View Full Version : Just suppose

Kate Simmons
08-14-2010, 05:30 AM
Just suppose I told you that I have finished with CDing for good, that I have accomplished all of my goals in connection with it and have decided to explore fully who I am as a guy? Would you all still accept me here or would you look upon me with suspicion? You've all seen a lot of my looks en femme and I felt I did a fairly good job in that respect. My interaction with other folks en femme was no less successful.

My point is I still consider this my family of sorts and accept all of you for who you say you are. Even if I'm personally not CDing, I have a lot of experience and have been very close to the whole experience. Many say you cannot really quit but how can anyone really speak for anyone else when they can only offer personal or blanket observations plus if we do not accept one another for who we are, aren't we really being guilty of the prejudice and non acceptance we say society shows us?

I got to the point where it became a total choice for me to do it or not do it. Being adaptable seems to work for me in any case. My femme self isn't gone, simply integrated into the whole.My avatars will remain as this is how most of you know me. Works for me.:)

08-14-2010, 05:37 AM
I think you need an intervention. It will be held at the nearest Victoria's Secret at noon tomorrow. :)

I think from reading the threads here, a common comment is to be yourself. Another is that most people will react well if you're open with your gender identity issues.

So be yourself. I still love you. I bet everyone else here in Neverland does too.

08-14-2010, 05:42 AM
Wow Denise, you almost paint yourself as a double agent or something.
You have to do what you have to do. It's not like you're deserting the Army in the face of the enemy.

You'll certainly get no less respect from this girl.

For what it's worth, I might be heading toward the road you're traveling on. Time will tell. If it happens, I certainly won't feel like I'm going over to the other side, whatever that is.

I've pretty much always enjoyed your posts and your insights.

Don't you dare go anywhere, no matter what you're wearing.

Suzie S.
08-14-2010, 05:51 AM
Denise, why would we look at you with suspicion? It doesn't matter what you wear, it's who you are that counts. Just be true to yourself! I've always enjoyed your insightful posts and comments! :thumbsup: Don't you dare ever leave us!! :hugs:

Whispering Oaks
08-14-2010, 05:55 AM
I think that it shouldnt matter whether you do or dont your still the same person after all.

08-14-2010, 06:20 AM
Total acceptance for the person your are. That is the least that we can do. Total support in all your decisions, that is what I will be doing. :hugs:

08-14-2010, 06:54 AM
[QUOTE=Denise Rhodes;2234803]Just suppose I told you that I have finished with CDing for good, that I have accomplished all of my goals in connection with it and have decided to explore fully who I am as a guy?

Once a CD'er , always a CD'er. Sometimes you dress in guy mode, sometime in femme mode. Sometime more time is spent in guy mode, sometimes more time is spent in femme mode. Therefore you will always be welcome and respected by this girl at this Forum.

Although if what you say in the above quote is true, you won't have time to visit this Forum because you will be visiting and viewing all of the "Men focused girly sites on the web". :eek:


08-14-2010, 07:58 AM
I like Denise and Rich for the being you are.

08-14-2010, 08:14 AM
Aren't we all here for support, discussion, sharing, and community? Whether one is 24/7, dresses occasionally, underdresses, or is only involved thoughtfully in transgender issues without dressing, the important word is involved. And if you are here, you are certainly involved :)

Thanks for being here :)


08-14-2010, 08:43 AM
I think you need an intervention. It will be held at the nearest Victoria's Secret at noon tomorrow. :)

I think from reading the threads here, a common comment is to be yourself. Another is that most people will react well if you're open with your gender identity issues.

So be yourself. I still love you. I bet everyone else here in Neverland does too.

I don't know about the intervention part but you can bet I'll be at Victoria's Secret! Your buying right? lol

I get so upset when I see one group discriminating against another. What type of hypocrite would I be to tell someone "Well you've changed so we don't want you here anymore." Probably the worst kind lol! Kind of reminds me of a part in X-men 3 movie. "you saved my life!" then a few sec later "I'm sorry my dear, your not one of us anymore" "and she was so beautiful" something to that sort . . .

