View Full Version : Happiness and Problems

08-30-2010, 04:54 AM
These are the types of problems I like

My wife borrowed some of my panties -- Hanes Authentic boy shorts -- and really liked 'em. So she decided tat she wanted her own. Thing is that I wear one size larger than her, and she wanted them in my size. Of course I was agreeable to going shopping for them -- this usually means that I can get some new panties too :)

So we get to Target and find what she wants. Hmm -- problem -- I want some new Hanes Authentic too -- and how do we tell which is who's. Easy answer -- I buy the bikini cut -- she buys the boy shorts. She also gets all my old boy shorts ones.

Guilty problem -- when you go shopping with your wife and end up buying more girls clothes than she does. Solution -- make up for it with love and kisses because you have a wife who lets you wear and buy girls clothes.

Another problem -- pajamas -- so we are shopping and both see this cute sleep shirt with matching bottoms ... we buy identical sets -- how to tell them apart at wash time -- I buy the one with shorts - she buys the one with the long pants.

Happiness -- your wife taking advise from you on whether or not a particular bra is comfortable.-- and she tells you that you should get a new bra too -- you both buy new bras -- together

Life is grand this Monday



Maryesther M.
08-30-2010, 05:49 AM
You've just described what would be total bliss for me. Enjoy your life together, whatever 'problems' come your way.

08-30-2010, 08:23 AM
when I had an SO and this issue, I used to use a sharpie on the size tag of whatever garment, and put my initial there to mark them as mine :)

Before that, she would wear my pantyhose and sometimes ladder them! (as we all do, but its even more disappointing when someone else does it to your nice pair!) i can only sympathize with the GG's that have their man ruining their clothing. buy your own! :) hehe


08-30-2010, 09:31 AM
I wish I had that problem! It sounds like a fun problem to have :).

Enjoy it for me, will you? :D

Tracy X Cruz
08-30-2010, 09:35 AM
Me and the Girlfriend(SO) have such different taste that it is easy to tell apart if not by style, then by colors, I am blue and purple color coded while she is greens and browns.

08-30-2010, 10:14 AM
Its great to share when you can. I love it when my wife wears my things ;)

08-30-2010, 10:44 AM
My wife used to deny me to buy the clothes she liked but didn't find the right size. Last times she lets me do it so could that be called progress... :battingeyelashes:

08-30-2010, 05:23 PM
Sounds like a dream to me. At least somebody is enjoying my dream.

Alice B
08-30-2010, 05:56 PM
WE should all have such a problem.:heehee: