View Full Version : Well, I guess it had to happen.

08-13-2010, 06:24 PM
I just returned home from my first "with colour" mani and pedi.

The Pedi was completed with OPI Cozu-melted in the sun, and I was at the mani station. As the colour China Glaze Crimson was being applied a lady walked past to the rest room.

On her way back, I recognized her as one of my former dispatchers. She did not look at me, even though I was the only guy in the place. It has been two years since I have seen her following her dismissal for indiscretion.

My colour was finished, and dried with my back to her. All the while, I am wondering if I dare recognize her.

The funny thing is: My heart never even started to race, nor did I really get nervous in any way about it. I think it was because I was in a place that men have not traditionally gone, and going over the boundaries that men usually set when there.

Fortunately, I hope, she was busy with a magazine as I walked past her and out the door. I am not sure if I would have spoken to her if she wasn't reading, but I probably would have.

I am hoping that she has learned discretion in the past couple of years, or I may start to get some funny looks while dressed up as a truck driver.

Time will tell.

08-13-2010, 07:08 PM
I drive a truck too. I'm 247 most people treat me very nice. Today was a bad day though.

Suzi Q
08-13-2010, 08:08 PM
Sooner or later someone you know will see you.
I was in Designer Shoe Warehouse in drab and saw a pair of heels I couldn't resist trying on. After I tried them on and walked over to a mirror, I looked over 2 aisles and saw a woman from church. She looked straight at me but I don't know what she saw or if she recognized me, or what. I have fabricated a story if she ever asks about it , but I haven't seen her at church when I was there and I have missed a week or two myself. Unless she was shocked by what she saw, I figure she will forget about it.
If you are En Femme most likely no one will recognize you because they see female clothes, etc. and their brain tells them you are a female so they aren't looking for familiar male features to identify you.

That's MY theory anyway.

Suzi Q