View Full Version : Outed! Omg!

07-26-2010, 11:06 PM
Well, I really thought I did it this time. I have posted before of my early morning walks enfemme before I had to go to work. Well, this morning I hadn't noticed how late it had become and quickly realized I was gonna be late AGAIN:eek: I made the mad dash to de-femme (new word?) and rushed out the door to high tail it to work, breaking every speed limit (sometimes by 50-60 mph! DOH!) I made it to work just as my boss was pulling in a bit ahead of me. I jumped from my ride and grabbed my hardhat(yeah, it's like that) and all but ran into the shop to get my marching orders for the day from my paperwork slot in the office. As I was entering, one of the guys there said "go look in the mirror" and laughed a bit. OMG! What is he talking about? Did I miss some mascara? or eyeliner? lipstick? What is it? OH shit, I finally f'd up. I grabbed my paperwork without saying a word to anyone else with my head down low. As I was walking through the shop, I kept trying to rub off whatever it was on my face that my co-worker had seen and was frantically trying to come up with some plausible excuse for my appearance when he told others. I even checked my ears, thinking I might have forgot to pull out my earrings!:eek: I finally got to a mirror and noticed that the headband of my hardhat was turned around, so that it sat on the bill of my ball cap! Whoa Nelly! I couldn't hardly believe the HELL I had just put myself through. Time to dial back the intensity meter and start breathing normally again! Have any of you ever been in this situation before? Where you had worked yourself up over nothing? I guess i'm just gonna have to get up earlier to allow for Tonya time. Thanks for reading and be careful out there, Hugs, Tonya:battingeyelashes:

07-26-2010, 11:19 PM
Sounds like a tough crowd. Definitely double check your fem accessories before strolling into hardhat area. They would never leave you alone:doh: I had red cheeks :owhile reading your story and had a similar close call years ago but blamed called weather for my red lips:D.

zoe m
07-26-2010, 11:19 PM
great story! bet you felt relieved.

07-26-2010, 11:23 PM
So... where is the outed! part? Kinda like yelling..... squirrel! just to get us to look? :heehee:

07-27-2010, 01:35 AM
Did someone else hear wolf or is it just me?? :heehee:

I think maybe it's time to switch to de-caf for a while. :lol:

07-27-2010, 08:34 AM
Unfortunately the answer is yes. Maybe you need a Tonya vacation to relax some.

07-27-2010, 10:10 AM
whew! you must have really been freaking out!!

glad you didn't get outed unintentionally in that kind of environment!


jenifer m.
07-27-2010, 02:00 PM
A long time ago a friend asked me why i had eye makeup on when i went to work.i guess in my rush i diddnt get it all off.i just said i was letting the wife practice on me.thats the best i could come up with at the time.but now days almost everybody that knows me knows about jenifer.

07-27-2010, 04:14 PM
I remember one time a friend asking me to show an acquaintances of theirs a rather large tattoo that I have on my back. I had been dressed en femme a short while before this, and after lifting my shirt, I had a brief moment of panic when I wondered if the indentation from my bra strap might still be showing on my skin! Nothing was said, and then I briefly excused myself to go into the bathroom where I checked in the mirror, just to satisfy my own curiosity. Fortunately, there was no visible mark.

The checklist of things we go through continues to grow!! :battingeyelashes:

07-27-2010, 04:38 PM
You have my sympathy, Tonya- I had to stop by work on my day off one time and got caught up in something, so i was there way longer than I intended. Only problem, it was a Really cold day out, so I was wearing panty hose under my jeans, with panties. I also had a Doctor's appointment one time, and it didnt occur to me that he might raise my shirt in back to listen to my lungs. Otherwise, I might have avoided wearing a bra until after I went. He didnt say a word about the strap marks, although I know he wasnt that dumb.

07-27-2010, 05:02 PM
In my teens I'd been trying lipsticks at home alone and hadn't wiped my lips well enough - my father asked me if I was feeling OK because my lips were looking 'quite red'. On other occasions I had to quickly hide lipstick stained coffee cups I forgot to clean up after similar makeup trials.

Still, not as bad as arriving back home after an evening walk to find my sister had returned home unexpectedly - I was still dressed in one of her 80s mini dresses, fully made-up with my hair in as feminine a style as I could make it - I dont know which one of us was more surprised. To her credit, I dont think that she ever mentioned it to anyone.

07-27-2010, 05:14 PM
OH jeez, what a scare! It's funny how a lot of us will immediately interpret a comment or certain look from someone as "they've outed me!".

I've had something similar happen where I immediately thought my neighbor had outed me by the way she smiled at me one. I came to realize that it wasn't anything special, that was just her smile.

Anyway I'm glad the crisis was averted! I'm sure you were beyond relieved.

5150 Girl
07-27-2010, 06:08 PM
Ya know what, I used to worry about thigs like that, but no more! So what's the worst thing that could happen if you forget to take off your eyeliner or somting? They may raz ya a few days but in the end so what... I've been there done that, they'll get tired of it in a few days and move on to other things.
Now-a-days I do things like that just to see who'll notice and if they'll ask questioins... I belive the more common place we make ourselves, the more common place we'll become.
In fact, you might even find you have a fellow 'girl" freind besides you on that job.

Kayla Shadows
07-27-2010, 06:24 PM
Oh geez..I dont know what my thoughts would have been walking to that mirror..Probably,oops..Ive almost went to work with eyeliner and have went to work with it not totally removed.Nobody has said anything yet but Im waiting to hear talk like,"did you see *****,he has nails like a girl"..Doing what you do before work is always opportunity for a slip.Ive been pretty good at faithfully removing my makeup before bed.Not really good to keep anything on.I get up way too early to even want to do anything before work.Im happy it was just the headband :hugs:

07-27-2010, 09:41 PM
Goodness yes. I,ve had close calls but one day I was standing in front of the mirror in a little nightie applying lipstick when my 22 year old stepson who happened to stop by unexpected and caught me. HOW EMBARRASING! He said what are doing, turned around and left the room. Still a bit uncomfortable but he hasn't brought it up since. Need to be a little more careful I guess. Glad things worked out for you though. I work a job where I would probably never be able to live it down as well if the guys ever caught me. Stay happy.

07-29-2010, 03:11 AM
I've had that happen a few times when I was much younger and it turned out to be my overactive imagination.

Several years ago a friend came over and we were having drinks and she said to me and my girlfriend (now wife), "I have to ask you something". She had been friends with an ex and I probably should have seen this coming but I didn't. She proceeded to tell me that the ex had outed me to everyone I know and wanted to know if it was all true. I had an instant of shock but as she continued to ask questions and tell me what had been said I realized it was no big deal. My ex had apparently been on a rampage going to the extent of accosting my friend in group setting with such wonderful questions of "how can you let that freak near your children?" All of this happening as she was borrowing money from me. I apparently am a sucker

I realized that all of my fears over the years were way overblown. My ex had done all of this over a year before I even heard about it. In other words apparently my real friends really didn't care enough to even mention it to me. It probably says more about the friends I pick than anything else. To this day Ive never heard about it again and they all treat me the same.

I realize very little about me is normal. Even in the context of this forum but I think we probably all worry too much about what "could happen"

Darla Claire
07-29-2010, 10:26 AM
Ah yes. There was the early morning last winter when I dropped by a colleagues office to discuss some business. She immediately noticed a silver chain gem bracelet I had forgotten to remove. Happily she didn't say anything because I don't know how I could have explained it! I just tucked it up my wrist into my shirt's cuff and continued the conversation.

Probably not outed, eh?

07-29-2010, 11:36 AM
I was fixing a roof for someone and talking to me from the ground they kept giving me weird looks. when i got down i checked my car mirror id left lippy on that was a close call got it off before had one on one contact :o

07-29-2010, 04:39 PM
Ya know what, I used to worry about thigs like that, but no more! So what's the worst thing that could happen if you forget to take off your eyeliner or somting? They may raz ya a few days but in the end so what... I've been there done that, they'll get tired of it in a few days and move on to other things.
Now-a-days I do things like that just to see who'll notice and if they'll ask questioins... I belive the more common place we make ourselves, the more common place we'll become.
In fact, you might even find you have a fellow 'girl" freind besides you on that job.

I'm in total agreement with this, the more people that know the less I have to hide or skulk around, and that can only be a good thing. I'm sure that I have seen this somewhwer on this site. Those that matter don't mind and those that mind don't matter.

08-05-2010, 06:54 AM
You had me on the edge of my seat! I have almost done that when I did not remove my nail polish well enough.

Diane Elizabeth
08-05-2010, 08:10 AM
Monday I wore clip on earings for most of the day. Tuesday I went to work (without earings) and a co worker asked if I had my ears pierced. I said no. Then she got closer and asked if I wore clip ons. Not thinking faast I said no. I then went to a mirror and saw why she asked. There was the indentation from the clip ons in my ears. They still show the marks from the earings three days later.

I still get some comments about my hair length. This is two years after I let it grow out. I where it in a ponytail most of the time.

08-05-2010, 10:16 AM

I'm sorry your put such a strain on your heart Tonya, but that was hysterical! :)

Debra Russell
08-05-2010, 02:32 PM
I did the same thing with clip on's. They were so tight it left little red marks for a week, covered it with makeup and bent the clipon to fit a little looser

08-11-2010, 10:55 PM
I was at a party one time when I was in college. Things got a little carried away and they started throwing people in the pool and horsing around. Well, they decided to throw me in. I was ok with it until they want to take my pants off. No, I wasn't wearing panties, :) but I was wearing toe nail polish. They took my clothes and shoes/socks off and they all saw my red toe nails. I got by because I told them my GF painted them when I was sleeping once. Close call!!!!

08-11-2010, 11:20 PM
I dont think I ever forgot to take makeup off or forgot I was wearing something visible. However I was outed once when I was in HS. My GF and I had just broken up and she told a whole lot of people. At the time I was going to an all boys school (so miss the eye-candy there) and I was one of the most popular people at that school. I pretty much said "yeah so what? does someone have a problem with it?" The only thing that was said was one person asked "well are you gay" which Im sure meant "do you like men" which I lied and said no. It was never brought up again nor did anyone act any different towards me.

Your reactions when being outed can mean everything. Of course you know the people around you and you know how they will react to what you say but if you dont give them the satisfaction of (atleast seeing) that you seem "ashamed" (dont know that thats the right word but it gets the point across) or upset with the fact then chances are they wont have anything to say beyond that point. Stand your ground! Be proud of who you are! If they have a problem . . . well its their problem not yours. If it causes you a problem at school/work then let someone higher up know. In this day and time people cant discriminate because of things like that. It is your personal life and shouldn't affect work/school. At that point they are the ones causing the problems not you. And thats grounds for a wright-up or firing. Again be proud of who you are and hold your head high.

Whispering Oaks
08-13-2010, 12:12 PM
I was fixing a roof for someone and talking to me from the ground they kept giving me weird looks. when i got down i checked my car mirror id left lippy on that was a close call got it off before had one on one contact :o

Lmao thats classic aye :lol2: