View Full Version : Would You Go All The Way?

07-10-2010, 04:05 PM
Hello all, hope everyone is good! I was just wondering how many of you would go for full reassignment if it was feasible? What are some of the things that hold you back if you are thinking about it?

Thanks! :)

07-10-2010, 04:09 PM
With my current circumstances, I would never consider it even if it was feasible. Happily married for 20+ years, great son. Wife is currently supportive of what I do, would like more, and moving in that direction, but overall very happy and satisfied with my male life.

Maria in heels
07-10-2010, 04:09 PM
Hi Jenny! I would consider going thru full reassignment but what would definitely hold me back would be my children and how their friends would react...I personally would not mind, but I do have to consider my family...what about you?

07-10-2010, 04:30 PM
It's not my path. But everyone probably knows the joke:

Q: What's the difference between a transvestite and a transsexual?
A: Three years.

Penelope Marie
07-10-2010, 04:44 PM

i would indeed go through the entire reassignment. i think about it a lot as i don't enjoy being male. i do not like erections and i utterly hate the body hair i have to constantly shave. what holds me back nothing but those dead presidents. the mean green thats my only hurdle. if i had the cash i would indeed become fully woman. i simply adore that shape and lust for it daily. because i do not feel i am a man and do not like being in this male body but desire that female body.

07-10-2010, 04:52 PM
Yes I will have it done some how. For me its all about paying for it & I have heard the IRS will now let u use your IRA for this. I am checking this out & if so & still have enough left after everything has gone to hell, I will be making my appointment.

Hugs to all......................Janelle

07-10-2010, 04:58 PM
Nah, I like being a real-life shapeshifter, moving back and forth between the genders...

07-10-2010, 05:02 PM
I crossed this bridge mentally several years ago. While I will live full time as a woman again (I did several years ago) I won't do SRS. Its not for me. I really don't want to give up either gender and Ive come to grips with living and switching back and forth

07-10-2010, 05:08 PM
I would love to but I think it is too late in my life to do so. I am 43 and have a family. I couldn't give that up but if not for that, I would have transitioned in my early 20s. I guess you can't have it all?

07-10-2010, 05:10 PM
No, because of loved ones, and I would have concerns about being able to make a decent living.

But while I'm not saying I would trade what I have (again, loved ones) for the life of a TS, if I had discovered all this in my 20s there's a good chance I would have transitioned to full-time, I'm pretty sure of that. I can absolutely see taking hormones and having implants, maybe some cosmetic surgery, but I kinda doubt I would have ever done the complete SRS thing. I kinda like gender bending in that regard. And again, I think a young TS would have to be deadly serious about advanced education (masters, phd) and career in order to avoid the difficulties some gurls contend with.

07-10-2010, 05:13 PM

IF I had stayed single, and IF I have remained a non parent I might have gone down that road, but.... I'm not single, and I have a daughter so... I remain 'male' for life.

07-10-2010, 06:36 PM
...if it was feasible?

Practical feasibility is the minor issue, it's the easy part. Anything is possible, always. Whether or not you can make that decision based on your own circumstances is the difficult part. Feasibility is a red herring, dealing with the human consequences of a decision of this magnitude is the most, most important thing to manage. It can't be done without pain somewhere.

To answer the original question, yes, I would and have.


07-10-2010, 06:41 PM

Sara Jessica
07-10-2010, 06:44 PM
I would love to but I think it is too late in my life to do so. I am 43 and have a family. I couldn't give that up but if not for that, I would have transitioned in my early 20s. I guess you can't have it all?

Did I change my name and move to Canada??? Pretty much exactly my situation. Still, I'd do it in a heartbeat if the circumstances were there.

BTW, love the word "reassignment". Makes the whole thing sound so easy...as in, "OK Ms. Sara, your reassignment is now complete." ;)

07-10-2010, 07:24 PM
I would do it...ONLY if I could change back...and forth....and back...and forth!!!!! I like both sides too much to sacrifice either one. :)

My Lady Marsea
07-10-2010, 07:53 PM
Well that's like a no brainer for this girl. ABSOLUTELY, FOR SURE, WHERE DO I LIKE SIGN ON THE DOTTED LINE?. I hate this body and the society driven lifestyle or wutever I've had all my life because of being a boy based on the equipment I had at birth. Nobody asked me. Outside of like the last 3 years of finally living my life for myself and being true to myself, it sucks. What holds me back...a very simple answer....money...money....money.

