View Full Version : Dress didn't fit

08-25-2010, 04:35 PM
I'm so bummed I found the perfect summer dress. It was a beautiful print with spaghetti straps, zipped up the back and nicely above the knees. But wouldn't you know it that if I was maybe 5-10 pounds lighter it would've probably fit. Had to put it back on the shelf...not going to buy it if it doesn't fit. If I was a little kid I would've thrown myself on the floor in a hissy fit! Dammit...might have to start working out!

NV Susan
08-25-2010, 04:42 PM
Monica....run back and buy that dress!!!! Hang it were you'll see it every day, what great motivation to loose those five or ten pounds. :)

renee k
08-25-2010, 05:02 PM
Monica....run back and buy that dress!!!! Hang it were you'll see it every day, what great motivation to loose those five or ten pounds. :)


That's always been the motivator for me. It'seems I always watch my weight closer when I'm dressing as opposed to being a beer drinking don't give a darn male!


08-25-2010, 06:08 PM
That ok - no temper fits. :D You were just having a fat day. Water gain. Maybe next week it will fit.

08-25-2010, 06:19 PM
What a great reward for dropping a few pounds - I agree with all who counsel buying the dress and working your way into it!

Teresa Ann
08-25-2010, 06:55 PM
My Wife notices when I dress more I watch my weight more and take better care of myself, so there is a healthy reason for wearing that cute dress.

Being Paige
08-25-2010, 07:09 PM
I have shedded a few pounds at least to be able to fit into dresses that I have bought that were alittle too small, it was a great feeling when I was able to put them on. I also feel that I tend to make better choices when it comes to healthy choices, feel a whole lot better all the way around.:)

08-25-2010, 08:11 PM
I feel your pain.I recently bought a gorgeous Lacy Rara skirt,when I got it home,well was too small.Think I will be doing as some of the girls have suggested and using It as an Incentive to shed the pounds

:hugs:Sophie xx

Patty B.
08-26-2010, 03:55 AM
I'd go buy the dress if I were you, may not be there if you go back. I'm finding out that sometimes you wait you lose out. Have found a couple of outfits that top was on shelf but no bottoms. I now realize how women feel shopping and cant always find or only can partially find what they are looking for. Kind of depressing in a way.

Ms Jennifer
08-26-2010, 04:05 AM
I agree with the rest of the girls. Go get that dress and hang it where you can see it and lose that weight. I have a LBD waiting for me to lose a little more.There is no better incentive.I have lost over 50 lbs in 2 years.It is a slow process but it took more years than that to gain it .

08-26-2010, 08:00 AM
I'm so bummed I found the perfect summer dress. It was a beautiful print with spaghetti straps, zipped up the back and nicely above the knees. But wouldn't you know it that if I was maybe 5-10 pounds lighter it would've probably fit. Had to put it back on the shelf...not going to buy it if it doesn't fit. If I was a little kid I would've thrown myself on the floor in a hissy fit! Dammit...might have to start working out!

All the cute dresses are a size too small.

Leslie Langford
08-26-2010, 08:29 AM
I also lost about 35 lbs. since the beginning of the year - partly on my doctor's recommendation, and partly because I got tired of carrying around all that extra padding that one tends to accumulate over the years.

It wasn't really all that hard in the end - it basically came down to portion control, cutting back on the carbs, avoiding junk food and sweets, and substituting healthier and low-cal alternatives for former favorites e.g. diet soft drinks for regular soft drinks and popcorn for potato chips etc.

The bonus was that I dropped 2 dress sizes, my clothes all fit me much better now, and I no longer have to shop in the plus-sized stores. My female presentation has also improved considerably in the process, as has my confidence in dealing with SA's. In fact, I am thoroughly enjoying all of the compliments I get from them now about how good the clothes I am trying on look on me. This is largely due to the fact that at 5' 10" with a more proportional weight, while most regular-sized female clothes in the past seemed to fit just right in terms of sleeve and dress length, they now fit equally well at the chest and waist.

Needless to say, clothes shopping has become even more fun, and I am thoroughly enjoying putting together a new, more stylish wardrobe. I am also determined to maintain this new weight at all costs, so that is an added incentive.

Angie G
08-26-2010, 09:33 AM
Susan's right Monica do it.:hugs:

08-26-2010, 06:39 PM
buy the dress in the next size up

08-27-2010, 11:22 AM
All the cute dresses are a size too small.

:roflmao: Ain't that the truth!

Monica, if hearing it 50 times wasn't enough, I will echo it. I lost a total of 70 pounds a couple of years back. The end was the toughest, but a dress in the closet was my inspiration. Retail therapy is helpful in many ways!