I have come to think of it as the learning process of "basic training" so that being a soldier becomes as much instinct as thought. There are rituals to go through that become part of you. The same thing has happened to me with Tina.

The other thing is that I very much enjoy the anticipation of that transition, which intensifies the transition time and actions (nails, shower, shaving, makeup, dressing, hair, lipstick) so that that by the time this is all done, Tina is raring to go! That brief moment of walking out of the bathroom, having just applied her makeup, adjusted her glasses, touched up her hair, and hearing the click of her heels as she reaches the hardwood.... Tina has arrived.

Now that I think about it, transitioning back to male used to be nothing at all, but now that Tina has a real life, there has also begun to develope a reverse ritual of putting away the makeup, deciding what needs to be washed, hanging up the rest, taking a shower, washing the handwash (and draping them over the towel to dry in bathroom), and then going through the male ritual of moisturizing that I have each morning. Lastly, the nails are dealt with.

So, for me, it has become a ritual of transition, in both directions!



07-07-2010, 11:39 AM
Believe or not dressing up as a pretty girl is always in my mind...but no always i can manage to do it...sometime just have to be content to watch my pics in my PC.:sad:

07-07-2010, 01:05 PM
If anything, I have problems hiding the girl mode in me. After dressing for awhile I adopt female mannerisms and walk and have to hide and stop them.

07-07-2010, 01:07 PM
Subconsciously, even before I started CDing, I suppose I've managed to blend a lot of male and female characteristics into my own personality. I think it's this reason that I'm able to easily switch between genders or even choose to represent aspects of both.

07-07-2010, 01:57 PM
I too fnd it hard to get into guy mode, then I crave Laura to the point I wish I was full time CD or even changed

07-07-2010, 02:41 PM
When I'm in guy mode, I'm usually wishing Susan could come out and play. For me, there's about 2 hours of work needed to change from guy-mode to Susan. Often, the changeover would consume so much time that there would be little time left for Susan to enjoy life. At those times, Susan just doesn't come out and play. It's as if she is sitting in a window wishing it would quit raining.

Recently, over 4 weeks passed during which Susan wasn't able to come out. (Too many more pressing obligations.) During that time, I realized I was losing the confidence for Susan to go out in public, again. I was relying on the memory of the last times that Susan went to a store and I was questioning whether it had truly been that way or not. Perhaps, my memory was "tainted." I consider this being stuck in "male mentality." A kind of self-doubt that increases the longer that Susan stays inside.

When Susan finally got the opportunity to come out and play, again, I had to get over the "2 hour threshold" of getting her ready for the public. But, once the wig, makeup, and clothing worked their magic, the day became glorious. The rain had finally stopped. I couldn't wait to go somewhere...anywhere.

And, as others have said, it is most difficult to leave that behind when the opportunity is over. A sadness to the finality that is tempered by knowing that Susan is still there and will come out, again, at the next opportunity.

07-07-2010, 02:42 PM
I'm never in male mode anymore, I'm enfem 100% of the time.

07-07-2010, 02:45 PM
For me, it's just the opposite - it takes me awhile to get out of girl mode! I find that after the paint and padding is stripped away, she's still in there and still "driving." I'll still "walk pretty" or gush to someone about her cute shoes, or make a thousand other mistakes.



I agree, it seems that I am always in female mode, even when wearing male (outer) clothing, and yes I sometimes do make silly miss takes.

07-07-2010, 02:53 PM
You ladies are starting to make me feel bad. With the exception of smiling a little more when in "girl mode", I think that I feel the same either way. My makeup skills get a little rusty whenever I haven't been girled up for a while. Maybe that's a part of transitioning into a female mentality. As far as going back to a male mode, I'll continue to stop and smell the flowers.


Lynn Marie
07-07-2010, 04:37 PM
Well once I've got my makeup on and dressed the last thing I do is put my Wig on and thats when Christina is there. Call it a switch if you will. As soon as I see Christina in the mirror or just feel her hair then she's there for me. Not everyone is so fortunate as I and some are in girl mode before they start to do there makeup. I sometimes and like this IF I am alone home(witch is all the time since I'm single) and am in a fem-mood I can be Christina even before I start anything. But for the most part it is after the wig and I start brushing her hair.

This is exactly what happens to me. I can hardly belive all the years I dressed without makeup and jewelry and a wig. It just seems so incomplete now, although it was quite a turn-on in those days. Still exciting, but in a more mature way.