07-10-2010, 07:57 PM
I went to counseling. To start the process. I made a decision to oh do the top end. Not that I like being a male I don't. The decision is based on the the known problems that come eith the changes. Ie. Suicide rates,job losses. So I went 247 a year ago. Getting ready for name change. I hope the court let's me change my name. Then I will strt getting ready for breast implants. You have to make your own decision for your life. Just make sure you understand everything 100%. It's critical good luck.

Kelly Greene
07-10-2010, 09:14 PM
I do admit that I feel that I would be better off if I were born female instead of male. But I think I have explored my feminine side enough to day that I need SRS to be whole.
It is a nice idea but I believe that I need more time experiencing my feminine side before I can determine what I really need even if I had all the money and support in the whole world.

07-10-2010, 09:16 PM
I'm with Sherri - if not for familly and having to support 3 university students...I would jump at the chance.

Nicole Brown
07-10-2010, 10:22 PM
Hi Jenny,

Yes, I would go all the way in a heart beat.

In fact, that only things that are holding me back right now are a relationship which is nearing an end and permission from my doctors after my recent medical issues.

07-10-2010, 10:25 PM
OMG I'm in.. where do I sign up?

Hopefully there is no waiting. Tell me where and I'll leave now, I can be there tomorrow if they'll do it right away. The sooner I get this birth defect fixed the happier this girl will be

07-10-2010, 10:30 PM
If feasable, I would do i in a heartbeat. The problems are family, job and well, I look like a guy, and would not be particularly attractive as a female. Besides, my wife would Kill me!

Kaitlyn Michele
07-11-2010, 01:07 AM
if you want something bad enough, anything is feasible..

i'm at the shore with my family, including my kids..i would have said this is not feasible only a couple yrs ago....

feelings of overwhelming lonliness, depression and dysphoria caused me to reconsider what was really feasible and i found that desperation was a really good counterpuncher to all my excuses and fears..

btw nobody commits suicide because they transition...they kill themselves because they can't or fail to transition...

Sandra Dunn
07-11-2010, 01:18 AM
I am going forward with it and the biggest hold up for me will be the finaces. For me it has gotten to the point of I need to me and the switching back and forth is very tiresome plus confussing as to who knows, who doesn't, do they know me as this person or the other.. I just need to be ME, one gender. I do not see myself as a man, I am very comfortable as a woman and it has gotten to the point of I DON'T care who knows, I need to be ME. My SO is not very excited about it, kids know and soon the rest of the family will know and I'll end up an orphan.

I have built up a support system with friends who know, my SO is willing to stick with me through this although we will be more or less seperated, one child lives near me and understands what it is and there will be more changes to come. I have given it considerable thought, going through counseling at this time and I will take it one step at a time.

We each must decide for ourselves what is best for our own situation, for me it needs to be one or the other and I need to be me.

Sandra Dunn

The ride begins this fall

07-11-2010, 01:34 AM
when i was alot younger i had consided it through my self doubting and confusing years but as i got older have become comfortable with who i am but do know how hard it can be some of my closest friends know thats all i need

Rachel Morley
07-11-2010, 01:48 AM
"full reassignment?" .... well, I don't identify as TS ... (at least I don't think so) ... yet I can't help wondering what it might be like, then I realize how big a step that would be. I am "fairly sure" I would lose my job and and I am equally "fairly sure" I would lose my wife ... those two things alone make me think that unless I'm a millionaire who's single, it ain't worth it to me. Too much too lose!

07-11-2010, 02:01 AM
if you want something bad enough, anything is feasible...

That's not always true, because lots of us have to choose between becoming a woman or losing the woman we love to death, like I do and I'm a 100% TS.

Kaitlyn Michele
07-11-2010, 11:44 AM
so you don't want to become a woman bad enough...thats totally ok.

it doesnt make you any less of a transsexual..but you want your love more than you want to live as a female..so you get to keep your lover, which is something that you value more

its a given that you can't control other people, thats not what i was talking about.

07-11-2010, 11:58 AM
If I was a few years younger, hell yes, I'd do it without a second thought. I still want to change over, but I've got a lot more things to consider these days, that I didn't when I was younger.

07-11-2010, 01:49 PM
wow what a question, and the answer to it, keeps changing . I'm clearly on a road I'm not prepared for, but I'm definitely on it.

I've crossdressed ( at least partially) for 20 years. I was in a13year relationship during that time with someone who didnt approve and showed it by belittling it and throwing out my clothes or giving them to her sister henever she found them. She had weight issues, so maybe it was a self perception thing about me looking better in than she did , I dont know because she was open about most other things but not that.
After we split I dressed openly alone, and then when I got together with my current wife we were talking onenight and i told her plainly, I crossdress, if you dont like it I wont do it infront ofyou.She was delighted and immediately demanded I dress for her, rest is history.

Now if you asked me at that time, I would have said no way I wanted to transition. Then later I found myself shaving even more regularly, doing my brows, growing my hair out in an attempt to pass more. Still if you asked me I had no intention to transition OR take hormones, for three primary reasons a) I wasnt out to my kids or mother, brothers and sisters. b) I enjoyd sex as a man too, and dont hate my penis. I'm married to someone who likes it too and c) because I think I' m too old and will forever look like a man ina dress and i work in a professional field.

So fastforward to now.

As of this week I'm out to all of my kids. I dress often ( even in front of the younger ones) . My mom died two weeks ago, and my brothers and sisters are all estranged, but I'm out to them too . Not all will be accepting . my brotheris a torontometro Police Officer, and duringthe wake was regailing the table with tales of having to strip search a TG. i guess he never realized as i wore male clothing out of respect for my mom's death, even though i have long hair, am pierced and was wearing girl shorts when hesaw me for the first time in 20 years.There's a good part to that story, someone, somewhere, made it a rule he had to askfor a female officer if requested. Despite my brothers seething comments on this TG, I took heart in the fact that someone somewhere said "he's gotta".

I still work in a professional field, but I consult and could do anything now it's less important. My spouse....is bisexual, and doesnt care if I'm male or female. So one by one each and every one of my obsticles has disappeared this year.There's only one that matters anymore, and that's this....

"Is it what _ I _ want?"


07-11-2010, 01:56 PM
yep - in a heartbeat. I am working thru the feasibility aspect now. My journey of this past year have led me to the realization that i am likelt ts. my therapist and i are working thru this now. We are discussing hrt in the near future. I think that will give me more personal direction.....

07-11-2010, 05:57 PM
Your wright the ones that have the most problems didn't fully make it through the mental process. If I was in my early 20s no dought I would have. That's why now I'm one step at a time. For the last 13 months 247 TG/CD I love it. I've had my drivers license photo changed to match my look. Next my name change. Then breast implants. Small steps but at the same time large ones. So far so good. Everyone has there own thing and situations none is wrong. Just be true to yourself!

07-11-2010, 06:21 PM
Well the first thing is i just dont think I would pass.:-(
The other is acceptance of family and my partner.
xxx Nicol

April Simmons
07-11-2010, 06:33 PM
It is a terribly difficult decision and sometimes an easy one, and one I still wrestle with at times. The impact on family and children and career are areas of concern.

Yes I want to fully transition and I am taking the steps to make it happen. About to take my second spiro dose today and put on a new estrogen patch.

I want it so much I am even willing to sell my automotive pride and joy (if you know me then you KNOW I am serious).


07-11-2010, 09:35 PM
Go all the way? If I had my druthers, you bet I would.

:daydreaming: Lallie

Tina L.
07-11-2010, 09:57 PM
Myself i would not not even think of doing that because i am a male that just really likes wearing women's clothes.

Aubrey Green
07-11-2010, 10:35 PM
Wish I had done it 35 years ago. The only things that holds me back is the mental block about my age.

07-11-2010, 10:50 PM
Different paths for different folks ;)

Jump the shark, yah, I did it.

