View Full Version : Cathing up!

09-08-2010, 01:03 PM
Hello everyone!!!
It’s been a little over a year since I’ve been on and a metric ton of stuff has happened since then so I thought I’d tell you all about it.

About a two ago I finally told my SO about my Cding. She didn’t take it so well. Turns out that here Uncle and his wife are CDers as well as swingers. She has had a very negative experience around them as they are very mean to each other as well as hardly together. When I told her she flipped and of course asked all the standard questions (IE.. so are you gay??). I told her the truth that I loved only her and only wanted to be with her. She told me that it was completely disgusting and that she could not accept it. She told me she was going to take our two kids and go live with her parents. I begged her to stay and told her I would do anything to keep her from leaving. Her response was never that I was never to do it again. To which I told her I would do everything in my power not to do it anymore. Things where weird between us for a long time she didn’t even want to be kissed by me. We still talked and the more time that passed by the more we talked about six months passed and she told me that she realized that I could not just stop and that if I did do it she wanted nothing to do with it or even know about it.

So one day I was checking my email that I used for this site (Ravin_nightshade) and I forgot to log out before I went to work. She used the computer while I was at work and up popped my email. Now it’s not like there was anything in it in fact there was not any mail in it at all but the custom pink back ground was enough to throw her overboard. She waited all day for me to get home to inform me that she was going to move out because she didn’t marry a woman she married a man. We talked about it and I told her the truth that I had been dressing every since I was 5 and that I underdressed all the way through high school (we were super good friends during high school and she never knew) and talked and talked finally we just stopped talking about it all together.

About a year later this last weekend actually she and I talked about it. She actually brought it up and we talked very calmly and very openly about it. I told her everything and she listened and actually understood me. She and I talked about clothing and fem stuff for a while off and on throughout the three day weekend. She told me she still does not want to know when and does not want to be a part of it but she fully understands why. She told me that had I told her during high school she would have probably been more open to the idea as she had not been scared by her family at that point, but who’s to say that we ever would have got together. The funny part is that during the course of the weekend we watched “she’s the man” and “jawanna man” both about people who dress as the opposite sex in order to feel complete (her pick not mine). She told me that there were certain things of hers that where off limits which I agreed to. Then on Monday she told me that she needs new Bra’s (we just had our third child so things got bigger and now they don’t fit her) and that when she gets new ones I can have her old ones. It took every ounce of my being not to scream with excitement that she was opening up to the idea…. Now I just can’t wait for the day when she wants to go shopping together. Any way with all of this happening I’m so happy that she is starting to relax about it.

thanks for listening

Kathi Lake
09-08-2010, 01:12 PM

So happy to hear that everything is working out - even slowly. Take it at her pace. Back off when necessary, and continue to be the loving man she married.


09-08-2010, 01:49 PM
Time, patience, empathy and honesty are the best things we have going for us. I think you're beginning to see the results of allowing allowing all four to work with her. Best wishest to both of you.

09-08-2010, 03:35 PM
Welcome back.

Good to hear things have progressed in a positive way. It does take time, sometimes. Especially if one is scarred by family.

09-08-2010, 04:15 PM
Sounds like time, dedication and love have brought you to a place where you can actually not feel as ashamed for being who you are. I know they are all small steps, but you must be elated!


09-08-2010, 09:33 PM
This story is proof that sometimes we just have to give them time to grasp the whole thing. Then we might just be surprised like you were with the result.