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View Full Version : Different days, different reactions

08-11-2010, 03:44 PM
The reaction I got to me being me last night was completely different than the reaction I got to me being me today.

Last night was our club meeting night, located an easy enough walk from where I work. As there was a gentle rain, I took the connecting "sky-walk" between buildings to get closer to my destination. I was not dressed up yet, so I had my usual below-the-shoulder hair, white jean-leggings, a light blue top, C-ish forms, dangle earrings, black shoes (not heels), and was carrying my big muti-colored bag (really a purse). When I got to one point between an active building and a now-declining shopping centre, there were a group of roughly 8 boys, probably around grade 11 I estimate. As I walked through, the closest one to me started calling me a "fag" and gay and a "homo" and a c***-sucker, and telling me he wanted to kick my ass; another of the boys called me a "flaming homosexual". I was momentarily tempted to say to the leader, "It takes one to know one", but instead I simply didn't bother acknowleging them and walked through.

Today... I had an appointment with my GP, at my local shopping center. I had to dash out of the house to get the bus, but as soon as I got to the center I changed into a linen dress and put in (the same) forms and went to my appointment that way -- yes, waiting in the waiting room as "a guy in a dress". I then went to one of the boutiques in the mall where they know me by name and browsed and bought a couple of items. The person who decides what discounts to give to regular customers and friends didn't happen to be in, so they handed the items over to me and told me to come back and pay another time -- yes, they trusted me with about $125 of merchandise.

After I had finished trying on the items I had changed back to my work clothes to head to work, so once more I was wearing the white jean leggings, a (different) blue top, (the same) forms, the same dangle earrings, and carrying my big multi-coloured bag/purse, but blue sandals this time. I went into the drug store and picked up some random items, and had to wait some extra time at the cash as the woman ahead of me was slow in moving her cart. While I was waiting, I glanced around a few times, in particular with direct face-to-face looks briefly exchanged with the male to one side. I did speak to the cashier in my normal voice ("No bag, thanks").

After I paid the cashier and moved up a bit to put my items in my bag, a disagreement broke out between the two people in line behind me as to which of them was first. And here's the interesting part: both of them, the male and the woman, spoke in terms of having been the first in line "behind this lady" -- "this lady" referring to me. Both of them used "lady" at least twice in referring to me and neither of them changed the noun as they continued the disagreement. The woman had perhaps not seen me clearly but the guy had, I don't know if the woman "read" me or not; if she did, she must have been relatively sensitive or practiced, in that there was no hesitation in her use of the noun, just someone upset about someone else butting into line and reacting without thinking about the word choice.

So last night I'm scum to be insulted and threatened, and today I'm a "lady" without even trying. What a ride, eh?

08-11-2010, 04:22 PM
its interesting that you saw yourself as "a guy in a dress" and these folks behind you saw a lady. I imagine that gave you a great feeling and made up for the previous night's ugliness.

08-11-2010, 04:26 PM
Sometimes it's just as confusing for us as it is for those around us. But, the difference that I see is one of respect. The 8 teenagers weren't displaying any. But, the 2 behind you in the checkout line were respecting you (although not each other.)

So, you ARE the swan, after all. :clap:

BTW: you played the better hand by not responding to the teeanagers. To have replied with "takes one to know one" would only have taken you down to their level. One of our other members here has a signature line that reminds us not to argue with an idiot (forgive the misquote, please.) I love that line and try to remind myself of it when faced with the idiots of the world.

Enjoy the ride and consider how lucky we are to able to do so. Most others can only imagine what we experience.

08-11-2010, 04:32 PM
Life really is a crap shoot. We never know what we are going get which makes going out so much fun and scary at the same time.

08-11-2010, 04:33 PM
Unfortunately, boys of this age need to prove their own "masculinity" to their peers and they often do it by denigrating others. Some males never do learn that this type of behavior does not "prove" their mascullinity.

08-11-2010, 04:43 PM
Kim, I had switched from dress to practically the same clothes I had last night by the time I went to the drug store, so the boys and the people in line were seeing the same thing.

Susan: yes, you are right that ignoring the trouble-makers was probably the best course of action, at least considering that I don't have the kind of personality that can stop and "win over" a group like that and gently educate them. Still, though, the leading hypothesis is that I am human :D so I still get temptations. But one of the nice thing about knowing myself to be TG is that I don't have to defend myself or uphold my "male honour": If "Sometimes a Man's gotta do what a Man's gotta do!", then Hah-Hah -- I'm not a man, so I don't gotta do it!

08-11-2010, 05:57 PM
Ah the tired old "fag" "homo" etc etc jibe a good retort i've used before " actually i'm not in any case your boyfriend looks the jealous type" or "No i'm not but i have a friend who is gay and single at the moment so if you give me your number"
in some cases their lack of brain power enables you stroll away while their small minds compute constucted sentences.

Megan Thomas
08-13-2010, 04:30 AM
One of our other members here has a signature line that reminds us not to argue with an idiot (forgive the misquote, please.) I love that line and try to remind myself of it when faced with the idiots of the world.

Is it along the lines of: never argue with an idiot as they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience? That's my favourite saying :heehee:

08-13-2010, 04:44 AM
I think you handle the boys correctly and said nothing. Children are just that "children"
as for the line at the store. When will people just learn to respect each other. One of then could just have just let the other go first. does the five minutes really change our lives that much. I have been at markets where I had a full cart of food and the person behind me had only a few items. I told the person to go ahead of me. She was older then I was with gray hair. It made me feel good to just help her get through the line faster.