07-11-2010, 11:07 PM
just a over personal question r u in a supportive relationship
it helps a lot im not and my family have grown up and r moving on

07-11-2010, 11:10 PM
My issue is with work, and the green stuff! I would love to do hrt, and have my top done. :daydreaming:

07-11-2010, 11:50 PM
I'm so split down the middle. The full route is not for me. I would lose everything I cherish. This is me talking, and only me:straightface:.
Trust me, I've thought about going the full route a million times and I always come back to the same place. The half/half role, going more this way, or more that way is something I continually explore...of which I have no final answer or conclusion.
As for now I just enjoy life.

07-12-2010, 03:55 AM
I won't be doing it in this lifetime.
I like being a guy too much, dressing like a girl is just fun for me, not a lifestyle.
Ive though about what it would be like to have breasts and a vagina, but I guess only in the same way that every other guy on the planet has... Ie, never with intent to actually go and get them.

For be it boils down to are you happy as a male?
If the answer is no, then would you be happier as a female?

07-12-2010, 04:29 AM
I wouldn't do it. In my mind I think I can do it but physically and practically it is a big no go for SRS. I can't even consider full time. A better question for me is the desire to have SRS present. Thinking very critically, I'd have to say no.

07-12-2010, 04:30 AM
The answer is no. Don't get me wrong I would like to know what a real gg feels and experiences from a personal view.

07-12-2010, 04:56 AM
I made this decision several years ago when it was not even close to feasable. I worked my ass off to make the money. I have had no regrets. If I had the chance to do it today, would I? Yes.
I found a saying that pretty much summed it up for me;
And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.

Jane G
07-12-2010, 05:33 AM
The thought has always been there, but I’ve always been able to find reasons/excuses, to suppress it and just get on with my life. If I was young now, with the information & support that it available through sites like this, things may have been different. However I've always enjoyed the benefits of my physical strength and height & still do. So guess I'm just a big old sissy.

07-12-2010, 05:40 AM
I have come to accept both halves of myself, thus being a whole person. I most certainly am enjoying the best of both worlds, and being able to switch off as I please.

Jennifer Marie P.
07-12-2010, 07:34 AM
I have taken that path and my SRS surgery is next month and love my new self.

07-12-2010, 07:45 AM
as for me no I won't go all the way, the cost is one thing holding me back, and faimly is the other,

07-12-2010, 02:50 PM
At this time I would say I would not because anf family and I just not there in my mind.

07-12-2010, 03:43 PM
Well as I practically live en femme for 90% of the time, I would have to say yes, but....
1. The kids and grandson.
2. My work, and
3. I'm not sure that at my time of life (50+), taking all of those hormones would be such a good thing.

07-12-2010, 03:55 PM
I wouldn't do it under any circumstance. I enjoy being a man and plan on dying as a man, but it is nice to get dressed up as a woman. Of course there are things in life that would prevent me from going through with it, like family, jobs, money but there is also the mental attitude and the acceptance of people in general. I enjoy the physical touch of a woman and don't see myself wanting to become a lesbian. I want children someday and be the Dad that they deserve. So no, I wouldn't change my gender but I am always amazed by those who do like our friend Julie - Zenith who is going through SRS soon.

07-12-2010, 04:02 PM
Never had any inclintion to go for reassignment sugery. I love woman and I have no interest in men. Furthermore, I am happy with my male genitilia and I fully intend to hang on to them.

07-12-2010, 04:03 PM
I don't know yet - but I'm getting closer and closer every day

Miss Lisa
07-12-2010, 05:21 PM
I would love nothing better than to become all woman but there is so much standing in my way. I have only just come out to my wife about two months ago that I have been cding which obviously came as a shock to her. At first it seemed like it was going to be ok but now she keeps commenting on how she feels like she is losing her husband although she is supportive in a way. I have been told by her that if I wanted breasts then she would be out the door. Little does she k ow but I have been taking herbs for the past 3 months to try and feminise my body. One day she will come to the relisation that I have breasts but being six foot and a hundred kilos, explaining man boobs away is a way out for me although a little concerned about how big they will become because I have gone from nothing to somewhere between an a and a b. I'm not trying to sabotage my marriage as I love my wife dearly. I think if it all went pearshaped and she left I would definatly look at reasignment but then I worry if I'm going to be too old to do anything, what effect it would have with me being a business owner and the mental wellbeing of my children. Only one other person besides my wife know I cd but neither know of my undeniable feelings of being a woman. A quick question to all, at what age do you think it would be unreasonable to contemplate sex reasignment?

Jane G
07-12-2010, 05:43 PM
Can't see why a upper limit applies mentally. I guess there must be a point when your body won’t react to the hormones very well. Any one know any more about this?

07-12-2010, 05:46 PM
Would I go for sexual reassignment. The answer would have to be no .Being an imitation, even a very good one would not be enough. However, if I could get a a functional female body by either a lone with a full memory transfer or a memory transfer with a woman who who wanted to try being male; and with the provision that I could change back if I didn't like it . Well, I don't think that I could resist that temptation.

07-12-2010, 06:58 PM
I haven't ever considered it. Like many have said before me, transitioning back and forth is part of the fun, and it's as easy as getting dressed. And although I'm starting to feel that there's more girl inside than outside, I'm really happy with who I am. Even more so now that my inner girl gets to come out more. Thanks to you girls!

07-12-2010, 06:58 PM
I don't think changing would be the answer for most of us. I know for me it wouldn't. I like both sides. There's a great advantage when you're gender gifted....

07-12-2010, 07:02 PM
It's not my path. But everyone probably knows the joke:

Q: What's the difference between a transvestite and a transsexual?
A: Three years.

Another gateway drug, eh? Well, then, we just need to legalize crossdressing so the kids won't be buying it from the transsexuals.

(It's a joke, girls. A joke. Please don't get upset. I hate it when I make you upset.)

07-12-2010, 07:18 PM
under the right circumstances I would in a heartbeat. feasible right now, NO. I would want a complete body do over also. not just the equipment change.


07-12-2010, 08:01 PM
I'm a card-carrying member of the bi-gendered group. I really enjoy both genders and am proud to be able to have a life in both genders. I could list a whole series of reasons for this in my current circumstance, but I'm positive that many of my reasons are not linked to circumstance but rather to the fact that there are things that I like doing as a guy that Tina really can't stand, and things that Tina adores that male side just can't stand.

I need both of me!!!


07-12-2010, 08:04 PM
I dreamed about that since I was probably 16. It sounds so awesome because I think I would have been way better off as a girl. I would make one great girl. I would be blond and blue eyed with a curvy body like my Mom. I can kinda see in my pics pretty much what I would be like. I did try some hormone supplements once way back but they decreased my sexual desire and I got scared and quit. That was my only peek into what it would be like. I heard too that you can be depressed. I love to be positive, girly and fun so this would be bad. I kinda like changing into a girl. The metamorphasis is exhilirating and tingly.:daydreaming:

07-12-2010, 08:13 PM
No, because of loved ones, and I would have concerns about being able to make a decent living.

But while I'm not saying I would trade what I have (again, loved ones) for the life of a TS, if I had discovered all this in my 20s there's a good chance I would have transitioned to full-time, I'm pretty sure of that. I can absolutely see taking hormones and having implants, maybe some cosmetic surgery, but I kinda doubt I would have ever done the complete SRS thing. I kinda like gender bending in that regard. And again, I think a young TS would have to be deadly serious about advanced education (masters, phd) and career in order to avoid the difficulties some gurls contend with.

Sherri, I could not have said it better hun... i think we wear the same shoes here:heehee:


07-13-2010, 04:37 AM
If I knew what I did now 25 years ago ... maybe.
But at this point in my life it's just going to have go on like this, CDing part-time.

07-13-2010, 06:20 AM
If it was feasible? Yes i think i would go all the way but i would have had to do it when i was younger maybe in my late teens early 20ds.

07-13-2010, 06:26 AM
20 Years ago the answer would have been yes! Now the answer is no! Like most of us we have families and we have dare I say gotten older and or matured.

Carol Elizabeth
07-13-2010, 07:12 AM
I have been following this thread with great interest.

There seems to be a common thread throughout the many posts. Most of us would not "go all the way" because we have obligations or responsibilities. We wouldn't want to offend our parents, siblings, friends, nor do we want to weaken our earning potential which would injure our ability to provide for those we care about.