07-07-2010, 05:05 PM
Takes me about 11 hours, until I’m back home from work, then I’m me again :)

07-07-2010, 05:11 PM
I'm not a method actor. I don't get into a mindset in order to act stereotypically male. I basically feel female, and have adopted male mannerisms and behaviors in order to fit in to society and 'fly under the radar'. So, I never 'get into' female mode; I'm always there. I just don't show it to the outside world.

Sarah Doepner
07-11-2010, 01:14 AM
The line between the "guy" and "girl" modes is actually pretty slim for me. My behaviors are pretty much the same most of the time, but the pendulum does swing a little farther from time to time. The problem is not getting out of guy mode when I dress, but avoiding slipping back to guy mode behaviors when I'm in my pretty clothes. The same can go for swinging the other way I guess, when I'm en drab I can easily gush or get girly in some other way.

I aim for consistency and haven't found it yet. I'm working on it but need more practice I guess.

07-11-2010, 02:06 AM
I don't even know exactly what guy mode is, I just act like I am one to the best of my knowledge and often fail at it miserably. :heehee:

Rachel Morley
07-11-2010, 02:20 AM
"male mentality" ... gee, I hope I don't have any of that ... even in my my boy mode :sad:

Charla McBee
07-11-2010, 05:22 AM
As soon as the first bit a femme clothing touches my skin, I'm switched. Changing back works about the same way. As long as I indulge Agnieszka for a while every couple of days, I'm fine being the guy I present to the world. Sometimes I can go several weeks with barely a thought. Although certain things never change, for example we both love vodka and football, a lot. :drink:

There was a point last year when I had lost all my clothes and hadn't dressed in forever, I felt like she had taken me over completely but we still watched a division 2 arena football game and got drunk together. :hugs:

07-23-2010, 05:05 PM
I'm usually in fem mode when the skirt goes on and sometimes before:tongueout

07-23-2010, 07:42 PM
I'm rarely in guy mode. Sometimes life is too busy to discerne the difference, however. I try not to worry about it.l

Dee :fairy1:

07-23-2010, 08:14 PM
Snap! Girl! And that's what's so fun!

07-23-2010, 08:25 PM
I usually have a difficult time with both if I have been in either mode for too long. If my balance strays for too long then it takes a few days to get in and out of each mode. Sometimes after I dress for a long time I'll still feel all fem and feel weird in guy clothes for a little not and vice versa. Luckily I've found ways to keep order in my universe lol

Pattie O
07-23-2010, 09:03 PM
I enjoy the transformation so much when I have the opportunity that I start to "feel" feminine whilst I prepare. As soon as I've decided what to wear I'm thinking of ways to make the most of the opportunity(eg what fragrance or what shade of lipstick suits or what jewellery should I wear).When I have to return to guy mode I find that I resent the change for a short while. I find it much easier to swing into female mode when the opportunity arises.It's almost magnetic!!

07-23-2010, 09:07 PM
My problem is that im torn between being a male and a female.

Sometimes im in full female mode but then i hangout with some guy friends and want to go back to being a male.

07-23-2010, 09:32 PM
I think Im always in the middle waiting to see which way I swing today! but It does lean more to my femme soft self!

07-23-2010, 09:46 PM
Girls, Once the pantyhose touches my legs or the lipstick touched my lips, my mood goes from 0 to 180, or in other terms, boy to girl, in 2 seconds. I am very easy...

Maryesther M.
07-24-2010, 12:03 AM
On days when I have previously planned to do some CD-ing I get home in gleeful anticipation of the transformation to come.
Most important is the facial make-up, adornment and hair. Second is the shapewear and hose, lastly the clothes.
It has to be top to toe for Maryesther to emerge from her crysalis, like a butterfly....destined fo fly and flutter about only for a brief time before having to fold her finery up again, peel the paint off and climb back into that drab old guy mode again...but with the continuing pleasure of perusing pics. taken during the f'light of fancy'.

Tina B.
07-24-2010, 09:11 AM
After years of having the problem of getting in the mind set, I have evolved to the point that I lay in bed in the morning, in my night gown, and look at the open closet, decide what I plan to wear, and then Tina is the one that gets up and gets dressed.
It used to be, I had to dress completely with wig and make up just to feel completely feminine, now days some days it's just a pair of Capri's, knit top, and panties, and shoes, no wig, make up, or anything else, then other days its Everything on nothing, but I feel just as feminine either way.
Tina B.