View Full Version : I think he has found out.........But I don’t mind?

07-08-2010, 04:12 PM
Well, I never thought it would happen to me. I’m too smart in covering my tracks.
I live in a village in Hampshire in the U.K. I have lived there for the last three years. I have my own house and live on my own.
Well, there were these lovely 4” heels on ebay which I had to have. The village postman delivered them but they were not in a box but in a flimsy plastic bag. It was imposable not to know what was in the bag.
I know they could be for a women friend or something but the thing is I could not care less. When I was younger I would have died of embarrassment but now it just doesn’t mater to me.
This morning I bumped into my postman on the way out to my car and had the usual friendly few words. He didn’t act any differently but I would not have minded if he had. I find it fascinating what the passing years are doing to me. [And finding this site has had an effect on me too I think. So thank you girls]
Now where is all this leading? Walking down the village street in my heels next? No way! And yet……………..

Have fun, SUZY

07-08-2010, 04:15 PM
It is taking you to the dark side with heels and beautiful clothes.

07-08-2010, 04:58 PM
HOW'S about this then,
seen my regular postman for years, on first name terms, anyway I went to a sisters monthly meet, not my normal one chatting away to this one girl, and who was it you've guessed , it was my postman,

:hugs: J-JAY

Christina Horton
07-08-2010, 09:00 PM
Well if you don't care what people think then why would you have a prob with going oh dressed? I don't live in my home town but I would love to dress there. My mom whom still lives there has asked me not to go out dressed there unless I'm going to another town. If it were not for that I would love to go there. I dress when ever I want I. My town I now live in and in my apt most people here have at least seen christina. But that's me. You might take some time bit I know you'll get there. Have fun and please go out dressed and write all about it here.

07-08-2010, 09:20 PM
This time last year I couldn't have done that as my postman was...my cousin,but he has since left the job-And last week the first Sophie Parcel dropped through the door.No reason to hide it now even though I was a postie in same office nearly 15years ago (suddenly I feel old) :heehee: :hugs:Sophie x