View Full Version : Shaving

08-27-2005, 05:47 PM
Hey girls. Well I am looking for and excuse to shave my legs to my SO. I have shaved them before when my crossdressing did not bother her really but ever since she changed her mind about my crossdressing she has not wanted me to shave my legs so what could I tell her as an excuse other than crossdressing.

Dont get me wrong I love her and all but I also love the feeling of being shaved!

08-27-2005, 05:55 PM
Start weight training or swimming. Two known sports where shaving your legs is beneficial.

Other then that she will figure it out.

08-27-2005, 06:01 PM
It might be tricky to just randomly start doing an activity that involves shaving, she'll probably be suspicious. Since she knows you used to shave for crossdressing, she'll probably make that connection, even if it isn't an immediate one.

08-27-2005, 06:05 PM
Yea thats true, I really wish we could come to some sort of a compramise, like she lets me shave and I let her do something I dont like for her to do but she is a hard woman to make a deal with sometimes.

08-27-2005, 06:33 PM
I suggest, if you want it to work, to skew the compromise towards her. Whatever you think is equal in compromise ("if I can shave, you can do this") let her have two or three things on her side of the compromise, to start out. If she thinks she's getting a really good deal out of it, she's more likely to say yes.

08-27-2005, 06:53 PM
Let me start by saying that I am a DEEP IN THE CLOSET dresser !! So, shaving my legs is not an option. What I am doing is using a beard trimmer that allows you to vary the amount of hair that your remove. By triming your legs, under arms and other areas you can make some improvement without "going all the way". I know it's a CHICKEN way out but works for me ---at least for now.
You can reduce the amount of hair gradually and so far no one has noticed--including a trip to the shore with family. Granted it's not a smooth skin look but it does significantly reduce the amount of hair without causing the stubble effect that shaving does. Works on legs, under arms, private parts , etc.
Maybe a reasonable compromise for those who don't venture out but still want to get part of the feel of hairless legs.

Karren H
08-27-2005, 08:50 PM
Hey girls. Well I am looking for and excuse to shave my legs to my SO. I have shaved them before when my crossdressing did not bother her really but ever since she changed her mind about my crossdressing she has not wanted me to shave my legs so what could I tell her as an excuse other than crossdressing.

Dont get me wrong I love her and all but I also love the feeling of being shaved!


I think a horrible accident involving large amounts of flames that just happened to burn off your pants and leg hair but left your legs untouched is a good one!!!! And I don't have an excuse since my wife doesn't see my shaved legs in the non-summer months, but trying to get dressed for a hockey match in a locker room full of macho guys is tricky!!!! In the summer when I let my legs fuzz up a bit for the manditory family vacations and guy shorts, I bleach the hair on my legs so it is less noticible under nylons!! Summer ended early this year for me, last week, hope it gets cold quick or I may have to burn my guy shorts!!!! hehehe


08-27-2005, 10:58 PM
Road bikers shave their legs. I guess even Lance Armstrong does it. So just say your a road biker! But then you'd better have a road bike!

Phoebe Reece
08-27-2005, 11:24 PM
Take up scuba diving. Some divers shave their legs to make putting on wetsuits easier.

08-28-2005, 10:38 AM
i want to figure if i should shave, use Veet like i have a few times now, or try waxing. i think many guys shave now for reasons as stated above so it shouldnt b a problem. now i wear jeans around family so they dont notice, but i have vacationed alone and wore shorts w shaved body...of course i wore panties all that wk too. good luck

08-28-2005, 10:46 AM
I know this will sound negative :( ... but no matter what you tell her, do you really think she'll believe you ? I mean.... really ?

Sorry to be a party pooper, but my ex could spot an excuse a mile away.



Jamie M
08-28-2005, 10:53 AM
I would have to agree with jayme , GG are not stupid but are by their very nature, suspicious ( and this honestly is not a bad thing, girls )

I would ( and have been in my life ) up front with your SO , telling her exactly why this is so important to you. Try and come to some sort of compromise where by you get to shave occasionally but you can keep it to yourselves too

for example , kelly and I agree that I only shave during the winter months and don't wear shorts and such during those times , but come the summer it's Monkey Boy time yet again.

Okay it's not my idea of heaven but then at the moment neither is it hers , but we both get a lttile of what we want and we're both happy.

Honestly , don't try and trick a GG , she will find out :D

08-28-2005, 04:03 PM
Swimming is probably the best excuse to do your whole body. With cycling, you can get away with legs, and any more is up for question.

I've been cycling for 20 years, am good at it, and always have had a ready excuse to shave. Plus, it keeps me in good shape.

Good luck!

08-28-2005, 04:06 PM
I agree with Julia...

Don't find an excuse. Work out the problem with your SO. This is an important part of your being, and if she can shave her legs, so can you!!

parris james
08-28-2005, 04:22 PM
I agree with Jayme and Kimberly she isn't going to buy excusess, to me it seems to be a marrage issue

Marlena Dahlstrom
08-28-2005, 04:36 PM
To be honest, I think your SO will see through any excuse you come up with.

As others have said, it's better to work it out with her directly. If she feels you're trying to trick her, it'll probably backfire.

Rachael Warren
08-28-2005, 04:47 PM
Cycling is a good excuse, getting a tan is another.

Cyclists shave their legs for two reasons, one they are marginly more aerodynamic. And two, when they cut or graze thier legs, which is often, and have to use plasters, it doesn't hurt when they remove them. Also wounds heal cleaner and quicker.

I personally would just say it looks better when wearing a skirt! ;)

Honesty is the best approach.