As far as I am concerned you are welcome any time. I can't speak for everyone tho.

08-14-2010, 09:26 AM
Denise, I say whatever floats your boat! Integration is just a nice goal for many of us, and if you've made it, congratulations!

You belong here whether you're crossdressing or not. Family is Family.

08-14-2010, 09:31 AM
I always want you here with us. You bring much wisdom and comfort through your words. I certainly dont want to lose you. And if you plan to go, pls message me your email. You were so kind to me when I joined. Look, take away our bodies and we are all the same: souls, human beings.

08-14-2010, 10:42 AM
it doesnt change a thing for me, nor anyone here. We are here because of what we share or need to share, and not how we happen to chose to dress.

08-14-2010, 11:03 AM
We all gathered here to commemorate life of most precious and wonderful person Denise Rhodes. She lived her life in the fullest and embraced love and laughter. We shall remember her light and living days for she has blessed us all in her presence. May you rest in peace Denise Rhodes and may lord look lightly upon your stockinged lovely legs and fresh makeup, May St. Peter welcome you with "Well, Hello Maam" at the gates. May angels share your lovely skirts and dresses and bring color to mostly white heaven. God bless!

08-14-2010, 11:04 AM
Life is a self-discovery. Maybe you have reached the point where cd'ing has become so integrated into your life that you are ready for the adventure as a man again. That's fine.

I for one would love to have everything so integrated that I would be ready to explore the rest of me.

5150 Girl
08-14-2010, 12:49 PM
CDing is in your DNA... Yo may think you're done, but you will be back!

Kate Simmons
08-14-2010, 12:55 PM
I truly appreciate all of your heartfelt expressions my friends. Honestly, how could I possibly think of leaving after that?:)

08-14-2010, 06:01 PM
Hiya Denise,

...and just when I thought I was learning how to post concise replies...Damn

hey, it works for me !!:hugs:

by the way...your pants are on fire...

:D jus' kid'n ya'...

As for your "leaving"... I am sorry, request denied:tongueout


08-15-2010, 01:49 AM
A friend is a friend no matter what he/she is wearing.:2c:

08-15-2010, 01:55 AM
I may have only recently become a member, but I know you've been through the experience so you at least understand all, or most, of us. Where there is understanding, trust is built. So if anything, we won't discriminate against you, we'll just embrace the new you! Or well, the old you. THe point is, we'll embrace you. Like this: :hugs: xD

08-15-2010, 02:20 AM
Just suppose I told you that I have finished with CDing for good, that I have accomplished all of my goals in connection with it and have decided to explore fully who I am as a guy? Would you all still accept me here or would you look upon me with suspicion? You've all seen a lot of my looks en femme and I felt I did a fairly good job in that respect. My interaction with other folks en femme was no less successful.

My point is I still consider this my family of sorts and accept all of you for who you say you are. Even if I'm personally not CDing, I have a lot of experience and have been very close to the whole experience. Many say you cannot really quit but how can anyone really speak for anyone else when they can only offer personal or blanket observations plus if we do not accept one another for who we are, aren't we really being guilty of the prejudice and non acceptance we say society shows us?

I got to the point where it became a total choice for me to do it or not do it. Being adaptable seems to work for me in any case. My femme self isn't gone, simply integrated into the whole.My avatars will remain as this is how most of you know me. Works for me.:)

Hi Denise,

I appreciate the wisdom you've brought to this forum - so I don't really think you believe you could take such and action.

Having said that, I would say, "what difference does it make?" I think the gender question is relevant only when choosing a sexual partner. Outside that situation I don't care how you present...

But, again, thanks for the insight/wisdom you have brought to this forum over the years.


08-15-2010, 03:47 AM

Don't know you well but will support you with any decision you make and welcome your continued participation on the boards.


