View Full Version : Feelings

Stephanie Mancini
08-25-2005, 02:38 PM
Who amongst us and i include myself in this have been sometimes been so emotionally caught up in this girl thing that wether through the good , the bad , or the downright ugly things that sometimes go on in our lives we tend to openly express our innermost feelings by doing the natural girl thing, crying, i can honestly say Steph has cried au naturelle with the best of them, i guess its nature's way of releasing pent up emotions which as guys we seem unable to express freely especially with each other, try wearing full makeup that has been smudged and streaked by tears, you'll soon have that smile back on your face again


Maddie Knight
08-25-2005, 02:48 PM
Rob never cries, he's a man. But Maddie has no problem in letting those emotions flood out.

Sarah Ellis
08-25-2005, 02:53 PM
Crying really does release emotions and a lot of inner feelings.. I'm not afraid to show these. I was brought up in the way that most of us were, to expect that we don't cry. How wrong can this be. There is a lot of things that can reduce me to tears and I am not afraid to show this, as I have mentioned on here many times. Why hide our emotions, when doing so may cause more damage to our psychological side than any physical effect of releasing our emotions.

So go on whoever you are.. Just have a good cry when you feel bad and don't be afraid to show it.

Satin xxx

Emily Ann Brown
08-25-2005, 03:16 PM
I will confess to crying yesterday while IMing with Karren, and I wasn't even dressed.

Emily Ann

08-25-2005, 07:27 PM
Unfortunately, crying has been so moulded into the psyche as a bad thing for a guy to do it took the loss of my wife and I's cat passing for me to cry for the first time since I was 14. Was the weirdest experience, just bursting into tears at 120km/h (75 mph) especially when the last time I cried was from getting the daylights pounded out of me for being different. I hadn't even shed a tear when my wife was going to leave me.

There is a first time for everything I guess.