View Full Version : Have not been out in ages.

08-03-2010, 09:20 PM
Just came back from a run in the car to Tesco's automated petrol station.

Haven't had an opportunity to get fully dressed in some time, so I thought I'd finish with a drive out to the Reading Tesco, which after closing time you can buy petrol with just a debit card.

Despite being after midnight, I reckoned I could make it into the car without disturbing the neighbours. My smart idea was to open the car with the key instead of the remote - which always makes the card bleep twice.

Not having used the key in a while I turned it the wrong way and yes it didn't bleep, but the alarm went off instead.

So quickly into the car and away.

Some staff cars were around the supermarket, but no-one in the Petrol Station and I put in an unnecessary ten-pounds worth (£1.149 a litre for the record).

Feeling more confident I took a quick delayed-action pic on my camera.

I drove home carefully wondering if I could take another picture.

I found an informal layby near to home and tried to take a picture or two with minimum fuss. Didn't got too badly - mainly taxis out at this time of night. Easier once I realised the traffic light half a mile away bunched the traffic up - which gave me lulls in which to 'pose'.

As I arrived back home my ideas of a smooth return home were dashed by path's sensor lights kicking in. I didn't lock the car until I was safely locked in the house.

Now I'll have to wait a few days to find out if any of my neighbours spotted/IDed me.

Hopefully it will be less than a year before I'm in the fresh air again.

Sandra x
PS. I'll try and attach my rubbishy photos later (and in the correct forum).

08-03-2010, 09:32 PM
As the saying goes- one step at a time. Congrats on getting out!
BTW, the first time I ventured out was to fill up the car in the afternoon.

08-04-2010, 01:08 AM
I had my first daylight outing last Saturday morning, drove my car down the M62, parked up once at my destination, put on lippy & just got out in view, walked across main road:D it was a morning to remember to say the least:)

Well done :hugs:

08-04-2010, 06:29 AM
Sandcastle, nice one. On my very first time out in my car I went to a McDonalds drive through, and ordered a coke. I couldn't believe I did it at the time, but it was very exciting. Give it a go next time your out.
Stay safe.

08-04-2010, 07:11 AM
I haven't been to a store in over a year myself, so I can understand where you're coming from. Congrats on your short outing.

Rianna Humble
08-04-2010, 07:37 AM
Sandra, what a wonderful story and so well told. :thumbsup: Well done you on going out to the all-night petrol station. :hugs: You're quite brave to stop in the lay-by for photos too. I hope this has got your confidence up for venturing outside, but do be warned - this kind of thing can get very addictive :eek:

08-04-2010, 04:44 PM
Your comments are very thoughful and warming.

Sandra x

08-05-2010, 06:11 PM
These are my (first ever outside) rubbish pics from Tuesday night.



:) Yes,.. I'm no Davina Bailey.

Sandra x

Megan Thomas
08-05-2010, 07:14 PM
£1.149/litre? You're being robbed in Berkshire. It's only £1.129 at Asda in Essex.

Well done on braving the journey :thumbsup:

08-06-2010, 09:38 AM
Well Done on getting back out Dressed Sandra,I hope it's first of many for you,It's such a great feeling to be back out en femme especially after a long period,heres to many more regular trips out:)

:hugs:Sophie xx

08-07-2010, 05:51 AM
It's getting the balance right between wanting to try things out, and upsetting my SO - who means everything to me. That and not being able to put my much needed job at risk.


Andrea Renea
08-08-2010, 05:29 AM
£1.149/litr? That's $6.94/GA.

$2.66/GA here in North Carolina in the USA.

Great outing, I've when out and purchased gas enfemme several times.

Always fun to do.

Samantha Girl
08-08-2010, 05:43 AM
I was always afraid to go out for a looong time too. Before 2010 I had been outside en femme about 3 times. Mostly late night drives like yours. Unfortunately the first time I passed a cop on my way home and panicked a bit (even though i was a block from my house). When I parked I jumped outta my car to run up my driveway and totally face planted! Had a bloody elbow & knee and gave my fave 5 inch platform kneeboots a nice scuff. (Which you can see in one of my albums :p) But now I consider that scuff a badge of honor and never leave home without them ;)

Now I actually go out ALL the time! I don't even feel that weird about it. Then again I live outside Portland which has signs everywhere saying KEEP PORTLAND WEIRD He he he. Last week some friends were going to a music show, a band they wanted me to see called Triple Cobra. My girl was away for the weekend and even though I had met these new friends as Samantha already, it was still really hard to drive 8 miles at night, with my kneeboots, all alone, without my girl to make me feel comfortable. I even had to walk down a dark sketchy city street by myself with this tight ass skirt & fishnets on! :p It worked out fine, nobody gave me a second look and it was totally worth it since triple Cobra kicked ass! :D

08-08-2010, 05:51 PM

I recognise what you describe, but is that panicky feeling good or bad?

Sandra x

Maryesther M.
08-08-2010, 06:22 PM
Brave girl ! The photos show that you wore something very sensible indeed that would not attract any attention.

Now to petrol prices....I see one contributor quote US$ per gallon....US gallons, no doubt, which are four fifths of an Imperial gallon, one of which is roughly 4.5 liters, so the US Gallon = 3,6 liters. With £Sterling at roughly US$1.60....how's your mental arithmatic ?
Let me throw another variable into the mix...Here in Ireland we're paying Eur 1.20 per liter for diesel, 1.30 for petrol. 1£ Sterling = 1,20 Eur, which makes our diesel roughly £1.00 per liter, petrol £1.08. This converts to US$ 1.60 & 1.73 per liter respectively, so at 3.6 liters in a US Gallon, then we are paying US$ 5.73 per US Gallon for Diesel, $ 6.23 for Gasoline.

Clear as Guinness, I'm sure.

08-08-2010, 06:37 PM

Love the wide range of styles in your album - especially the under the bower. But which would you have worn to fill the car?

Sandra x

08-08-2010, 06:44 PM
Now to petrol prices....I see one contributor quote US$ per gallon....US gallons, no doubt, which are four fifths of an Imperial gallon, one of which is roughly 4.5 liters, so the US Gallon = 3,6 liters. With £Sterling at roughly US$1.60....how's your mental arithmatic ?
Let me throw another variable into the mix...Here in Ireland we're paying Eur 1.20 per liter for diesel, 1.30 for petrol. 1£ Sterling = 1,20 Eur, which makes our diesel roughly £1.00 per liter, petrol £1.08. This converts to US$ 1.60 & 1.73 per liter respectively, so at 3.6 liters in a US Gallon, then we are paying US$ 5.73 per US Gallon for Diesel, $ 6.23 for Gasoline.

Clear as Guinness, I'm sure.

Clear to the Oil Companys=Profit,Profit,Profit:heehee: