View Full Version : Growth

08-30-2005, 02:38 PM
Just wanted to say, as a newbie, I've read with interest those postings that have shared their experiences, good & bad.
I'm struck with the collective wisdom, perspectives, and obvious growth that is written between the lines of those postings. It seems that despite some of the horror stories, unkind acts, and negative opinions of others outside the sisterhood, the ladies have not let it taint their vision of the outside or scar their continued growth and development of their feminine. Not an easy thing to do but I sense their strength in spite of opposition.
My compliments! I confess I admire them and learn from them and their experience as well. T'would indeed be a better world with acceptance and understanding. I'm grateful for the sisters!!

Natalie x
08-30-2005, 02:54 PM
Hi, Mary, welcome and thanks for joining in the forums.

It was this sense of real sisterhood you described that attracted me to crossdressers.com earlier this year. Even though we often disagree, and sometimes squabble, everyone knows that we are a part of a precious, living community, and we help and support each other in a way that I have never seen before, anywhere. Maybe it's because we are only too aware of how easy it is to hurt someone with a thoughtless word. Whatever the explanation, I look forward to signing on every day, to read words of encouragement and tales of daring. All human life is here!

Julie York
08-30-2005, 05:53 PM
Quite right.
Not sure about the collective wisdom. (Half of them are very weird you know!)
But glad you found the place. Enjoy.

08-30-2005, 07:52 PM
Welcome Mary, I just washed my collective wisdom, and have dishpan hands.

08-30-2005, 08:02 PM
Hi Mary,

The main reason I was attracted to this family was the absense of filth,everything else was a wonderful bonus.Occasionaly some one makes an improper post or tries to post photos that are obscene but,the Mods and our
loving and protective Administrator sort these out rather fast.It's wonderful being a small part of this large family.

08-30-2005, 08:09 PM

All I can say is that you have hit the nail on the head. Since I have joined this forum I have learned so much more about myself and have grown in my own acceptance of this important part of who I am. I am so glad that I found this repository of wisdom and I appreciate all of the knowledge, support and guidance.


09-01-2005, 07:43 AM
It's been nice meeting many on here via the internet. Have many new Sisters in my life now. It's pretty cool. Hope to maybe someday meet a few in person. Living in Central Illinois makes it hard as not a large TriEss group here yet. But, We are working on that.

Love to you all!

Emily Ann Brown
09-01-2005, 09:23 AM
Priscilla is so right. I was a member of several groups that scared the life outta me before coming here. Everyone I have contacted trying to learn more from have treated me like family. I have grown tremendously during my time here. And following their example I have a couple of "little sisters" now who I talk to on a regular basis, answering their questions (I still find that a hoot...me with answers!) and trying to be the encouragement to them my older sisters were and still are to me.

It really is a big family we have here.

Emily Ann

Tristen Cox
09-01-2005, 01:28 PM
It can only get better Mary. Stick around we grow fast!;)