View Full Version : Things

07-22-2010, 01:57 AM
I wanted to mention some things that have been bothering me.

The other day while shopping with my mom we were paying in front of the salon at the catalog department. The lady and my mom know eachother since she's right out front and pays there most of the time. I was with my girlfriend. We were on our way out when I realized I had left my sweater on a mattress downstairs. I took off and heard my mom say "she's always forgetting something!" Fine, whatever. My mom doesnt call me anything male yet. But the woman heard and said, "Oh that's your daughter?" My mom goes "yes, that's my daughter." Then she goes, "Oh.. doesn't look like it does she?"

This is kind of enough by itself, but a while back we had gone through the same thing with the same lady. I might've mentioned it. It's a highlight. The same thing happened except with the 'daughter' changed to 'son!' and minus the last part.

So I'm thinking this crazy broad either forgot that day or had been suspicious already or something. I mean seriously lady mind your own f*cking buisness!

The next one happened another while back when I got my toenail removed. Yay.
I was in there with the nurse she getting me all ready and she goes, "So, is that your partner outside?" I cringed. I felt sick. I felt nasty. I felt like sinking and melting into the Betadine I was soaking my foot into.
I have never liked that word 'partner'. Gay, straight, bi, trans. I don't care. It sounds stupid, gross (idk why) and ridiculous. Partners are for lawyers and cops and burglars. I was forced to say yes because of everything I was feeling I couldn't do anything about it.

That's about it. It's just been killing me cuz the first incident made me remember the second. I just can't stand people these days.

07-22-2010, 02:13 AM
Yep. Being LGBT is one of those things where people think all common decency and politeness can be breached for a fleeting moment of wide-eyed freak show.

Joanne f
07-22-2010, 03:37 AM
I must admit that is a term i use sometimes to cover the explanation of two people who are together but not married , to me it means the same thing or a very small step down from being married and a step up from two people who are in a committed relationship so maybe i should rethink my usage of it not to case offence .

(oh i forget , i hope your toe is better)

07-22-2010, 12:09 PM
Aw, Ron. Sorry to hear you had those annoying situations. :hugs:

07-24-2010, 11:05 AM
The partner comment could mean nothing. I use that word for straight people as well as gay or bi people. I just hate all the implications that come with words like boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, husband. Partner to me also suggests equality, because both people get the same title, it implies the same thing for everyone, whether they be male, female or (like me) anything in between. It's also easier to use because you never have to be corrected. Whether they're a bf, gf, fiance, spouse, etc, partner covers them all.

So she might just use the word partner for a lot of people, I know I do.

Kieron Andrew
07-24-2010, 11:10 AM
The partner comment could mean nothing. I use that word for straight people as well as gay or bi people. I just hate all the implications that come with words like boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, husband. Partner to me also suggests equality, because both people get the same title, it implies the same thing for everyone, whether they be male, female or (like me) anything in between. It's also easier to use because you never have to be corrected. Whether they're a bf, gf, fiance, spouse, etc, partner covers them all.

So she might just use the word partner for a lot of people, I know I do.
i do too, i never use boyfriend or girlfriend...always partner

07-24-2010, 11:36 AM
i do too, i never use boyfriend or girlfriend...always partner

Oh, I am also using the word 'beau' now, in the same way that I use partner, mostly to describe the partners of people my age...because really, when you're describing someone who's in their late teens of early twenties, partner sounds a little too hardcore. And even if beau is meant just for men (I'm not really sure) I'm just going to use it for everyone. Screw conventions. :)

07-24-2010, 08:21 PM
Not that I have anyone, but I like the term mon coeur. Common French term of endearment that literally means "my heart."

*hears all the ladies go "awww"*

Kieron Andrew
07-24-2010, 08:28 PM

*hears all the ladies go "awww"*


07-25-2010, 03:40 AM
Not that I have anyone, but I like the term mon coeur. Common French term of endearment that literally means "my heart."

*hears all the ladies go "awww"*

Hhmmm, I think I'll keep that in mind should I be in a relationship with a lady. How do you pronounce it?

07-25-2010, 06:31 AM
How do you pronounce it?

I'm trying to think of the best way to explain it...:thinking: "Maw kuhr" is the best way I can come up with right now.

And here's a random song I found that says it a few times: listen to the phrase "shut up, my heart" and you'll hear it. :)

(Actually, this video's pretty good!)


Fab Karen
07-25-2010, 07:05 AM
Say,"moan" but keep your mouth open & your tongue down at the end.

btw, chicks REALLY love it if you say "mon petit cochon" :)

07-25-2010, 07:37 AM
btw, chicks REALLY love it if you say "mon petit cochon" :)
Trouble-maker. :heehee:

07-25-2010, 11:16 AM
I'm trying to think of the best way to explain it...:thinking: "Maw kuhr" is the best way I can come up with right now.

Thanks! That is one awesome animation, really nice.
Anyway, I'm gonna stop hi-jacking this thread now, Sorry Ron! >_<

07-26-2010, 05:52 AM
I prefer 'partner' or 'friend'. It's nice and neutral and gives people privacy without labels.
Abt the shop lady: accept that differences attract attention and questions. You have to understand that mainstream people are having a helluva tough time understanding the bewildering (to them) world of LGBT people. If I sensed someone was dying to ask me a question about bisexuality but was scared... I'd start small talk with them so they felt comfortable enough to eventually ask what was on their minds and I tried to answer it in a way they could comprehend. In turn they became allys of the LGBT community. And my supporters. If mainstream people dont observe, dont ask questions, they will never learn. We will continue to be freaks to them.
And not everyone has watched bad questions by Calpurnia Addams

Ron - question for you... if not the word 'partner' then what word would you prefer someone to use?