Kate Simmons
08-15-2010, 04:49 AM
I've been concentrating on developing my guy self for awhile now. I never really did that in my life before as the femme self was always present and accounted for and hard to ignore. I hemmed and hawed about how I was going to tell this to you all and then just said to myself--"Hell, just do it." I shouldn't have been concerned as most of you folks here care about the person that I am.:)

Tina B.
08-15-2010, 09:44 AM
Denise, so your not going to dress anymore huh? Well if you think that makes you any less a member here than the rest of us, your wrong, it's not about what you wear, it's what you feel. As long as you feel you belong here, you do. I believe this is suppose to be a place for Trans people, their SO's, and friends that have an interest in the subject, not just those actively dressing. Besides we all enjoy your insights.
Tina B.

08-15-2010, 06:05 PM
Denise, so your not going to dress anymore huh? Well if you think that makes you any less a member here than the rest of us, your wrong, it's not about what you wear, it's what you feel. As long as you feel you belong here, you do. I believe this is suppose to be a place for Trans people, their SO's, and friends that have an interest in the subject, not just those actively dressing. Besides we all enjoy your insights.
Tina B.

I agree with you Tina.
I could try putting my fem clothes aside someday, but it would not change what is inside me. :)

08-15-2010, 06:18 PM
I have reached a similar feeling, once you accept yourself as you are, stop fighting your desires and actually give yourself the opportunity to get out a lot of the need to dress goes away. It is like you say, you got what you needed and can check it off your list. I would still hold on to your stuff just in case, but I think the only way you will upset anyone is to claim you cured your CDing, but it may be true...just that the cure is not really stopping, it is integrating it and forgetting all the worries related to it. Having the attitude it is a non-event, 'ya I CD sometimes...can someone pass the salt...'

08-15-2010, 06:41 PM
Denise (Rich),
I would hate the thought of you leaving this community. I for one have followed your personal evolution over the last couple years. I think it is great that you have been able to incorporate the elements of yourself, and are moving into a new phase. Your posts were always thoughtful and caring. You have certainly been a positive influence on my thinking. Stop in once in a while for a cup of tea.


08-15-2010, 07:03 PM
.....Would you all still accept me here or would you look upon me with suspicion?.....

I think the title of this forum says it:
*** Welcome to Crossdressers.Com ***
*** The #1 Community for Crossdressers, the Transgendered, Transsexuals, their Loved Ones and Friends ***

Even if you didn't consider yourself a cd'er any more you would still be welcomed as a "loved one and friend"!



Angie G
08-15-2010, 09:09 PM
If you give up dressing I for one still welcome you as you.I don't dislike anyone if they don't intentionally do me wrong.:hugs:

08-15-2010, 09:21 PM
Hi Denise,
I read your post, and I can empathize with it.
Don't purge or give it up entirely. put it away and stick your clothes up in the attic.

You explored a part of yourself and you went for it for a while. Maybe you learned something about yourself.

I look at myself about 11 years ago and I was seriously contemplating living full time & hormones. Things were different then. I have discovered that this route wasn't for me. I am too happy with my guy self. I am too comfortable with the life I have, and by doing so I would be giving up too much of what I love and cherish. Some people need to take this route, and if it finds them happiness and satisfaction, I say good for them. I stand with them.

Anyway, do what's best in your heart.

Jay Cee
08-15-2010, 09:22 PM
I just noticed that you have posted here over 11,000 times. That means that you have given a lot of yourself to others on this forum. I'd reckon you will be welcome here, no matter what duds you're wearing. Good luck with the new, integrated you!

Sarah Doepner
08-15-2010, 10:36 PM
Of course you are welcome and your experience is valuable. But if you insist on showing up en drab we are going to be asking you to get the things off the high shelves, take out the trash and kill all the spiders that show up.

Stick around.

Danni Bear
08-15-2010, 11:45 PM
PA!!!!! Get your rope. That heifer is out and running loose again.


Seriously you are wanted and needed here. Your insights and experience have helped most of us on our journey. We may not have always agreed but you have always been there for whoever needed you.

God bless and keep you safe as you travel a path unknown.

Danni Beard

08-16-2010, 12:33 AM
god speed......peace be the journey.......& don't stay a stranger. A soul is a soul!