View Full Version : I Learned Two Things This Week

Danielle Gee
07-17-2010, 09:30 AM
Hello Everybody:

Since I'm an incurable people watcher last Wednesday was a treat for me. My sweetie and I took our youngest grandaughter to Columbus. We went to the "Center of Science and Industry"(COSI) to see the Titanic exhibit running thru the summer.

I never miss an oppourtunty to use these occaisions to engage in a little people watching. I try to pay attention to what other woman my age are wearing, how they use make-up, how they carry themselves etc. I do this in a vain attempt to improve my own appearance.

Since a common topic on this site is "shaving", I decided to check out the men also and see if I could spot the "One in a Million - dead givaway - obviously a crossdresser" dude with shaved legs!!! ( it was 95 degrees and everybody was dresses in shorts)

Well guess what I discovered??? about 50-60% of the men have no or almost no hair on their legs. Since the estimated number of MTF crossdressers is way under 10%, I came to the following conclusion........


Of course I've been told that exact thing many times by my friends on this site, But I've always needed to see thing for myself.


07-17-2010, 11:30 AM
Thanks for the information Danielle.

I am sure it will help those who do not shave for the summer to reconsider.

07-17-2010, 11:35 AM
I noticed something similar awhile back. I was checking out the guys in their shorts and a lot of them had no visible hair. If you got close enough then you could tell it was blond and very little of it. I never saw one with no hair. But at a distance you couldn't tell the difference. It did make me feel better about being out in shorts with shaved legs

Cheryl James
07-17-2010, 01:36 PM
I did the same thing at Disney World last month. The percentage that I calculated was nowhere near the percentage that you reported. Mine was in 10-15% range. But, I did leave with the feeling that it just doesn't matter. In fact many of the younger guys with obviously shaved legs looked like they were into body building. Now, that doesn't mean that they could not, also, be CD's, but whether they were or not, shaved legs did not seem to matter. So, shave if you want!

Danielle Gee
07-17-2010, 02:25 PM
The percentage that I calculated was nowhere near the percentage that you reported. Mine was in 10-15% range. !

Well I may have been exaggerating on the percentage, but It seemed like alot of 'em were "follicly challenged"


07-17-2010, 04:10 PM
I think that this can be said--little or no hair on legs--about a lot of men's other body hair. Many men, especially younger ones, shave it off (for a variety of reasons, aesthetic, athletic, and other.

07-17-2010, 04:41 PM
I have been shaving my legs for a few years now, not one person has noticed unless I have pointed it out. I also have noticed people of a certain age are follicly challenged.:heehee:

07-17-2010, 05:11 PM
My issue isn’t the general public its people who know me, and I always think they will notice a difference when I shave. Mainly arms when wearing t-shirts, (playing golf with the lads etc).

Wore shorts on the course with shaved legs and never had a comment, but my backup plan if I ever got questioned was, I wanted to get a better tan :)

So its long sleeves for me when going out in girl mode at the moment. Actually, I have never shaved my arms ever, so not sure what it would look like. Gonna have to try it soon.

07-17-2010, 05:39 PM

They noticed when i did D:

Charolette time
07-17-2010, 10:40 PM
Hair on my legs is almost negligble and I shave them to keep the unruly ones that are left in there rightful place, One of the side effects of having had breast cancer then radiation the hair is 95 % gone so I shave the rest off to make it look all the same, a few people have commented about no hair and I just explain that I had breast cancer and this is what hapened after the treatments , end of story from them, so Ive made something good out of a medical problem for me, I do experament with different razors and found that a good lady Schick 4 or 5 blade works real well, also after the weight loss and tummy tuck I found that I can shave the private parts real easy now, seems that when the Doctor did the tuck he removed so much skin that the hair doesnt grow there anymore or Its so fine it cannot be seen, Charolette

07-17-2010, 10:48 PM
Right now, because of the weather, I go out in shorts every day, so now I shave my legs every day. :battingeyelashes:

Annie D
07-17-2010, 11:06 PM
Shaving your legs is like going out dressed; once it is done you start getting more and more comfortable with the act. Go ahead and shave them and quit worrying about it. Once and awhile someone will notice and then once in a blue moon someone will ask you if you shave your legs. Say yes and leave it at that. Someone who asks you such a question is not entitled the reason why, unless they ask and you choose to answer.