In other words, most of us are trapped by what society expects men to be. The majority of us shoulder the responsibilities placed upon us due to our sex, and place our personal needs of who we are second in our lives.

Perhaps this is a sad commentary about how human kind is still trapped in the same order as in the days when we were those who hunted and those who gathered.

Oh, and to aswer the question would I go all the way? Not when I was younger because of family (Parents, Siblings). Not in middle age (Wife, Children). Not now, (Grandchildren). But, Oh how I would love to have experiece the freedom to try going all the way. Call it a dream that will never happen.


07-13-2010, 07:14 AM
I would in a heartbeat, except for family and the perception of good old dad and grandpa, I don't want everyone to have to deal with it.... I sure hate society and the views that you have to dress a certian way just because of the equipment you were born with

07-13-2010, 09:07 AM
I have been following this thread with great interest.

There seems to be a common thread throughout the many posts. Most of us would not "go all the way" because we have obligations or responsibilities. We wouldn't want to offend our parents, siblings, friends, nor do we want to weaken our earning potential which would injure our ability to provide for those we care about.

In other words, most of us are trapped by what society expects men to be. The majority of us shoulder the responsibilities placed upon us due to our sex, and place our personal needs of who we are second in our lives.

Perhaps this is a sad commentary about how human kind is still trapped in the same order as in the days when we were those who hunted and those who gathered.

Oh, and to aswer the question would I go all the way? Not when I was younger because of family (Parents, Siblings). Not in middle age (Wife, Children). Not now, (Grandchildren). But, Oh how I would love to have experiece the freedom to try going all the way. Call it a dream that will never happen.


Wow I disagree completely. I won't do SRS because of the responisbilities I WILLINGLY ACCEPTED towards my spouse and my kids. This is definitely NOT being "trapped" as you say. "Trapped" would somehow indicate that I was forced to make decisions I wouldn't otherwise have made, and now I have to deal with consequences that are somehow restricting me. Not the case at all. I love my wife and my kids, and I plan on fulfilling my responsibilities as a husband and a father, because that's what I want, which is a greater "want" than selfishly transitioning and risking the well being of my family.

**HOWEVER** I could definitely see this becoming an issue if my transgendered feelings were much stronger.....but if that were the case, I probably wouldn't have gotten married years ago.

Joyously 27
07-13-2010, 09:41 AM
If I were 40 Yes but I'm 83 I doubt there is a doctor that would take the case. At mid life
I was in love with my SO that death do us part after 33 years. In my 70s I found you people
and the interest & dream awoke buy sans the money. May be next time around I'll truly be a:)

07-13-2010, 10:36 AM
Sherri, I could not have said it better hun... i think we wear the same shoes here:heehee:


Perhaps this is a sad commentary about how human kind is still trapped in the same order as in the days when we were those who hunted and those who gathered.We've still got a long way to go, but I wouldn't say it's as dire as all that. We're getting there, I believe, slowly but surely.

Wow I disagree completely. I won't do SRS because of the responisbilities I WILLINGLY ACCEPTED towards my spouse and my kids. This is definitely NOT being "trapped" as you say. "Trapped" would somehow indicate that I was forced to make decisions I wouldn't otherwise have made, and now I have to deal with consequences that are somehow restricting me. Not the case at all. I love my wife and my kids, and I plan on fulfilling my responsibilities as a husband and a father, because that's what I want, which is a greater "want" than selfishly transitioning and risking the well being of my family.Well said. It is so moving and encouraging to me whenever I hear one of us taking a stand for unselfish love, compassion and responsibility. It gives me hope that we can eventually be respected, understood and embraced by society. You give me goosebumps.

**HOWEVER** I could definitely see this becoming an issue if my transgendered feelings were much stronger.....but if that were the case, I probably wouldn't have gotten married years ago.And even if someone were to have made that "mistake", see above.

Carol Elizabeth
07-14-2010, 12:36 AM
"We've still got a long way to go, but I wouldn't say it's as dire as all that. We're getting there, I believe, slowly but surely."

I hope you are right, but I see years slipping by and little if any progress being made as to how society views us.


Emma England
07-14-2010, 08:59 AM
For me personally, no I wouldn't consider as I know that I am not transsexual.