Wendy me
08-28-2005, 04:57 PM
well i made a deal with my wife not to save for the summer , that did not work out too good she cane home and my legs were shaved ... so you might try sorry razor slipped....

Karren H
08-28-2005, 06:03 PM
To be honest, I think your SO will see through any excuse you come up with.

As others have said, it's better to work it out with her directly. If she feels you're trying to trick her, it'll probably backfire.

Sounds like that California attitude talking, Darla!!!! Working thing out.... Back east we coal miners hide in the dark so no one can see our shaven bodies!!! hehehe

Ohhh, if the backfire is big enough, it could burn all the hair off your legs!!! LOL

Luv Karren

08-28-2005, 06:11 PM
Thanks for all of the advice. I am going to go with try to make a deal with her in some sort. I will be sure to let you girls know how it goes.

Well wish me luck with it!

08-29-2005, 01:26 PM
I suggest you dont shave unless your ready to be honest and forth coming....

Sometimes the truth hurts but at least it is the truth....


Schoolgirl Clare
08-29-2005, 02:38 PM
Good luck !!!

I have just shaved my legs for the first time with my current GF of four years and she knows that i'm up to something, but i haven't said i am, so there's nothing for her to prove. I have told her that i wanted to shave mine, because i thought it was a cleaner feeling for myself and that it made me feel more comfortable being clean shaven. To be honest it does feel kinda weird to have only shaved the bottom half so far, but i will finish the job off this week as i did'nt want to rush straight into it.
I had a complete suprise today though as my mum (of all people) turned up this afternoon, and i was really worried as to what she would say. BUT she didn't even notice and i had 3/4 lenght shorts on all day!!!!
Maybe she did see but didn't want to say?????
At the end of the day... as my GF said " Their my legs and its my body, so if i want to shave them or anything else, then i can", obviously within reason.
Finally i just wanna say that i do like the feeling and although i have told my GF i will grow the hair back, now that it's shaved i'm gonna try to keep it shaved for as long as i possibly can.

Thats my story and it might not work for you. :Power:

Ps: Shave slowly... i did't cut myself once.... :)

Katie Lynn
08-29-2005, 04:36 PM
I agree once again with what others have said. Don't disrespect your SO by trying to play a lame excuse, you are better off just talking it over with her until she understand.

I know my girl didnt want me to shave at first, but I did anyways. I knew she wouldnt really get upset with me over it. Now she loves the fact that I am always smooth all over, and we even argue over who gets to use the new razor blades first lol :).

I know one thing, I will never go without shaving my legs again. I finally dont get razor burn anymore, and everything feels SOOOO much better on my legs.

08-29-2005, 10:23 PM
I am not inordinately hairy, but the hair on my chest looks rather strange peeking out from the top of my dress or shirt. The trouble is that I haven't found a way yet to obtain nice, smooth skin. I get something like razor burn. Has anyone found that electric razor, traditional razor, or dipilatory cream works better? Electrolysis is out of the question for me.

08-30-2005, 12:22 AM
I like the fire idea. Not to expain fully shaven arms and legs but as an ice breaker. Secretly shave a large patch off of you arm or leg just before dinner. When you light the BBQ pretend it didn't start right away and you lost the patch of hair... make sure the patch is very conspicuous. Say you think it looks odd and joke that you'll have to fix it somehow. :-) Maybe she'll say to just shave it all off!

Karren H
08-30-2005, 09:25 PM
I like the fire idea. Not to expain fully shaven arms and legs but as an ice breaker. Secretly shave a large patch off of you arm or leg just before dinner. When you light the BBQ pretend it didn't start right away and you lost the patch of hair... make sure the patch is very conspicuous. Say you think it looks odd and joke that you'll have to fix it somehow. :-) Maybe she'll say to just shave it all off!

My wife actually told me to shave my chest after an EKG left big bare spots all over!!! Once I started I couldnt stop!!!! Hmmmmmm Wonder if they do ELeGs???? hehehehe

Luv Karren

08-30-2005, 10:14 PM
If she likes your hairs so much shave them off and give them to her. You aren't obligated to be content with a hairy body.
Use this reasoning and she will either come around or get really ticked off. :D

09-01-2005, 07:57 AM
Having never been very hairy to begin with, I got real lucky when I started a drug regime to cure an ulcer. The combination of antibiotics and other drugs started to make my skin itch. Eventually the itching skin led to my hair starting to fall out. The more I scratched the more that fell out. To date, most of that hair on arms and legs never grew back. What does I just shave off every few weeks.
I am also however blessed with a very supportive wife. I explained to her that the patchy hair looked ridiculous and it looked better bare than the way it did. It also turns out that my wife quite enjoys the fact that I do have bare legs.
My other point is that for years now I have had bare arms and legs. I wear shorts in the summer all the time. At no time has anyone ever commented about the fact that I have bare arms or legs. I even wear short sleeved shirts at work all the time.
In addition to the bare arms and legs I also have thin, perfectly shaped eyebrows that took months to pluck and get shaped. Again, I have never had any comments. I honestly believe that for the most part, people don't notice and even if they do, they could care less.
The other concept that I can share with you all is the fact that having a constant very supportive wife is the fact that I hide nothing from her. The single most annoying aspect of being Transgendered that my wife dispised was the fact that I hid it from her for so long. Honesty with out a doubt is by far the best policy. The other concept that I have learned is that the greatest fear is the fear itself. I have read in this thread that if you want bare legs (and who doesn't) tell your wife with an accurate rationale. A smoke screen will be easily seen through so it's best not to even begin one. And I must agree with those who have bare legs. Once you have them, there is never any going back for any reason!!!! The thought of hairy legs is just so ....repulsive YUCK!