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07-15-2010, 01:38 AM
Interesting. For the past week at work I've been wearing long peach acrylic nails. Since I spend most of the day typing on my computer these must have been noticed. Nobody however has said a word to me. Are they too frightened? Anyway, I told my boss yesterday and he is cool with it. I wonder if anything interesting will happen today.

07-15-2010, 09:15 AM
The interesting thing that happened today was that you came out!!

Emma England
07-15-2010, 09:19 AM
The interesting things would be to chat to female colleagues about girly stuff.

Christina Horton
07-15-2010, 09:50 AM
Well for a year I had the same nails as you do but Mine were red or pink or blue etc. They knew I was a CD and were ok with it. You will be fine BUT you will have to brake the Ice so to speak. If you want people to talk to you about CD stuff or be just one of the girls you'll have to tell people.

So good for you and have fun with it just done make it the only thing you'll talk about. It might just get old after a while...

07-15-2010, 03:18 PM
Hey girls, careful, support me. I came out to one of my team today. She had not noticed my nails at all! Tomorrow its the office and this is goingt to be fun. I don't need to talk to girlies at work because when I am outside work I do that all the time.

This is just the last phase of my coming out but I thought it would be interesting to others.

Look at my beauty pageant thread for how girly I have become.

07-15-2010, 05:46 PM
You'll find you have made a great choice. Ha e fun with it. Keep a sense of humor. You'll be great. It will add a who new conversion to you list.

07-20-2010, 05:55 PM
Ok, so I had to force myself out. I provided a box of fudge for the first person in my office who could guess why I needed flamboyant long peach nails a week ago last Saturday. I came out to ten songs from musicals starting with "Somewhere Over the Rainbow".

Despite huge prompting they only picked up what I was by song 8 "Once I had a Secret Love" and thought they had got it. But there was more!

I have been in a beauty contest so I could milk it for a bit longer and send pictures. The latter pictures are now being sent around the Company.

This is actually what I want to happen as I would like to dress at work and have discussed the issue with my HR department.

The interesting thing is that my male side is now having to suffer what femail side does all the time. What is around the corner? He is uncomfortable with it but will survive. She loves the uncertainty.

Scarry times - but I will live and enjoy life :)

07-21-2010, 06:04 PM
a few days have past, so I was wondering how's it going? At work and beyond?

07-22-2010, 04:59 PM
I*'m really surprised that more people haven't entered this thread. But thanks to the girls who have.

So, I've now been out for four days at work. I know my pictures have spread to everywhere within my location and other locations within the business.

I have had one negative comment. Aparrently I shouldn't bring what I do in my private life to the workplace. What he doesn't realise is that is precisely what I am going to do. I met with my HR leader and my boss on Monday and my plan is to go dressed in the workplace in three months. There is so much I don't know and need to think about. I also need a professional women's wardrobe.I have money saved up for that and know I will look good. That is hugely important!

Other than that nothing and I am still treated as I shouldd be. I have however noticed that some girls flash me a smile to which I respond in the same manner. It is lovely and makes me feel part of them. I think that is what they are getting at although I don't know.

I need to ask. I've tons of support and promise you that I'm very, very happy


07-22-2010, 08:37 PM
Good for you Tricia. It sounds like your "forcing" was a bit aggressive for my tastes, but if it works for you, then you are golden! I hope it all continues well for you (and the one neg nellie goes into hiding). :hugs: