View Full Version : Never lose heart...

08-26-2010, 04:08 PM
For those that thing being Trans will exclude you from becoming employed by mainstream business, I have an announcement. I was just hired by Walmart and as a cashier too! Not in a position where they can just say that they hired me and keep me out of sight.! Right up there were all the customers can see. I must admit I didnt think I would say it but, Good for Walmart....at least ours.

My Lady Marsea
08-26-2010, 04:18 PM
That's really kewl, congrats to you. I woulda never thought Walmart would do that. I've like always had a fantasy of being the door greater there. :lol: Talk about a up front position. This last year and a half I did manage to stay pretty much employed with the whole Census thingie as an door to door enumerator. That's like ground to a halt now though. Oh well, I still have what's left of my seasonal retail store for this winter.:daydreaming: Nothing really beats being employed as a female though and actually getting paid.

Teresa Ann
08-26-2010, 04:35 PM
I'll take any job any way as long as I don't have to wear my skirts too short.

Melody Moore
08-26-2010, 06:53 PM
Personally I believe that its a good thing they hire someone who is trans because it shows they do not discriminate & they accept people for who they are. Also depending on your local anti-discrimination laws employers & co-workers cannot vilify you or discriminate against you nowadays anyway

But then take the situation I have at the moment with my 'closet bisexual house-mate' who once told me he was non-judgemental & accepted people for who they were. So I decided to test him on this by coming out here then I found out he is a total hypocrite! He is transphobic/homophobic & fears people questioning his own sexuality. :battingeyelashes: However I have tried to explain to him the benefits about having someone like me around because the it will prove that he is accepting & truly non-judgement. Sadly he fails to see any of it and trying to explain any of this to him is like bashing my head against the wall. So I am moving out this weekend. But it wont end there... I will be going to talk to my lawyer next week and will be launching legal action against him because he is discriminating against me by evicting me because I decided to come out while living here. I have recorded evidence of him doing this. :D

But back on the subject about acceptance in the workplace... how often do you see androgynous young guys working in supermarkets nowadays? I see it a lot out here in Australia. Years ago there is no way they would have allowed anyone who was a little different to be working in such roles. I have found that since coming out that social acceptance is a whole lot better than it was 20 years ago.

I have another trans friend here who works in the male dominated sugar industry where she drives sugar cane harvesters for a living. She tells me that her boss loves the fact that she shows more courage than any male he knows in the industry apparently & will never fire her because it still doesn't change the fact that she is a really good operator.

The sooner we stop fearing ourselves like my house-mate does & realise that most of society isn't so scary after all, then the sooner we are ALL set free! I can also testify to this because for the most part, I have found that most of society is very accepting of me. The hecklers are well into the minority nowadays. And if they give you shit, just watch how many other people quickly pounce on them, especially the GGs. :heehee:

So I cant wait for my name change to finally go through and to get all my documents changed over to my new name so I can apply for a new job as a technician in the IT industry once again. I personally believe that I will also be very good at customer relations in that type of work. And if they do figure out I'm trans, I really don't care anymore because I love nothing better to take such opportunities nowadays to help promote transsexual awareness.

So if you are still hiding in the closet because you fear that you look like a truck-driver in drag and fear what people will think about you, ignore it, walk tall, & with confidence & watch how many people who will actually come up & congratulate you & you might actually land a good job in a mainsteam business. Also by coming out, you also help our cause by promoting better transsexual awareness in your local community.

Traci Elizabeth
08-26-2010, 08:46 PM
What wonderful news. I am so happy for you.

08-26-2010, 09:55 PM
Three cheers for Wal-Mart!!! And three cheers to you!!!!

08-26-2010, 11:38 PM
It is really a tragedy that a group of people - us- are routinely denied the opportunity to fully contribute in the workplace. It is a shame that we must often choose between expressing our true identities and our livelihood Jeez, I sound like Gloria Stienem!

08-27-2010, 01:17 PM
Thats fabulous news Majestyk. Congratulations.

08-27-2010, 03:52 PM
Thanks everyone and dont give up!