I am a high school coach, wear shorts 90% of the time, have a great tan and have been shaving my legs for over 10 years. High school kids do notice and maybe once a year, I am asked the question. My reply is a simple yes and then then leave it at that.

We make waaay too much about shaving. I know that each of us have our own comfort level but if you are thinking about it, stop worrying and just get that ugly hair off. By the way; I shave my legs everyday, I think I might miss shaving maybe once a month.

Sharon B.
07-18-2010, 10:22 AM
I'm not saying the men shaved their legs but some men that work in construction have no hair on their legs and it is due from jeans rubbing against their legs when they get hot and sweatily.

07-18-2010, 09:15 PM
Men do not normally shave their legs so the density and coarseness of the leg hair tends to stay light on those without a genetic predisposition to a lot of leg hair.

It isn't that a lot of men are shaving their legs, it is that they never grew in substantial dark leg hair to begin with.

07-20-2010, 02:50 AM
I shaved my legs and have to say that almost every one of my friends noticed and commented. However, having said that it was never something cruel or vindictive moreso just "hey dude what's with the legs"? They would still mention it at later times but if you act like it's no biggie it stays at the level of friendly ribbing. They don't really care and you can then bug them for checking out your legs. Just my two cents.

Leslie Langford
07-20-2010, 02:03 PM
I began epilating for the first time in the late spring of this year, and had originally planned to let my body hair grow back for the summer to stay under the radar, as is my usual habit. It usually takes 4-6 weeks for my body hair to grow back to its normal length, so I used to stop shaving it off by early May at the latest in past years.

I miscalculated this year, and didn't fully take into consideration the additional time it now takes to get to that point because epilation pulls the hair out by its roots as opposed to removing it at the skin surface as shaving does. Also, the re-growth comes in much finer than the original hair, which is another tell-tale sign.

Long story short - because I had already missed the mark and my arms were still hairless when short sleeve season began again, I thought that I would just go for it and see if I would get any comments. It is now late July, I've worn shorts, short-sleeved shirts, and been bare-chested to go swimming in our backyard pool countless times so far, and no comments yet from family and friends. Either no one is noticing, or else they are too polite to say anything. Probably what is also working in my favor here is that I lost over 30 lbs. over the last several months, and people who are seeing me for the first time since then are probably more focused on that change in my body, rather than my state of hirsuteness at present.

So, I have continued to epilate throughout this summer with no negative repercussions so far, and my guess is that the longer I keep it up, the more it will become the new "normal" for me and those around me, and eventually - a non-issue for all concerned.

07-20-2010, 02:29 PM
I never thought of checking out guy's legs before. Thanks for the suggestion! :D

Petrina CD
07-20-2010, 02:42 PM
My legs stopped growing hair at about age 45. I still have a little, but my legs are basically bald.

07-20-2010, 02:44 PM
I also noticed that most men that I thought had no hair on their legs had fine or blondish hairs...I however did notice a store clerk last week of Muslim nature that had shaved his arms and the hairs where growing back...

I was camping with a group that knows me in boy mode and wore shorts all weekend...No one said anything...

Leslie Langford
07-20-2010, 08:46 PM
Hello Everybody:

Since I'm an incurable people watcher last Wednesday was a treat for me. My sweetie and I took our youngest grandaughter to Columbus. We went to the "Center of Science and Industry"(COSI) to see the Titanic exhibit running thru the summer.

I never miss an oppourtunty to use these occaisions to engage in a little people watching. I try to pay attention to what other woman my age are wearing, how they use make-up, how they carry themselves etc. I do this in a vain attempt to improve my own appearance.

Since a common topic on this site is "shaving", I decided to check out the men also and see if I could spot the "One in a Million - dead givaway - obviously a crossdresser" dude with shaved legs!!! ( it was 95 degrees and everybody was dresses in shorts)

Well guess what I discovered??? about 50-60% of the men have no or almost no hair on their legs. Since the estimated number of MTF crossdressers is way under 10%, I came to the following conclusion........


Of course I've been told that exact thing many times by my friends on this site, But I've always needed to see thing for myself.



It looks as if your comments about spotting males with shaved legs attracted a number of replies from the gurlz here, and the consensus seems to be that it is no big "whoop" and in the words of Nike, "Just do it!"

Now what about the first part - your detailed observations of what GG's in the "mature" age bracket are wearing, their make up, and general deportment out in public? Anything of note to share with the rest of us that hasn't already been covered on this forum in detail in other threads?

From what I have seen, pants (capris, jeans, track, jogging, and yoga pants etc.) - and their immediate cousins - shorts, are still the garment of choice for most GG's despite the unusually hot summer this year. Camis and tank tops are also much in evidence, but sundresses (and to some extent, miniskirts) seem to be making a comeback - even among older ladies - which is encouraging. Skorts, on the other hand, are few and far between.

But it seems that my personal pet peeve - flip-flops - are as popular as ever, and like zebra mussels in our inland lakes as waterways or the infamous killer bees coming up from South America, their numbers (and ubiquitous presence) are spreading at an alarming rate and threaten to engulf all other types of GG footwear and push it aside. As fashion crimes go, it doesn't get more heinous than that IMHO (well maybe with the possible exception of the wholesale abandonment of pantyhose by GG's). :doh::eek::heehee:

07-21-2010, 07:59 AM
I play Soccer every week and no-one has ever said anything about my bare legs or arms,haven't noticed any tackles been more vigorous against me than any of my hairy team members,so I must be in the clear LOL

:hugs:Sophie xx

Jennifer N J
07-23-2010, 04:44 AM
Do you want to hear something funny? Most times when men lose hair, they lose it off of their heads, but me, plenty on my head, but ive lost most of the hair on my legs.

07-23-2010, 06:09 AM
I've check this out myself and I see alot of men shaving thier legs. I never took a percentage though. I shave for the most part all year round, I always have my arms shaved too. I work with alot of women they never have said anything too me about it. I think if you don't make a big deal about it nobody really cares. And when I have been asked about it I just say Oh ya your right they are shaved and keep going.

07-23-2010, 06:27 AM
Hello Everybody:

Since I'm an incurable people watcher last Wednesday was a treat for me. My sweetie and I took our youngest grandaughter to Columbus. We went to the "Center of Science and Industry"(COSI) to see the Titanic exhibit running thru the summer.

I never miss an oppourtunty to use these occaisions to engage in a little people watching. I try to pay attention to what other woman my age are wearing, how they use make-up, how they carry themselves etc. I do this in a vain attempt to improve my own appearance.

Since a common topic on this site is "shaving", I decided to check out the men also and see if I could spot the "One in a Million - dead givaway - obviously a crossdresser" dude with shaved legs!!! ( it was 95 degrees and everybody was dresses in shorts)

Well guess what I discovered??? about 50-60% of the men have no or almost no hair on their legs. Since the estimated number of MTF crossdressers is way under 10%, I came to the following conclusion........


Of course I've been told that exact thing many times by my friends on this site, But I've always needed to see thing for myself.


I have been noticing that more men are shaving everything off now! So now no one knows whos a cd and whos not:)

Jenny Doolittle
07-23-2010, 07:21 AM
Hi Danielle,

I agree, been shaving my legs fro about (2) years now and I will never go back to hairy legs. YUCK. Even with all the work to stay smooth it is worth it. I don't even get any grief from my son anymore.

How was the Titanic exhibit? I had been thinking of going to see it soon.

07-23-2010, 08:09 AM
thats why I laser now, no one really cares, it actually looks so much better!

Alot of men and women have asked my advice on it.

07-23-2010, 08:26 AM
I've been doing it for 5 years at least, honestly the reaction has been almost non existent, except for two farm boys that came into Tuttle Mall with their wives last summer, the one guy pointed at me and said something to his buddy. I was wearing shorts above my knees and a collared shirt walking with the family.

Cute pair those two were with there best dress overalls and clean John Deere hats and Redwings. For the hell of it I later walked past them again.


07-23-2010, 12:12 PM
Hard core bicyclists and swimmers shave their legs too, so seeing a guy with his legs shaved doesn't necessarily mean he likes to paint his nails too. But you never know... :-)

Danielle Gee
07-23-2010, 02:28 PM
Hi Danielle,

How was the Titanic exhibit? I had been thinking of going to see it soon.

It was fantastic!!