View Full Version : slowly buiding up courage but could i ever go out fully crossdressed?

Davina Diamond
07-20-2010, 12:07 PM
I've had an on/off relationship with my crossdressing, I seem to go through phases of wanting to crossdress then completely not bothering with it.
I only ever wore lingerie and such in the house and it was only in brief spells. I told my last ex girlfriend about it and I think it led to the eventual breakdown of the relationship.

Every time I go back to crossdressing I seem to enjoy it more and more. The other day I went to sleep in a lace slip babydoll piece for the first time and the following day I went out with stockings, panties and bra underneath my normal 'man' clothes.
I felt so alive and happy to at least be partially crossdressed out in public, although unbeknown to the public.

I'm really just wondering if anyone else has went through the same scenario and what they did afterwards because I'm not really sure where to go from here.

Any help, stories or just thoughts would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

Dee Dee, X

Nikki A.
07-20-2010, 12:14 PM
I think we all go through these stages. There is no set progression, you do what you feel comfortable doing. Some are happy dressing inside, others are content underdressing, some need to go out.
Whatever makes you happy is what counts, don't be pushed into being uncomfortable.

07-20-2010, 12:15 PM
I'm not really sure where to go from here.
Dee Dee, X

Where do you WANT to go?

It is about the drive inside you, the need to express yourself and the steps YOU take to make it happen.

So, take time and think about what you need in order to feel good about yourself.

Good luck.

Naomi Rayne
07-20-2010, 12:19 PM
Well your first question to yourself should be if you want to continue progressing or if you are happy at where you are in your life. You have some decisions to make and some things to figure out. You post which is pretty simple doesnt give much information to go on. But assuming that you have come to terms with your crossdressing and are okay being who you are as i stated the above question to yourself might be the first step.

In my situation i have had CDing thoughts for a long time as a child and then eventually came out to my SO about them but have not CDed before that. We took things in steps and progressed in one aspect at a time starting with panties and moving to hose from there, then to shoes, then clothes, then makeup and wig and so on. The progression was for me as much as it was for her. It was for me to get comfortable with myself and to see just how much i wanted to delve into this.

At the point i am now i dont fully dress very often but i do underdress in panties and pantyhose every chance i get because that is my favorite part about dressing. Also my toenails are painted and i like to keep my fingernails a bit on the fem side. They are long and have a french manicure look to them.

CDing in the beginning is a progression and it is up to you to make the decisions about what you want to do, when you feel comfortable to do it and how to go about it is things that you have to decide.

Davina Diamond
07-20-2010, 12:23 PM
I think I'm just trying to build a happy medium of crossdressing without being too forward with it but I alway imagine going out to a club fully crossdressed but I haven't had the opportunity to be in that situation.

If things keep going the way they are I'm sure they will, I'll never forget the day my ex said she was jealous because I looked more sexy in her lingerie than she did,haha

I think once I have my wig, makup and sexy shades and get more used to the idea, I'll brave going out fully dressed but I get serious butterflies thinking about it,lol

07-20-2010, 12:30 PM
I think we all go through these stages. There is no set progression, you do what you feel comfortable doing. Some are happy dressing inside, others are content underdressing, some need to go out.
Whatever makes you happy is what counts, don't be pushed into being uncomfortable.

The only thing to add to this advice is to stay with this forum, and to join in, otherwise take things at your own pace.

Davina Diamond
07-20-2010, 12:31 PM
Thanks lola, I see similarities in how you've progressed with your CD'ing..I know I will end up spending about half my time crossdressed cos it's something I see as part of me. I haven't painted my toenails yet and for some reason didn't think about it but know you mentioned it, its something I'll definetely be doing soon.

I think I'm paranoid about becoming more commited to CD'ing after the issues I had with my previous GF regarding it and I know if I met a girl who accepted it and enjoyed me doing it I would find it so much easier to do.

Its not something that gets me down, I just wonder how to balance my desire to crossdress but I'm quite a happy person and glad with the way I am and know whatever I choose, I'll always choose what keeps me happy :)

07-20-2010, 12:40 PM
With me there has always been an urge to take things further. I started out like you. I dressed at home and went out underdressed sometimes. As I gained more iteams and knowledge I began to slowly go out. first with drives around the block in my car and progressing to longer and longer drives.
Finally I got the courage to get out of my car, I was scared but ready for it.
Since then I have kept on pushing myself.
If you chck out my Youtube videos you will see that I have lost my fear of going out.

07-20-2010, 12:50 PM
Fact is that in most cases need does grow in strength proportionate to experience. The more you do it the more you want it. Understandable especially when we posses inner girl wanting her share of time on earth. For human beings expression is the most primeval form along the sense of belonging. The fact it is so hard for us is the image in the mirror. Just it alone provokes turmoil and disphoria not to mention societal disconnect. If our features were entirely female than such discomfort would be non existent. What has helped me take the first step was befriending a wonderful CD gurl and her offer to take me along for the first time with bunch of other super gurls. It was exhilarating, nerve racking, wonderful, terrifying, discovery time. I would never regret the experience I had for it was most essential part of my growth. I now know that she needs air as much as he does in fact I believe she is the real one. If you can be blessed with friendship of sort I am talking about and go out with few girls for the night out to TG friendly spot, gurl do it!

Davina Diamond
07-20-2010, 12:53 PM
Thanks stacey, it took me a while to come to terms with the fact I enjoyed crossdressing because it seemed wrong at first but slowly I began to realise it doesn't matter so as long as you're doing it for a proper reason.

I am 99.9 percent sure I will go out fully dolled up at some point but I'm just taking small steps to get there.

I have watched documentries on crossdressers which helped open my eyes to other people who felt the same as me, being on here is even better because I have direct communication with other crossdresses and there's nothing better than being in similar company.

You girls are great btw :D

Davina Diamond
07-20-2010, 12:57 PM
Your completely right alexia, I don't think my inner-girl is predominant but I feel she is neglected,hehe

It's took a while for me to get where I am in regards to accepting my crossdressing nature but I'm ultimately glad I did because it's made me enjoy life so much more by freeing the chains of genderisation.

Mwah, x

07-20-2010, 12:57 PM
Don't paint your toenails!

Go to a salon (even in drab) and have them give you a pedicure.

It took a long time for me to figure out that the world would not end if I went out as Meg. For my first two, I had a makeup lady come in and do my face and help with clothes and we went shopping. For the third, i went out alone afterwards (Mardi Gras party). After a couple more outings-with-an-assist, I started going solo. I've been out fewer than 20 times total.

My first day out was about six years ago.

I just came back from a business trip to Kansas. I flew as Meg. It was great.

07-20-2010, 01:12 PM
I lost one relationship because the girlfriend could not get used to me as a girl. There was to drastic of a change in personalities of my boy mode and girl mode. It was hard for her to kiss me also because she could not get that it was still me, she was also told me she was jealous because I looked better in a dress..

The first time I went out was to a mall at Christmas time and got lost in the crowd. Some teenagers with nothing to do noticed and sent their girlfriends to follow me and see if I was a girl. They followed me into a couple of shops and hung around the front of the stores watching me till I winked at them and smiled on my way out but the general population didn't really notice or care.

After that went to a few GLBT clubs to practice my voice...Did Pride in T.O. and hung around with a bunch of gurls. Had a great time at that event which made me more confident in myself/voice/walk/eating in restaurants/dancing etc.