07-14-2010, 09:22 AM
I think like allot here, it's an I would of a few years back, but now no matter how much I dislike being a man some days, it's the routine I've got used to over so many years.

07-14-2010, 05:55 PM
Hello all, hope everyone is good! I was just wondering how many of you would go for full reassignment if it was feasible? What are some of the things that hold you back if you are thinking about it?

Thanks! :)
If I hasd monety to pay I would be a girl NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-14-2010, 06:04 PM
I'm with Crystin. I accepted all of the responsibilities of my life - they were not forced upon me. If I feel "trapped" it is in my mind, since they are all my decisions. BUT - if I was 35 years younger, not married, knew what I know now etc I might transition. I sometimes am quite unhappy with my male bits and some of the roles I play in the bigger world. Actually that last statement makes me revise my opinion a bit about being "trapped" - there are some roles such as Mr Silent, DYI Man etc that have been placed on me by society as a whole and for those I am rebelling against the trap. UNfortunately sometimes it feels like I am just chewing off my own leg (to carry the metaphor to its logical conclusion)....Dee

Tina P Hose
07-14-2010, 06:36 PM
I am 50 years young. IF I knew now about myself, that I know now. that would explain, many issues in my brain. I think that I am okay with the thought of, what could have been. I really think that I, MAY have been happier as a woman. As my emotional issues tend to be rather girly. BUT, I am a guy at 50, who loves to dress as a girl, and more turned on with others like me, than having physical contact with a woman. I see a pretty gg, and have the regular thoughts, that a male would have, I love my ex gg, and think about sex again with her. But I am more attracted to other cd's. Although, I have yet to do IT, I am leaning toward, sex with others that CD. I get along better and feel issues better with woman than men. Men are jerks. Also I drink a bit.:drink:

07-14-2010, 10:02 PM
I have seriously thought about it for years, and i would do it if it wasn't for the fact that I am a single dad raising a 6 year old on my own. My daughter has been through alot in the past few years....she doesn't need anymore major changes or confusion in her life. So, I will just continue liveing two seperate lives, one as a man, and one as a woman.

07-14-2010, 11:04 PM
I am in the process of, but to tell you the truth I believe we all are in the process of one kind or another. There are no constants if gender disphoria of any form strikes your perception. We tend to conceptualize and intellectualize because of our love for family, position in society, survival, however if you let those brackets fall, one is left with the desire which for most part is hard to control and be placed in the box. Inevitably it is a storm which never ends for most, for some going all the way saves life, for others uneasy balance feels somewhat comfortable, but regardless there is always, what if at the core. I decided to start on the road to transition not because I must be a woman but because I could not live as a male. I am so not a male that all my life feels like a great pretend. I do want to have a sense of living this life in full as ME and not feeling as though I am starring in some Broadway farce of a show.

07-14-2010, 11:42 PM
One day I will become a women....money is a little short right now:o

07-15-2010, 05:09 AM
To answer a ? or two, age wise , i came out as a woman at 50 . h r t age 55 s r s & b a. age 57, oh i paid for my surgerys . in phuket , ill now be in 4 weeks , age 63.

age is not really a detail . its your psychologicaL mental, & emotional. side of you . health wise as well .
The effect of h r t will of cause for most of us will not be as great as some who are a lot younger,
I know many of you are dressers & will not do what i have done . i was / am not a dresser or even a transsexual yet have had the sugerys,
why, & yes that ? can be asked ,
Because i was / am wired both male & female & still am no changes there. yet can live as i am a woman .
One point is i was driven as a woman so really i did not change who i am, to me its im allowed to express who i am inside & that i knew for over 50 years.

I know , its different for us all , any way im free ,no tie downs no haveing to conform to how people think i should be ,
That is up to myself now , & that just makes it so different when you understand that freedom youll understand what i mean,


07-19-2010, 12:22 AM
Wow! Great replies everyone. You all have very good points and advice. As for me, I did do the full transition. I can honestly say I have never been happier, but it was a very big thing to get used to. I know there is no way I would have been able to take this step if it wasnt for the support of two individuals in particular :)

Fab Karen
07-19-2010, 04:37 AM
Oh, lots of times....
what? You meant SRS? Never mind.