View Full Version : Wedding Dress

08-06-2010, 05:27 PM
Hi everybody

two days ago my married sister was in our house saying that she will put her wedding dress for rent or sale

& she had left her wedding dress in house may be 6 month ago

I was thinking from two days ago that I try it on since she is going to make it for rent or sale

yesterday no one was in the house except me

I took a shower & then go to try it on

I take it out from its protractive bag

& I took a second to look at that thing of beauty

In that very moment I felt every bone in my body was shaking

I return it back fast & walk away

I felt bad & confused all night why I did not wear it

am I really CD or just love of trying or is it desire for someone who could care about me..? I really don't know

08-06-2010, 05:38 PM
Well first, Thank you so much for putting the dress back in its bag....i was scared to keep reading for a second.

Second, Thats your sisters dress.....she wore.....

Third, if you want a dress buy a dress(but not hers); its ok we wont tell anyone:heehee:

Fourth, and to answer your question:

I think its just curiosity and your conscience told you that it was wrong because it was HER dress.

Try to find your own dress, order online, go shopping, thrift stores......

Point is: Dont feel guilty about wearing your own dresses, but wearing someone else's comes with guilt.

Go Shopping!,

08-06-2010, 05:46 PM
I'm sure the dress chose you, Sophia!

08-06-2010, 09:09 PM
Don't be afraid to try it on. Just don't do it any damage, just like if you were trying clothes on in a store. I can understand your hesitation, but if you are CD or just curious, it is ok either way. We all tend to take ourselves so seriously we don't enjoy the odd moments of silliness that come our way. And, if it fits and you like it, make an offer! Otherwise, let us know what size it is.

Dee :fairy1:

08-06-2010, 09:30 PM
I'm with DeeDee. Your sister is ready to part with it and for other people to wear it. Try it on. If you like it. You could get it. " A friend of a friend that works with Cathy came by the house and had the asking price in hand, so I sold it to her for you. You're welcome."

08-06-2010, 11:41 PM
I think that most of us start out by trying on someone else's stuff. I would have loved to have something like a wedding dress to try out early on. I was so jealous of the prom dresses in high school, I even tried on my girlfriend's after the prom when she fell asleep. It was heaven...just like heaven. I now own 5 prom dresses...

08-07-2010, 09:12 AM
I am glad you did not put your sisters wedding dress on, I agree with miss donni. Buy your own wedding dress. I dont know if this would freak your sister out, but if she is okay with it, you might buy her dress from her.

08-07-2010, 02:15 PM
If you try it on... you can help sell it to the bride-to-be by telling her how great it felt... ;-)

08-07-2010, 05:44 PM
May be what you said is true:)

but at the end I did not do it :o

I will try to buy one & see how it goes:daydreaming:

08-07-2010, 06:25 PM
Yeah, I agree with the few people here who say to just try it on. I think as long as your careful (which since you went and showered and everything, it seems you are) that it would be alright. Plus, she's trying to get rid of it anyway, I doubt she'll care if you tried it on if she found out.

08-07-2010, 10:33 PM
If you find out what size it is and how much she wants for it, maybe someone here will buy it.