View Full Version : What a suprise!!!

Anna Maria
08-02-2010, 07:33 AM
Please turn off the bs detectors for a minute girls.

I am 'out' to only 2 or 3 people, all gg's, one of them is a dear friend who lives in Spain. I was talking to her on MSN the other night and she said "I am sending you something you may like."
Well, guess what dropped through the letter box this morning?
A parcle arrived, so I knew it was from Sue, when I open the packet I found a maroon Gypsy style skirt with beading at the waist and a contrasting brown shade underskirt.
I cannot believe that this has happened to me after all these years, the termed which is well used here in the UK is "Gob smacked" I am shaking that much I can hardly type.
Will have to wait until later on tonight to try it and I can't wait but can't take the risk at the moment
To Sue! Love you darling! :love:

08-02-2010, 07:52 AM
Oh, come on. Is it 2 or 3 people you're out to? :)

It's great to have an empathetic and understanding friend, isn't it?

Many years ago, I came out to a (then only e-mail) gg friend. She knew I was too nervous (read: scared to death) to shop for myself. Without any bidding, she sent me a "care package" ~ a bra, some makeup, perfume, etc. I still have it all (well, what's left), and I recently wore that bra on my first "flying pretty" episode.

Anna Maria
08-02-2010, 07:57 AM
Of course you are right Meg, I was counting the thousands on here! I am so thrilled I am not articulating very well. I meant in real "face to face" terms! I will try and post a pic later if I can pluck up the courage. :)

08-02-2010, 08:34 AM
Sounds like a wonderful friend to me.

Anna Maria
08-02-2010, 02:05 PM
Hopefully, this will work. It is not a good pic but it is the best I can do. Don't know how to do the resizing stuff yet with pics. I will learn. I have finally taken the plunge!!! xxx

08-02-2010, 02:30 PM

Have fun, and if you need any help give me a shout,


Trish xx

Nicole Erin
08-02-2010, 03:32 PM
That is one nice thing about not being in hiding, whether you are TS or CD, the GG's sometimes seem willing to help.
I know I have got some really nice things (not so much expensive but useful) from GG friends.

And yes, really be thankful to your friend cause it was not just that she gave you that skirt but she went thru a lot of trouble to get it to you.

She is a hell of a lady. :)

08-02-2010, 04:09 PM
Do I understand you correctly? You are "enthralled" that A Friend bought you A Present? Now this might surprise you, but friends buy gifts for friends all The Time. It's a Social Bonding Tool for Women!

And just so you understand The Required Ritual...it is now up to you to find out her preferences, and you will send her something equally thoughtful, AFTER a Respectable Interval.

I hadn't given it much thought, but here's another area where we may not be up to Snuff, when it comes to behaving like women. Do we really understand all The Little Social Rituals that are necessary? Forinstance? When is The Last time you attended a Party, or visited someone's home? Did you take along some little "Appreciation Gift?" Some pointless "dust-catcher?" That's what women do, and there's lots more of that sort of stuff we need to learn, if we really want to "Pass Muster."

Peace and Love, Joanie

Anna Maria
08-02-2010, 05:26 PM
Thanks Joanie, appteciate your advice. She is very very speial.

Monika G
08-02-2010, 06:06 PM
I thought it was a nice story.

08-03-2010, 03:21 AM
I know that there is an amount of utter horse-cr*p about on the forum, and not just this one. Isn't it a shame that when something really nice like this happens to one of us we feel we have to point out in advance that its not fiction ?

I had a dear friend in Portsmouth that once sent me the 'perfect' gift, but I too feel that if I posted details of it here, I would be the subject of circumspection to say the least.

I hope your skirt fits, and I hope you remember to send a thank-you card.

Tina B.
08-03-2010, 10:06 AM
Anna, include a picture of you in that skirt, with that thank you card, you look great in it, and she will love seeing you using her gift.
Tina B.

Anna Maria
08-03-2010, 10:10 AM
Good idea Tina, thanks. I've already e-mailed her a pic and got a positive response and a telling off for taking rubbish photo's! Must do better next time, a proper camera needs to purchased I think.

08-03-2010, 10:15 AM
If the skirt fits wear it... ;-) not sure I understand why your post is being analysed, sounds like a really nice gesture not beyond the realm of possibility. I can understand why you are telling everyone because you feel happy to share your story and nice things like that don't happen every day.

Rachel M
08-03-2010, 11:15 AM
The picture is fine. Its that darn Pink Fog that you are surrounded in that make it all cloudy and hard to see. lol

Rachel Morley
08-03-2010, 07:25 PM
It is not a good pic but it is the best I can do. Don't know how to do the resizing stuff yet with pics.
I tried to help as best I can with the pic ..... it looks pretty good on you!

Anna Maria
08-03-2010, 09:05 PM
OMG! Thank you Rachel! xxxxx

08-04-2010, 06:24 AM
NO BS Here. Pretty cool.